A simple interface to facilitate parsing a multipart message. The typical RubyMail user will have no use for this class. Although it is an example of how to use a PushbackReader, the typical RubyMail user will never use a PushbackReader either. ;-)
Creates a MIME multipart parser. input is an object supporting a read method that takes one argument, a suggested number of bytes to read, and returns either a string of bytes read or nil if there are no more bytes to read. boundary is the string boundary that separates the parts, without the "--" prefix. This class is a suitable input source when parsing recursive multiparts.
Returns the next chunk of data from the input stream as a string. The chunk_size is passed down to the read method of this object's input stream to suggest a size to it, but don't depend on the returned data being of any particular size. If this method returns nil, you must call next_part to begin reading the next MIME part in the data stream.
Start reading the next part. Returns true if there is a next part to read, or false if we have reached the end of the file.
Call this to determine if #read is currently returning strings from the preamble portion of a mime multipart.
Call this to determine if #read is currently returning strings from the epilogue portion of a mime multipart.
Call this to retrieve the delimiter string that terminated the part just read. This is cleared by #next_part. |