JBoss API: Interface SchedulerMBean

Interface SchedulerMBean

All Superinterfaces:
Service, ServiceMBean
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SchedulerMBean
extends ServiceMBean

This interface defines the manageable interface for a Scheduler Service allowing the client to create a Schedulable instance which is then run by this service at given times or to use a MBean which is called by this service at given times.
Attention: You have two ways to specify the Schedulable. Either you specify a Schedulable Class which is created and used by the Scheduler or you specify a JMX MBean which the specified method is called. Note that the last method of setSchedulableClass(java.lang.String) or setSchedulableMBean(java.lang.String) defines which one is used. Therefore you should never mixed these two.

Andreas Schaefer

Field Summary
static java.lang.String OBJECT_NAME
Fields inherited from interface org.jboss.util.ServiceMBean
Method Summary
 long getInitialRepetitions()
 java.lang.String getInitialStartDate()
 long getRemainingRepetitions()
 java.lang.String getSchedulableArguments()
 java.lang.String getSchedulableArgumentTypes()
 java.lang.String getSchedulableClass()
 java.lang.String getSchedulableMBean()
 java.lang.String getSchedulableMBeanMethod()
 long getSchedulePeriod()
 boolean isActive()
 boolean isRestartPending()
 boolean isStartAtStartup()
 boolean isStarted()
 boolean isUsingMBean()
 void restartSchedule()
          Stops the server right now and starts it right now.
 void setInitialRepetitions(long pNumberOfCalls)
          Sets the initial number of scheduled calls.
 void setInitialStartDate(java.lang.String pStartDate)
          Sets the first scheduled call.
 void setSchedulableArguments(java.lang.String pArgumentList)
          Sets the comma seperated list of arguments for the Schedulable class.
 void setSchedulableArgumentTypes(java.lang.String pTypeList)
          Sets the comma seperated list of argument types for the Schedulable class.
 void setSchedulableClass(java.lang.String pSchedulableClass)
          Sets the fully qualified Class name of the Schedulable Class being called by the Scheduler.
 void setSchedulableMBean(java.lang.String pSchedulableMBean)
          Sets the fully qualified JMX MBean name of the Schedulable MBean to be called.
 void setSchedulableMBeanMethod(java.lang.String pSchedulableMBeanMethod)
          Sets the method name to be called on the Schedulable MBean.
 void setSchedulePeriod(long pPeriod)
          Sets the Schedule Period between two scheduled call.
 void setStartAtStartup(boolean pStartAtStartup)
          Set the scheduler to start when MBean started or not.
 void startSchedule()
          Starts the schedule if the schedule is stopped otherwise nothing will happen.
 void stopSchedule(boolean pDoItNow)
          Stops the schedule because it is either not used anymore or to restart it with new values.
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.util.ServiceMBean
getName, getState, getStateString
Methods inherited from interface org.jboss.util.Service
destroy, init, start, stop

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String OBJECT_NAME
Method Detail


public void startSchedule()
Starts the schedule if the schedule is stopped otherwise nothing will happen. The Schedule is immediately set to started even the first call is in the future.
java.security.InvalidParameterException - If any of the necessary values are not set or invalid (especially for the Schedulable class attributes).


public void stopSchedule(boolean pDoItNow)
Stops the schedule because it is either not used anymore or to restart it with new values.
pDoItNow - If true the schedule will be stopped without waiting for the next scheduled call otherwise the next call will be performed before the schedule is stopped.


public void restartSchedule()
Stops the server right now and starts it right now.


public java.lang.String getSchedulableClass()
Full qualified Class name of the schedulable class called by the schedule or null if not set.


public void setSchedulableClass(java.lang.String pSchedulableClass)
                         throws java.security.InvalidParameterException
Sets the fully qualified Class name of the Schedulable Class being called by the Scheduler. Must be set before the Schedule is started. Please also set the setSchedulableArguments(java.lang.String) and setSchedulableArgumentTypes(java.lang.String).
pSchedulableClass - Fully Qualified Schedulable Class.
java.security.InvalidParameterException - If the given value is not a valid class or cannot be loaded by the Scheduler or is not of instance Schedulable.


public java.lang.String getSchedulableArguments()
Comma seperated list of Constructor Arguments used to instantiate the Schedulable class instance. Right now only basic data types, String and Classes with a Constructor with a String as only argument are supported.


public void setSchedulableArguments(java.lang.String pArgumentList)
Sets the comma seperated list of arguments for the Schedulable class. Note that this list must have as many elements as the Schedulable Argument Type list otherwise the start of the Scheduler will fail. Right now only basic data types, String and Classes with a Constructor with a String as only argument are supported.
pArgumentList - List of arguments used to create the Schedulable intance. If the list is null or empty then the no-args constructor is used.


public java.lang.String getSchedulableArgumentTypes()
A comma seperated list of Argument Types which should match the list of arguments.


public void setSchedulableArgumentTypes(java.lang.String pTypeList)
                                 throws java.security.InvalidParameterException
Sets the comma seperated list of argument types for the Schedulable class. This will be used to find the right constructor and to created the right instances to call the constructor with. This list must have as many elements as the Schedulable Arguments list otherwise the start of the Scheduler will fail. Right now only basic data types, String and Classes with a Constructor with a String as only argument are supported.
pTypeList - List of arguments used to create the Schedulable intance. If the list is null or empty then the no-args constructor is used.
java.security.InvalidParameterException - If the given list contains a unknow datat type.


public java.lang.String getSchedulableMBean()
Object Name if a Schedulalbe MBean is set


public void setSchedulableMBean(java.lang.String pSchedulableMBean)
                         throws java.security.InvalidParameterException
Sets the fully qualified JMX MBean name of the Schedulable MBean to be called. Attention: if set the all values set by setSchedulableClass(java.lang.String), setSchedulableArguments(java.lang.String) and setSchedulableArgumentTypes(java.lang.String) are cleared and not used anymore. Therefore only use either Schedulable Class or Schedulable MBean. If setSchedulableMBeanMethod(java.lang.String) is not set then the schedule method as in the Schedulable.perform(java.util.Date, long) will be called with the same arguments. Also note that the Object Name will not be checked if the MBean is available. If the MBean is not available it will not be called but the remaining repetitions will be decreased.
pSchedulableMBean - JMX MBean Object Name which should be called.
java.security.InvalidParameterException - If the given value is an valid Object Name.


public java.lang.String getSchedulableMBeanMethod()
Schedulable MBean Method description if set


public void setSchedulableMBeanMethod(java.lang.String pSchedulableMBeanMethod)
                               throws java.security.InvalidParameterException
Sets the method name to be called on the Schedulable MBean. It can optionally be followed by an opening bracket, list of attributes (see below) and a closing bracket. The list of attributes can contain:
An example could be: "doSomething( NOTIFICATION, REPETITIONS, java.lang.String )" where the Scheduler will pass the timer's notification instance, the remaining repetitions as int and a null to the MBean's doSomething() method which must have the following signature: doSomething( javax.management.Notification, long, java.lang.String ).
pSchedulableMBeanMethod - Name of the method to be called optional followed by method arguments (see above).
java.security.InvalidParameterException - If the given value is not of the right format


public boolean isUsingMBean()
True if the Scheduler uses a Schedulable MBean, false if it uses a Schedulable class


public long getSchedulePeriod()
Schedule Period between two scheduled calls in Milliseconds. It will always be bigger than 0 except it returns -1 then the schedule is stopped.


public void setSchedulePeriod(long pPeriod)
Sets the Schedule Period between two scheduled call.
pPeriod - Time between to scheduled calls (after the initial call) in Milliseconds. This value must be bigger than 0.
java.security.InvalidParameterException - If the given value is less or equal than 0


public java.lang.String getInitialStartDate()
Date (and time) of the first scheduled. For value see setInitialStartDate() method.


public void setInitialStartDate(java.lang.String pStartDate)
Sets the first scheduled call. If the date is in the past the scheduler tries to find the next available start date.
pStartDate - Date when the initial call is scheduled. It can be either:
  • NOW: date will be the current date (new Date()) plus 1 seconds
  • Date as String able to be parsed by SimpleDateFormat with default format
  • Milliseconds since 1/1/1970
If the date is in the past the Scheduler will search a start date in the future with respect to the initial repe- titions and the period between calls. This means that when you restart the MBean (restarting JBoss etc.) it will start at the next scheduled time. When no start date is available in the future the Scheduler will not start.
Example: if you start your Schedulable everyday at Noon and you restart your JBoss server then it will start at the next Noon (the same if started before Noon or the next day if start after Noon).


public long getInitialRepetitions()
Number of scheduled calls initially. If -1 then there is not limit.


public void setInitialRepetitions(long pNumberOfCalls)
Sets the initial number of scheduled calls.
pNumberOfCalls - Initial Number of scheduled calls. If -1 then the number is unlimted.
java.security.InvalidParameterException - If the given value is less or equal than 0


public long getRemainingRepetitions()
Number of remaining repetitions. If -1 then there is no limit.


public boolean isStarted()
True if the schedule is up and running. If you want to start the schedule with another values by using {@ #startSchedule} you have to stop the schedule first with {@ #stopSchedule} and wait until this method returns false.


public boolean isRestartPending()
True if any attributes are changed but the Schedule is not restarted yet.


public boolean isStartAtStartup()
True if the Schedule when the Scheduler is started


public void setStartAtStartup(boolean pStartAtStartup)
Set the scheduler to start when MBean started or not. Note that this method only affects when the startService() gets called (normally at startup time.
pStartAtStartup - True if Schedule has to be started at startup time


public boolean isActive()
True if this Scheduler is active and will send notifications in the future

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