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Objects of the base.RecordTypeAsn1Object class
Instances of
base.RecordTypeAsn1Object class implement the mapping object protocol
by means of the following methods:
- __getitem__(key)
Returns a reference to embedded component (class instance) by
key (type name).
- __setitem__(key,
Assigns a reference to embedded component (class instance) by
key (type name).
- keys()
Returns a list of known keys (types names).
- has_key(key)
Returns true if key (type name) is present in this object.
- values()
Returns a list of references to embedded components (class instances).
- items()
Returns a list of tuples each of which represents a key-value pair (type-name,
- update(items)
Merges the items dictionary with the payload of this object.
- __len__()
Returns the number of embedded components in this object.
- __cmp__(other)
Called on object comparation of this ASN.1 object with the
other, which should be an instance of
RecordTypeAsn1Object class.
- __hash__()
Returns object hash value, which is actually a XOR'ed set of hash values
of embedded objects and keys.
- __str__()
- __repr__()
Returns a printable representation of ASN.1 object structure.
Instances of RecordTypeAsn1Object class make use of the
following public instance variable:
- fixedNames
- fixedComponents
These instance variables should be initialized to type names and corresponding
class references of embedded components to specify the structure of particular
structured ASN.1 object implementation.