CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.76b+
">Chapter 7. Supporting Tools
In support of the service API - primarily the ASN module, which provides the pro-grammatic interface to the Z39.50 APDUs, YAZ contains a collection of tools that support the development of applications. Query Syntax ParsersSince the type-1 (RPN) query structure has no direct, useful string representation, every origin application needs to provide some form of mapping from a local query notation or representation to a Z_RPNQuery structure. Some programmers will prefer to construct the query manually, perhaps using odr_malloc() to simplify memory management. The YAZ distribution includes two separate, query-generating tools that may be of use to you. Prefix Query FormatSince RPN or reverse polish notation is really just a fancy way of describing a suffix notation format (operator follows operands), it would seem that the confusion is total when we now introduce a prefix notation for RPN. The reason is one of simple laziness - it's somewhat simpler to interpret a prefix format, and this utility was designed for maximum simplicity, to provide a baseline representation for use in simple test applications and scripting environments (like Tcl). The demonstration client included with YAZ uses the PQF.
The PQF is defined by the pquery module in the YAZ library. There are two sets of function that have similar behavior. First set operates on a PQF parser handle, second set doesn't. First set set of functions are more flexible than the second set. Second set is obsolete and is only provided to ensure backwards compatibility. First set of functions all operate on a PQF parser handle:
A PQF parser is created and destructed by functions yaz_pqf_create and yaz_pqf_destroy respectively. Function yaz_pqf_parse parses query given by string qbuf. If parsing was successful, a Z39.50 RPN Query is returned which is created using ODR stream o. If parsing failed, a NULL pointer is returned. Function yaz_pqf_scan takes a scan query in qbuf. If parsing was successful, the function returns attributes plus term pointer and modifies attributeSetId to hold attribute set for the scan request - both allocated using ODR stream o. If parsing failed, yaz_pqf_scan returns a NULL pointer. Error information for bad queries can be obtained by a call to yaz_pqf_error which returns an error code and modifies *msg to point to an error description, and modifies *off to the offset within last query were parsing failed. The second set of functions are declared as follows:
The function p_query_rpn() takes as arguments an ODR stream (see section The ODR Module) to provide a memory source (the structure created is released on the next call to odr_reset() on the stream), a protocol identifier (one of the constants PROTO_Z3950 and PROTO_SR), an attribute set reference, and finally a null-terminated string holding the query string. If the parse went well, p_query_rpn() returns a pointer to a Z_RPNQuery structure which can be placed directly into a Z_SearchRequest. If parsing failed, due to syntax error, a NULL pointer is returned. The p_query_attset specifies which attribute set to use if the query doesn't specify one by the @attrset operator. The p_query_attset returns 0 if the argument is a valid attribute set specifier; otherwise the function returns -1. The grammar of the PQF is as follows:
You will note that the syntax above is a fairly faithful representation of RPN, except for the Attribute, which has been moved a step away from the term, allowing you to associate one or more attributes with an entire query structure. The parser will automatically apply the given attributes to each term as required. The @attr operator is followed by an attribute specification (attr-spec above). The specification consists of optional an attribute set, an attribute type-value pair and a sub query. The attribute type-value pair is packed in one string: an attribute type, a dash, followed by an attribute value. The type is always an integer but the value may be either an integer or a string (if it doesn't start with a digit character). Z39.50 version 3 defines various encoding of terms. Use the @term operator to indicate the encoding type: general, numeric, string (for InternationalString), .. If no term type has been given, the general form is used which is the only encoding allowed in both version 2 - and 3 of the Z39.50 standard. The following are all examples of valid queries in the PQF.
Common Command LanguageNot all users enjoy typing in prefix query structures and numerical attribute values, even in a minimalistic test client. In the library world, the more intuitive Common Command Language (or ISO 8777) has enjoyed some popularity - especially before the widespread availability of graphical interfaces. It is still useful in applications where you for some reason or other need to provide a symbolic language for expressing boolean query structures. The EUROPAGATE research project working under the Libraries programme of the European Commission's DG XIII has, amongst other useful tools, implemented a general-purpose CCL parser which produces an output structure that can be trivially converted to the internal RPN representation of YAZ (The Z_RPNQuery structure). Since the CCL utility - along with the rest of the software produced by EUROPAGATE - is made freely available on a liberal license, it is included as a supplement to YAZ. CCL SyntaxThe CCL parser obeys the following grammar for the FIND argument. The syntax is annotated by in the lines prefixed by ‐‐.
The following queries are all valid:
Assuming that the qualifiers ti, au and date are defined we may use:
CCL QualifiersQualifiers are used to direct the search to a particular searchable index, such as title (ti) and author indexes (au). The CCL standard itself doesn't specify a particular set of qualifiers, but it does suggest a few short-hand notations. You can customize the CCL parser to support a particular set of qualifiers to reflect the current target profile. Traditionally, a qualifier would map to a particular use-attribute within the BIB-1 attribute set. However, you could also define qualifiers that would set, for example, the structure-attribute. Consider a scenario where the target support ranked searches in the title-index. In this case, the user could specify
and the ranked would map to relation=relevance (2=102) and the ti would map to title (1=4). A "profile" with a set predefined CCL qualifiers can be read from a file. The YAZ client reads its CCL qualifiers from a file named default.bib. Each line in the file has the form: qualifier-name type=val type=val ... where qualifier-name is the name of the qualifier to be used (eg. ti), type is a BIB-1 category type and val is the corresponding BIB-1 attribute value. The type can be either numeric or it may be either u (use), r (relation), p (position), s (structure), t (truncation) or c (completeness). The qualifier-name term has a special meaning. The types and values for this definition is used when no qualifiers are present. Consider the following definition:
Two qualifiers are defined, ti and au. They both set the structure-attribute to phrase (1). ti sets the use-attribute to 4. au sets the use-attribute to 1. When no qualifiers are used in the query the structure-attribute is set to free-form-text (105). CCL APIAll public definitions can be found in the header file ccl.h. A profile identifier is of type CCL_bibset. A profile must be created with the call to the function ccl_qual_mk which returns a profile handle of type CCL_bibset. To read a file containing qualifier definitions the function ccl_qual_file may be convenient. This function takes an already opened FILE handle pointer as argument along with a CCL_bibset handle. To parse a simple string with a FIND query use the function
which takes the CCL profile (bibset) and query (str) as input. Upon successful completion the RPN tree is returned. If an error occur, such as a syntax error, the integer pointed to by error holds the error code and pos holds the offset inside query string in which the parsing failed. An English representation of the error may be obtained by calling the ccl_err_msg function. The error codes are listed in ccl.h. To convert the CCL RPN tree (type struct ccl_rpn_node *) to the Z_RPNQuery of YAZ the function ccl_rpn_query must be used. This function which is part of YAZ is implemented in yaz-ccl.c. After calling this function the CCL RPN tree is probably no longer needed. The ccl_rpn_delete destroys the CCL RPN tree. A CCL profile may be destroyed by calling the ccl_qual_rm function. The token names for the CCL operators may be changed by setting the globals (all type char *) ccl_token_and, ccl_token_or, ccl_token_not and ccl_token_set. An operator may have aliases, i.e. there may be more than one name for the operator. To do this, separate each alias with a space character. |