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OpenSubFrame - Open a subsidiary frame within a task window folder


OpenSubFrame frame_id args

Optional Arguments:

-appearance command_string
-toggle_display controlVar default_state default_values


Open a sub-frame within any folder or the protocol or files frame of a task window and return its id frame_id. The sub-frame must be closed with the command CloseSubFrame. The main purpose of a sub-frame is to group together consecutive lines which have the same variable visibility status. Controlling their visibility collectively gives a smoother update of the window.

-appearance command_string
The command string is any of the permissible options to the Tk command frame which will be applied to the sub-frame.
-toggle_display controlVar default_state default_values
The visibility status of the sub-frame is dependent on the value of the parameter controlVar. If controlVar has any of the values in the list default_values, the sub-frame will have the state given by default_state which can be either open (the subframe is visible) or hide (the subframe is not visible). It will have the alternative state if the value of controlVar is not in the list default_values.