Analysing an active site


Building Loops


Building a functionnal unit from a monomer


Crystal Symmetries


Electron Density Maps


Energy minimisation


Fitting Residues into Electron Density


Homology modelling


Making Phi/Psi statistics


Superposing Proteins





Last modified
31 March 98
by N.Guex




(requires Swiss-PdbViewer v3.0)

The best way to learn is by practising. Therefore, I have provided some practical examples that you should read, not only because I have spent so much time making them, but because they illustrate many operations that you will probably have to use during your research.

You will need some PDB files to complete the tutorial. You can download them all (except some Electron Density Maps that are available from their specific tutorial) in one operation by clicking here (.hqx for Mac)(512Kb) or here (.zip for PC)(330Kb)

These examples presuppose that you know the basic manipulation of the program; i.e. that you have already read the user guide and completed the Basic Tutorial (cf. below).

If you wish to learn the basic manipulation of Swiss-PdbViewer through a tutorial, I recommend that you have a look at the one prepared by Prof. Gale Rhodes from the University of Southern Maine Portland. This tutorial has been prepared specifically for students and gives a lot of useful information not only on Swiss-PdbViewer manipulation, but also on general protein structure. As Prof. Gale Rhodes has spent a lot of time playing with the program, some interesting tips and details missing from my main documentation are unveiled.