
GimpBilinear —


gdouble     gimp_bilinear                   (gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             gdouble *values);
guchar      gimp_bilinear_8                 (gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             guchar *values);
guint16     gimp_bilinear_16                (gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             guint16 *values);
guint32     gimp_bilinear_32                (gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             guint32 *values);
GimpRGB     gimp_bilinear_rgb               (gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             GimpRGB *values);
GimpRGB     gimp_bilinear_rgba              (gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             GimpRGB *values);
void        gimp_bilinear_pixels_8          (guchar *dest,
                                             gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             guint bpp,
                                             gboolean has_alpha,
                                             guchar **values);



gimp_bilinear ()

gdouble     gimp_bilinear                   (gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             gdouble *values);

x :
y :
values :
Returns :

gimp_bilinear_8 ()

guchar      gimp_bilinear_8                 (gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             guchar *values);

x :
y :
values :
Returns :

gimp_bilinear_16 ()

guint16     gimp_bilinear_16                (gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             guint16 *values);

x :
y :
values :
Returns :

gimp_bilinear_32 ()

guint32     gimp_bilinear_32                (gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             guint32 *values);

x :
y :
values :
Returns :

gimp_bilinear_rgb ()

GimpRGB     gimp_bilinear_rgb               (gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             GimpRGB *values);

x :
y :
values :
Returns :

gimp_bilinear_rgba ()

GimpRGB     gimp_bilinear_rgba              (gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             GimpRGB *values);

x :
y :
values :
Returns :

gimp_bilinear_pixels_8 ()

void        gimp_bilinear_pixels_8          (guchar *dest,
                                             gdouble x,
                                             gdouble y,
                                             guint bpp,
                                             gboolean has_alpha,
                                             guchar **values);

Computes bilinear interpolation of four pixels.

When has_alpha is FALSE, it's identical to gimp_bilinear_8() on each channel separately. When has_alpha is TRUE, it handles alpha channel correctly.

The pixels in values correspond to corner x, y coordinates in the following order: [0,0], [1,0], [0,1], [1,1].

dest : Pixel, where interpolation result is to be stored.
x : x-coordinate (0.0 to 1.0).
y : y-coordinate (0.0 to 1.0).
bpp : Bytes per pixel. dest and each values item is an array of bpp bytes.
has_alpha : TRUE if the last channel is an alpha channel.
values : Array of four pointers to pixels.