

BonoboControlFrame -- An implementation of the container's frame containing a Control


typedef     BonoboControlFrame;
typedef     BonoboControlFrameClass;
BonoboControlFrame* bonobo_control_frame_new
                                            (Bonobo_UIContainer ui_container);
GtkWidget*  bonobo_control_frame_get_widget (BonoboControlFrame *frame);
void        bonobo_control_frame_set_ui_container
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             Bonobo_UIContainer uic);
void        bonobo_control_frame_control_activate
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);
void        bonobo_control_frame_control_deactivate
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);
void        bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             gboolean autoactivate);
gboolean    bonobo_control_frame_get_autoactivate
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);
Bonobo_PropertyBag bonobo_control_frame_get_control_property_bag
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             CORBA_Environment *ev);
void        bonobo_control_frame_set_propbag
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             BonoboPropertyBag *propbag);
BonoboPropertyBag* bonobo_control_frame_get_propbag
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);
void        bonobo_control_frame_control_set_state
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             GtkStateType state);
void        bonobo_control_frame_set_autostate
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             gboolean autostate);
gboolean    bonobo_control_frame_get_autostate
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);
void        bonobo_control_frame_bind_to_control
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             Bonobo_Control control);
Bonobo_Control bonobo_control_frame_get_control
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);
Bonobo_UIContainer bonobo_control_frame_get_ui_container
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);
BonoboControlFrame* bonobo_control_frame_construct
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             Bonobo_UIContainer ui_container);
void        bonobo_control_frame_size_request
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             int *desired_width,
                                             int *desired_height);
void        bonobo_control_frame_sync_realize
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *frame);
void        bonobo_control_frame_sync_unrealize
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *frame);


The BonoboControlFrame object is used to embed a Control. Most people will want to use BonoboWidget instead of the control frame since it provides lots of nice auxiliary features to make embedding easy.

The control frame is coupled to an embedded control and is used to allow the Control to communicate with its environment, particuarly getting the BonoboUIContainer for merging its menu / toolbar UI elements.

Example 1. A nice use of a BonoboControlFrame

BonoboWidget *
bonobo_widget_construct_control_from_objref (BonoboWidget      *bw,
					     Bonobo_Control     control,
					     Bonobo_UIContainer uic)
	GtkWidget    *control_frame_widget;

	 * Create a local ControlFrame for it.
	bw->priv->control_frame = bonobo_control_frame_new (uic);

	bonobo_control_frame_bind_to_control (bw->priv->control_frame, control);


	bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate (bw->priv->control_frame, TRUE);

	 * Grab the actual widget which visually contains the remote
	 * Control.  This is a GtkSocket, in reality.
	control_frame_widget = bonobo_control_frame_get_widget (bw->priv->control_frame);

	 * Now stick it into this BonoboWidget.
	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (bw),

	 * Always remember to show the widget before reporting bugs.
	gtk_widget_show (control_frame_widget);

	if (uic != CORBA_OBJECT_NIL)
		bw->priv->uic = bonobo_object_dup_ref (uic, NULL);

	return bw;



typedef struct {
	BonoboXObject base;
	BonoboControlFramePrivate *priv;
} BonoboControlFrame;


typedef struct {
	BonoboXObjectClass parent_class;

	POA_Bonobo_ControlFrame__epv epv;

	/* Signals. */
	void (*activated)           (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame, gboolean state);
	void (*activate_uri)        (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame, const char *uri, gboolean relative);

} BonoboControlFrameClass;

bonobo_control_frame_new ()

BonoboControlFrame* bonobo_control_frame_new
                                            (Bonobo_UIContainer ui_container);

ui_container : The Bonobo_UIContainer for the container application.
Returns : BonoboControlFrame object that implements the Bonobo::ControlFrame CORBA service.

bonobo_control_frame_get_widget ()

GtkWidget*  bonobo_control_frame_get_widget (BonoboControlFrame *frame);

Use this function when you want to embed a BonoboControl into your container's widget hierarchy. Once you have bound the BonoboControlFrame to a remote BonoboControl, place the widget returned by bonobo_control_frame_get_widget() into your widget hierarchy and the control will appear in your application.

frame : The BonoboControlFrame whose widget is being requested.a
Returns : A GtkWidget which has the remote BonoboControl physically inside it.

bonobo_control_frame_set_ui_container ()

void        bonobo_control_frame_set_ui_container
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             Bonobo_UIContainer uic);

Associates a new Bonobo_UIContainer object with this ControlFrame. This is only allowed while the Control is deactivated.

control_frame : A BonoboControlFrame object.
uic : A Bonobo_UIContainer object reference.

bonobo_control_frame_control_activate ()

void        bonobo_control_frame_control_activate
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);

Activates the BonoboControl embedded in control_frame by calling the activate() Bonobo_Control interface method on it.

control_frame : The BonoboControlFrame object whose control should be activated.

bonobo_control_frame_control_deactivate ()

void        bonobo_control_frame_control_deactivate
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);

Deactivates the BonoboControl embedded in control_frame by calling the activate() CORBA method on it with the parameter FALSE.

control_frame : The BonoboControlFrame object whose control should be deactivated.

bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate ()

void        bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             gboolean autoactivate);

Modifies the autoactivate behavior of control_frame. If control_frame is set to autoactivate, then it will automatically send an "activate" message to the Control to which it is bound when it gets a focus-in event, and a "deactivate" message when it gets a focus-out event. Autoactivation is off by default.

control_frame : A BonoboControlFrame object.
autoactivate : A flag which indicates whether or not the ControlFrame should automatically perform activation on the Control to which it is bound.

bonobo_control_frame_get_autoactivate ()

gboolean    bonobo_control_frame_get_autoactivate
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);

control_frame : A BonoboControlFrame object.
Returns : A boolean which indicates whether or not control_frame is set to automatically activate its Control. See bonobo_control_frame_set_autoactivate().

bonobo_control_frame_get_control_property_bag ()

Bonobo_PropertyBag bonobo_control_frame_get_control_property_bag
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             CORBA_Environment *ev);

This retrives a Bonobo_PropertyBag reference from its associated Bonobo Control

control_frame : the control frame
ev : CORBA exception environment
Returns : CORBA property bag reference or CORBA_OBJECT_NIL

bonobo_control_frame_set_propbag ()

void        bonobo_control_frame_set_propbag
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             BonoboPropertyBag *propbag);

Makes control_frame use propbag for its ambient properties. When control_frame's Control requests the ambient properties, it will get them from propbag.

control_frame : A BonoboControlFrame object.
propbag : A BonoboPropertyBag which will hold control_frame's ambient properties.

bonobo_control_frame_get_propbag ()

BonoboPropertyBag* bonobo_control_frame_get_propbag
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);

control_frame : A BonoboControlFrame object whose PropertyBag has been set.
Returns : The BonoboPropertyBag object which has been associated with control_frame.

bonobo_control_frame_control_set_state ()

void        bonobo_control_frame_control_set_state
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             GtkStateType state);

Proxies state to the control bound to control_frame.

control_frame : A BonoboControlFrame object which is bound to a remote BonoboControl.
state : A GtkStateType value, specifying the widget state to apply to the remote control.

bonobo_control_frame_set_autostate ()

void        bonobo_control_frame_set_autostate
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             gboolean autostate);

Changes whether or not control_frame automatically proxies state changes to its associated control. The default mode is for the control frame to autopropagate.

control_frame : A BonoboControlFrame object.
autostate : Whether or not GtkWidget state changes should be automatically propagated down to the Control.

bonobo_control_frame_get_autostate ()

gboolean    bonobo_control_frame_get_autostate
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);

control_frame : A BonoboControlFrame object.
Returns : Whether or not this control frame will automatically proxy GtkState changes to its associated Control.

bonobo_control_frame_bind_to_control ()

void        bonobo_control_frame_bind_to_control
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             Bonobo_Control control);

Associates control with this control_frame.

control_frame : A BonoboControlFrame object.
control : The CORBA object for the BonoboControl embedded in this BonoboControlFrame.

bonobo_control_frame_get_control ()

Bonobo_Control bonobo_control_frame_get_control
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);

control_frame : A BonoboControlFrame which is bound to a remote BonoboControl.
Returns : The Bonobo_Control CORBA interface for the remote Control which is bound to frame. See also bonobo_control_frame_bind_to_control().

bonobo_control_frame_get_ui_container ()

Bonobo_UIContainer bonobo_control_frame_get_ui_container
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame);

control_frame : A BonoboControlFrame object.
Returns : The Bonobo_UIContainer object reference associated with this ControlFrame. This ui_container is specified when the ControlFrame is created. See bonobo_control_frame_new().

bonobo_control_frame_construct ()

BonoboControlFrame* bonobo_control_frame_construct
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             Bonobo_UIContainer ui_container);

Initializes control_frame with the parameters.

control_frame : The BonoboControlFrame object to be initialized.
ui_container : A CORBA object for the UIContainer for the container application.
Returns : the initialized BonoboControlFrame object control_frame that implements the Bonobo::ControlFrame CORBA service.

bonobo_control_frame_size_request ()

void        bonobo_control_frame_size_request
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *control_frame,
                                             int *desired_width,
                                             int *desired_height);

control_frame : 
desired_width : 
desired_height : 

bonobo_control_frame_sync_realize ()

void        bonobo_control_frame_sync_realize
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *frame);

frame : 

bonobo_control_frame_sync_unrealize ()

void        bonobo_control_frame_sync_unrealize
                                            (BonoboControlFrame *frame);

frame : 

See Also

BonoboWidget, bonobo_widget_new()