# $Id: wwwerror.pl,v 0.12 1994/07/08 08:08:14 fielding Exp $ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # wwwerror.pl: A package for handling World-Wide Web client errors as if # they were being returned from a proxy server. # # This package has been developed by Roy Fielding # as part of the Arcadia project at the University of California, Irvine. # It is distributed under the Artistic License (included with your Perl # distribution files). # # 13 Jun 1994 (RTF): Initial version # 07 Jul 1994 (RTF): Added symbolic names for each error code so that clients # can protect themselves from changing error numbers. # 000 Timed Out error was reassigned to response code 603. # 602 Connection Failed response code was added. # A $msg parameter was added to &onrequest so that callers # can include a text message (e.g. $@) in canned error. # # If you have any suggestions, bug reports, fixes, or enhancements, # send them to Roy Fielding at . # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- require "wwwurl.pl"; require "wwwmime.pl"; package wwwerror; $RC_unknown = 000; # Define symbolic names for response codes $RC_ok = 200; $RC_created = 201; $RC_accepted = 202; $RC_partial = 203; $RC_no_response = 204; $RC_moved = 301; $RC_found = 302; $RC_method = 303; $RC_not_modified = 304; $RC_bad_request = 400; $RC_unauthorized = 401; $RC_payment_required = 402; $RC_forbidden = 403; $RC_not_found = 404; $RC_internal_error = 500; $RC_not_implemented = 501; $RC_bad_response = 502; $RC_too_busy = 503; $RC_bad_request_client = 600; $RC_not_implemented_client = 601; $RC_connection_failed = 602; $RC_timed_out = 603; %RespMessage = ( # Define all response messages for use by callers 000, 'Unknown Error', 200, 'OK', 201, 'CREATED', 202, 'Accepted', 203, 'Partial Information', 204, 'No Response', 301, 'Moved', 302, 'Found', 303, 'Method', 304, 'Not Modified', 400, 'Bad Request', 401, 'Unauthorized', 402, 'Payment Required', 403, 'Forbidden', 404, 'Not Found', 500, 'Internal Error', 501, 'Not Implemented', 502, 'Bad Response', 503, 'Too Busy', 600, 'Bad Request in Client', 601, 'Not Implemented in Client', 602, 'Connection Failed', 603, 'Timed Out', ); # =========================================================================== # onrequest(): Handle error responses to a WWW request that never made it # outside the client. The error code, request method, parsed URL # (scheme,host,port,object) and optional message are passed in. # # Returns the response code along with the appropriately faked # headers and content as parameters. # sub onrequest { local($respcode, $method, $scheme, $host, $port, $object, *headers, *content, $msg) = @_; local($url, $title); $url = &wwwurl'compose($scheme, $host, $port, $object,'',''); $title = "$respcode $RespMessage{$respcode}"; if (!defined($msg)) { $msg = ''; } $content = <<"EOF"; $title


The following request could not be satisfied by this client:
$method $url

EOF &wwwmime'fakehead('html', length($content), 0, *headers); return $respcode; } 1;