
section r of routines in std.i

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functions in std.i - r


             random_seed, seed  
     returns an array of random double values with the given  
     DIMENSION_LIST (nil for a scalar result), uniformly distributed  
     on the interval from 0.0 to 1.0.  
     The algorithm is from Press and Teukolsky, Computers in Physics,  
     vol. 6, no. 5, Sep/Oct 1992 (ran2).  They offer a reward of $1000  
     to anyone who can exhibit a statistical test that this random  
     number generator fails in a "non-trivial" way.  
     The random_seed call reinitializes the random number sequence;  
     SEED should be between 0.0 and 1.0 non-inclusive; if SEED is  
     omitted, nil, or out of range, the sequence is reinitialized as  
     when Yorick starts.  
     The numbers are actually at the centers of 2147483562 equal width  
     bins on the interval [0,1].  Although only these 2 billion numbers  
     are possible, the period of the generator is roughly 2.3e18.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 667  
SEE ALSO: randomize  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 667  
SEE random  

     set the seed for random "randomly" (based on the timer clock  
     and the current state of random).  As a function, returns the  
     value of the seed passed to random_seed.  

interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 689  
SEE ALSO: random,   random_seed  

          or rdline(f, n, prompt= pstring)  
     returns next line from stream F (stdin if F nil).  If N is non-nil,  
     returns a string array containing the next N lines of F.  If  
     end-of-file occurs, rdline returns nil strings.  If F is nil,  
     uses the PSTRING to prompt for input (default "read> ").  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1348  
SEE ALSO: read,   open,   close,   bookmark,   backup,   read_n  

     returns the real part of its argument.  (Same as double(z).)  
     Unlike, works if z is not complex.  

keyword,  defined at i0/std.i   line 651  

             n= read(f, format=fstring, obj1, obj2, ...)  
          or n= read(prompt= pstring, format=fstring, obj1, obj2, ...)  
 	 or n= sread(source, format=fstring, obj1, obj2, ...)  
     reads text from I/O stream F (1st form), or from the keyboard (2nd  
     form), or from the string or string array SOURCE (3rd form),  
     interprets it according to the optional FSTRING, and uses that  
     interpretation to assign values to OBJ1, OBJ2, ...  If the input  
     is taken from the keyboard, the optional prompt PSTRING (default  
     "read> ") is printed before each line is read.  The Yorick write  
     function does not interact with the read function -- writes are  
     always to end-of-file, and do not affect the sequence of lines  
     returned by read.  The backup (and bookmark) function is the  
     only way to change the sequence of lines returned by read.  
     There must be one non-supressed conversion specifier (see below)  
     in FSTRING for each OBJ to be read; the type of the conversion  
     specifier must generally match the type of the OBJ.  That is,  
     an integer OBJ requires an integer specifier (d, i, o, u, or x)  
     in FSTRING, a real OBJ requires a real specifier (e, f, or g),  
     and a string OBJ requires a string specifier (s or []).  An OBJ  
     may not be complex, a pointer, a structure instance, or any non-  
     array Yorick object.  If FSTRING is not supplied, or if it has  
     fewer conversion specifiers than the number of OBJ arguments,  
     then Yorick supplies default specifiers ("%ld" for integers,  
     "%lg" for reals, and "%s" for strings).  If FSTRING contains more  
     specifiers than there are OBJ arguments, the part of FSTRING  
     beginning with the first specifier with no OBJ is ignored.  
     The OBJ may be scalar or arrays, but the dimensions of every OBJ  
     must be identical.  If the OBJ are arrays, Yorick behaves as  
     if the read were called in a loop numberof(OBJ1) times, filling  
     one array element of each of the OBJ according to FSTRING on  
     each pass through the loop.  (Note that this behavior includes  
     the case of reading columns of numbers by a single call to read.)  
     The return value N is the total number of scalar assignments  
     which were made as a result of this call.  (If there were 4  
     OBJ arguments, and each was an array with 17 elements, a return  
     value of N==35 would mean the following:  The first 8 elements  
     of OBJ1, OBJ2, OBJ3, and OBJ4 were read, and the 9th element of  
     OBJ1, OBJ2, and OBJ3 was read.)  The read function sets any  
     elements of the OBJ which were not read to zero -- hence,  
     independent of the returned N, the all of the old data in the  
     OBJ arguments is overwritten.  
     The read or sread functions continue reading until either:  
     (1) all elements of all OBJ have been filled, or (2) end-of-file  
     (or end of SOURCE for sread) is reached ("input failure"), or  
     (3) part of FSTRING or a conversion specifier supplied by  
     default fails to match the source text ("matching failure").  
     The FSTRING is composed of a series of "directives" which are  
     (1) whitespace -- means to skip any amount of whitespace in the  
         source text  
     (2) characters other than whitespace and % -- must match the  
         characters in the source text exactly, or matching failure  
	 occurs and the read operation stops  
     (3) conversion specifiers beginning with % and ending with a  
         character specifying the type of conversion -- optionally  
	 skip whitespace, then convert as many characters as  
	 continue to "look like" the conversion type, possibly  
	 producing a matching failure  
     The conversion specifier is of the form %*WSC, where:  
  is either the character '*' or not present  
       A specifier beginning with %* does not correspond to any of  
       the OBJ; the converted value will be discarded.  
     W is either a positive decimal integer specifying the maximum  
       field width (not including any skipped leading whitespace),  
       or not present if any number of characters up to end-of-line  
       is acceptable.  
     S is either one of the characters 'h', 'l', or 'L', or not  
       present.  Yorick allows this for compatibility with the C  
       library functions, but ignores it.  
     C is a character specifying the type of conversion:  
       d   - decimal integer  
       i   - decimal, octal (leading 0), or hex (leading 0x) integer  
       o   - octal integer  
       u   - unsigned decimal integer (same as d for Yorick)  
       x, X            - hex integer  
       e, f, g, E, G   - floating point real  
       s   - string of non-whitespace characters  
       [xxx]   - (xxx is any sequence of characters) longest string  
                 of characters matching those in the list  
       [^xxx]  - longest string of characters NOT matching those in  
                 the list (this is how you can extend %s to be  
		 delimited by something other than whitespace)  
       %   - the ordinary % character; complete conversion  
             specification must be "%%"  
     The read function is modeled on the ANSI standard C library  
     fscanf and sscanf functions, but differs in several respects:  
       (1) Yorick's read cannot handle the %c, %p, or %n conversion  
           specifiers in FSTRING.  
       (2) Yorick's read never results in a portion of a line  
           being read -- any unused part of a line is simply discarded  
	   (end FSTRING with "%[^\n]" if you want to save the trailing  
	   part of an input line).  
       (3) As a side effect of (2), there are some differences between  
           fscanf and Yorick's read in how whitespace extending across  
	   newlines is handled.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1242  
SEE ALSO: rdline,   write,   open,   close,   bookmark,   backup,  
save,   restore,   read_n  

             file= read_clog(file, clog_name)  
     raw routine to set the binary data structure of FILE according  
     to the text description in the Contents Log file CLOG_NAME.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1747  

             read_n, f, n0, n1, n2, ...  
     grabs the next numbers N0, N1, N2, ... from file F, skipping over  
     any whitespace, comma, semicolon, or colon delimited tokens which  
     are not numbers.  (Actually, only the first and last characters of  
     the token have to look like a number -- 4xxx3 would be read as 4.)  
     ***WARNING*** at most ten Ns are allowed  
     The Ns can be arrays, provided all have the same dimensions.  

interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 1358  
SEE ALSO: read,   rdline  

             recover_file, filename  
          or recover_file, filename, clogfile  
     writes the descriptive information at the end of a corrupted  
     binary file FILENAME from its Contents Log file CLOGFILE, which  
     is FILENAME+"L" by default.  

interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 1753  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1234  
SEE rename  

             rename, old_filename, new_filename  
             remove filename  
     rename or remove a file.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1234  
SEE ALSO: open,   close,   openb  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1483  
SEE include  

             reshape, reference, address, type, dimension_list  
          or reshape, reference, type, dimension_list  
          or reshape, reference  
     The REFERENCE must be an unadorned variable, not an expression;  
     reshape sets this variable to an LValue at the specified ADDRESS  
     with the specified TYPE and DIMENSION_LIST.  (See the array  
     function documentation for acceptable DIMENSION_LIST formats.)  
     If ADDRESS is an integer (e.g.- a long), the programmer is  
     responsible for assuring that the data at ADDRESS is valid.  
     If ADDRESS is a (Yorick) pointer, Yorick will assure that the  
     data pointed to will not be discarded, and the reshape will  
     fail if TYPE and DIMENSION_LIST extend beyond the pointee  
     bounds.  In the second form, ADDRESS is taken to be &REFERENCE;  
     that is, the TYPE and DIMENSION_LIST of the variable are changed  
     without doing any type conversion.  In the third form, REFERENCE  
     is set to nil ([]).  (Simple redefinition will not work on a  
     variable defined using reshape.)  
     WARNING: There are almost no situations for which reshape is  
       the correct operation.  See reform in Y_SITE/i/string.i.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 264  
SEE ALSO: array,   dimsof,   numberof,   is_array,   eq_nocopy  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 2178  
SEE save  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1571  
SEE mkdir