To link mod_put into Apache (recommended for best
performance), just add a add-module clause to your configure
./configure --add-module=/path/to/mod_put.c
Integrating into Apache 1.2.x - compiling and linking
To link the put module with Apache, you must rebuild Apache from its sources
with adding mod_put in the configuration file:
Untar mod_put.tar.gz in Apache sources' directory
Edit Configuration file according your installation
Run the Configure script to rebuild the makefile
Build Apache by typing make
Install the brand new httpd program
Edit the web server configuration files (typically httpd.conf
and access.conf)
Restart the web daemon
Example of a Configuration file
Module mime_module mod_mime.o
Module access_module mod_access.o
Module auth_module mod_auth.o
Module negotiation_module mod_negotiation.o
Module includes_module mod_include.o
Module dir_module mod_dir.o
Module cgi_module mod_cgi.o
# Miscellaneous modules
Module put_module mod_put.o
httpd.conf Directives
EnablePut On|Off
default value: Off
context: Directory or Location
effect: Enables (or disables) the PUT method.
remarks: Before enabling the PUT method, be sure your server
is secure.
Documents will be created with the rights of the user running httpd,
be sure to adjust the access rights accordingly.
EnableDelete On|Off
default value: Off
context: Directory or Location
effect: Enables (or disables) the DELETE method.
remarks: Before enabling the DELETE method, be sure your
server is secure.
umask octal_value
default value: 007
context: Directory or Location
effect: sets the umask for a whole directory (see umask(1)).
Allways ensure that write access is limited to trusted users: a malicious
user could upload huge files to freeze the file system. In particular,
never allow an anonymous write access if your web server is on the same
filesystem as your system or your users. |
<Location /pub>
EnablePut On
AuthType Basic
AuthName Web publishing
AuthUserFile /www/etc/passwd
AuthGroupFile /www/etc/group
<Limit PUT>
require valid-user