
section g of routines in global.i

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Quick Reference

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     gate function used by gaussian_gate.  Refer to the source code  
     to learn how to write your own gate function, making proper use  
     of drat_start and drat_stop options in addition to the input times.  

interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i   line 794  
SEE ALSO: gaussian_gate,   drat_gate  

     returns time integral of Gaussian specified in call to gaussian_gate.  

interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i   line 819  

             gaussian_gate(t0, tsigma, max_trans)  
     sets the drat_gate for the snap function to be a Gaussian  
     centered at time T0, with sigma TSIGMA, and maximum transmission  
     fraction MAX_TRANS.  

interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i   line 841  
SEE ALSO: snap,   drat_gate  

     returns the GCD (greatest common divisor) of A and B, which must  
     be one of the integer data types.  A and B may be conformable  
     arrays; the semantics of the gcd call are the same as any other  
     binary operation.  Uses Euclid's celebrated algorithm.  
     The absolute values of A and B are taken before the operation  
     commences; if either A or B is 0, the return value will be 0.  

interpreted function, defined at i/gcd.i   line 10  
SEE ALSO: lcm,   is_prime,   factorize  


interpreted function, defined at i/ylmdec.i   line 120  


interpreted function, defined at i/kepler.i   line 209  

             get3_centroid(xyz, nxyz)  
          or get3_centroid(xyz)  
     return 3D centroids for polygons with vertices XYZ.  If NXYZ is  
     specified, XYZ should be 3-by-sum(nxyz), with NXYZ being the  
     list of numbers of vertices for each polygon (as for the plfp  
     function).  If NXYZ is not specified, XYZ should be a quadrilateral  
     mesh, 3-by-ni-by-nj (as for the plf function).  In the first case,  
     the return value is 3-by-numberof(NXYZ); in the second case, the  
     return value is 3-by-(ni-1)-by-(nj-1).  
     The centroids are constructed as the mean value of all vertices  
     of each polygon.  

interpreted function, defined at i/pl3d.i   line 480  
SEE ALSO: get3_normal,   get3_light  

             get3_light(xyz, nxyz)  
          or get3_light(xyz)  
     return 3D lighting for polygons with vertices XYZ.  If NXYZ is  
     specified, XYZ should be 3-by-sum(nxyz), with NXYZ being the  
     list of numbers of vertices for each polygon (as for the plfp  
     function).  If NXYZ is not specified, XYZ should be a quadrilateral  
     mesh, 3-by-ni-by-nj (as for the plf function).  In the first case,  
     the return value is numberof(NXYZ); in the second case, the  
     return value is (ni-1)-by-(nj-1).  
     The parameters of the lighting calculation are set by the  
     light3 function.  

interpreted function, defined at i/pl3d.i   line 363  
SEE ALSO: light3,   set3_object,   get3_normal,  

             get3_normal(xyz, nxyz)  
          or get3_normal(xyz)  
     return 3D normals for polygons with vertices XYZ.  If NXYZ is  
     specified, XYZ should be 3-by-sum(nxyz), with NXYZ being the  
     list of numbers of vertices for each polygon (as for the plfp  
     function).  If NXYZ is not specified, XYZ should be a quadrilateral  
     mesh, 3-by-ni-by-nj (as for the plf function).  In the first case,  
     the return value is 3-by-numberof(NXYZ); in the second case, the  
     return value is 3-by-(ni-1)-by-(nj-1).  
     The normals are constructed from the cross product of the lines  
     joining the midpoints of two edges which as nearly quarter the  
     polygon as possible (the medians for a quadrilateral).  No check  
     is made that these not be parallel; the returned "normal" is  
     [0,0,0] in that case.  Also, if the polygon vertices are not  
     coplanar, the "normal" has no precisely definable meaning.  

interpreted function, defined at i/pl3d.i   line 421  
SEE ALSO: get3_centroid,   get3_light  

             get3_xy, xyz, x, y  
          or get3_xy, xyz, x, y, z, 1  
     Given 3-by-anything coordinates XYZ, return X and Y in viewer's  
     coordinate system (set by rot3, mov3, orient3, etc.).  If the  
     fifth argument is present and non-zero, also return Z (for use  
     in sort3d or get3_light, for example).  If the camera position  
     has been set to a finite distance with setz3, the returned  
     coordinates will be tangents of angles for a perspective  
     drawing (and Z will be scaled by 1/zc).  

interpreted function, defined at i/pl3d.i   line 520  
SEE ALSO: sort3d,   get3_light,   rot3,   setz3,   set3_object  

             addr_lists= get_addrs(file)  
     returns the byte addresses of the non-record and record variables  
     in the binary file FILE, and lists of the record addresses, file  
     indices, and filenames for file families with history records.  
          *addr_lists(1)   absolute addresses of non-record variables  
	  *addr_lists(2)   relative addresses of record variables  
	                   (add record address to get absolute address)  
	     The order of these two address lists matches the  
	     corresponding lists of names returned by get_vars.  
	  *addr_lists(3)   absolute addresses of records  
	  *addr_lists(4)   list of file indices corresponding to  
	                   addr_lists(3); indices are into addr_lists(5)  
	  *addr_lists(5)   list of filenames in the family  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 2375  
SEE ALSO: openb,   updateb,   restore,   jt,   jc,   has_records,  

     returns string array containing the argv from the command line.  
     The -batch and batch_include.i arguments are removed (not returned).  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1596  
SEE ALSO: process_argv,   cd,   get_cwd,   get_home,   get_env,  

          or get_home()  
     returns the pathname of the current working directory or of your  
     home directory.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1580  
SEE ALSO: cd,   lsdir,   get_env,   get_argv  

     returns the environment variable (a string) associated with  
     ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME (calls ANSI getenv routine).  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1589  
SEE ALSO: cd,   get_cwd,   get_home,   get_env,   get_argv  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1580  
SEE get_cwd  


interpreted function, defined at i/make.i   line 433  


interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i   line 1041  


interpreted function, defined at i/make.i   line 372  


interpreted function, defined at i/make.i   line 385  

             get_member(f_or_s, member_name)  
     returns F_OR_S member MEMBER_NAME, like F_OR_S.MEMBER_NAME syntax,  
     but MEMBER_NAME can be a computed string.  The F_OR_S may be a  
     binary file or a structure instance.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1739  
SEE ALSO: openb  


interpreted function, defined at i/demo4.i   line 66  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 2400  
SEE get_times  

             prims = get_primitives(file)  
     Return the primitive data types for FILE as an array of 32  
     integers.  The format is described under set_primitives.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 2067  
SEE ALSO: set_primitives,   __xdr,   __i86  

             ray_info= get_ray_path(path, rt, zt)  
     where PATH is one element of an array returned by track_rays,  
     returns the points where the ray cut the edges of the mesh (ZT, RT).  
     The returned RAY_INFO has two components: RAY_INFO(,1) is the z  
     coordinates and RAY_INFO(,2) is the r coordinates.  

interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i   line 1255  
SEE ALSO: track_rays  

     returns the s-coordinate of the point of closest approach of  
     the RAYS to the origin x=y=z=0.  The length of the first dimension  
     of RAYS may be either 3, 5, or 6; this first dimension will not  
     be present in the result.  
     The s-coordinate represents distance along the ray, increasing in  
     the direction the ray moves.  The 5 and 6 component ray coordinates  
     include a reference point (x,y,z) on the ray; s=0 at that point.  
     For the 3 component ray coordinate, get_s0 always returns 0.  

interpreted function, defined at i/rays.i   line 223  
SEE ALSO: best_rays,   dirt_rays,   internal_rays  

             get_std_limits(rays, slimits)  
     returns slimits suitable for internal routines: 2-by-nrays,  
     with s=0 at point of closest approach to origin  

interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i   line 913  

             get_style, landscape, systems, legends, clegends  
     get the detailed style of the current drawing.  The arguments  
     are all outputs:  
     landscape: 1 if drawing is landscape orientation, 0 if portrait  
     system:    an array of GfakeSystem struct instances, one per  
                coordinate system in this drawing (ordinarily just one).  
     legends:   a GeLegendBox structure instance describing the layout  
                of the plot legends  
     clegends:  a GeLegendBox structure instance describing the layout  
                of the contour legends  
     See the help for the GeLegendBox and GpTextAttribs structs for  
     the details of the legends and clegends arguments.  Basically,  
     you can adjust the location of the legends on the page, the  
     font and height of the characters used to render legends, and  
     whether the legends are split into two columns.  
     The coordinate systems are the systems accessible via the  
     plsys command.  The index of the system in the system array is  
     the index you use to switch to it in the plsys command.  Simple  
     styles have only one coordinate system, and you should carefully  
     consider whether you should design a graphic style with multiple  
     coordinate systems -- most likely, you can do a better job by  
     combining several separate Yorick pictures with some sort of  
     page layout program, rather than trying to do this work within  
     Yorick itself.  
     See the help for the GfakeSystem struct for complete details of  
     what you can adjust.  The most interesting features you can  
     control are the location and aspect ratio of the viewport, and  
     the details of the axis ticks and labels.  The gridxy function  
     provides a simpler interface for fiddling with ticks and labels  
     if that is all you need.  The system.viewport member is the  
     [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] of the rectangle on the page where your  
     plots will appear, expressed in NDC coordinates (0.0013 NDC units  
     equals one point, and there are 72.27 points per inch, and 2.54  
     cm per inch; the NDC origin is always at the lower left hand  
     corner of the paper, with x increasing leftward and y increasing  
     upward).  If you change the size of the viewport, you will also  
     need to change the parameters of the tick-generating model; like  
     other problems in typography and page layout, this is harder  
     than you might think.  

interpreted function, defined at i/style.i   line 10  
SEE ALSO: set_style,   read_style,   write_style  

             times= get_times(file)  
             ncycs= get_ncycs(file)  
     returns the list of time or ncyc values associated with the records  
     if FILE, or nil if there are none.  The time values are not guaranteed  
     to be precise (but they should be good to at least 6 digits or so);  
     the precise time associated with each record may be stored as a record  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 2400  
SEE ALSO: collect,   openb,   updateb,   restore,   jt,   jc,  

             name_lists= get_vars(file)  
     returns the lists of non-record and record variable names in the  
     binary FILE.  The return value is an array of two pointers to  
     arrays of type string; *name_lists(1) is the array of non-record  
     variable names (or nil if there are none), *name_lists(2) is the  
     array of record variable names.  
     The get_addrs function returns corresponding lists of disk  
     addresses; the get_member function can be used in conjunction  
     with the dimsof, structof, and typeof functions to determine  
     the other properties of a variable.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 2348  
SEE ALSO: openb,   updateb,   restore,   jt,   jc,   has_records,  
get_addrs,   set_vars  

             get_ylm(pts, lmax, list)  
     returns values of Ylm at the 3-by-anything array of unit vectors  
     PTS, for all l and m up to LMAX.  The return value is  
     (lmax+1)*(lmax+2)/2-by-anything.  The LIST is also returned; its  
     value is [1, 2,2, 3,3,3, 4,4,4,4, ..., LMAX+1,LMAX+1,...,LMAX+1]  
     -- i copies of each integer i up to LMAX+1.  This can be useful  
     in conjunction with the histogram function; its values are l+1  
     for each element of the returned array's first index.  The m  
     values are [0, 0,1, 0,1,2, 0,1,2,3, 0,1,2,3,4, ...].  Negative m  
     values are omitted, since they would be the conjugates of m>0.  
       llist= list-1;  
       mlist= (!list(dif))(cum)-(list-2)*(list-1)/2;  

interpreted function, defined at i/ylmdec.i   line 34  

             getc3(i, m3, chunk)  
          or getc3(i, m3, clist, l, u, fsl, fsu, cells)  
     return cell values of the Ith function attached to 3D mesh M3  
     for cells in the specified CHUNK.  The CHUNK may be a list of  
     cell indices, in which case getc3 returns a (dimsof(CHUNK))  
     list of vertex coordinates.  CHUNK may also be a mesh-specific data  
     structure used in the slice3 routine, in which case getc3 may  
     return a (ni)x(nj)x(nk) array of vertex values.  There is no  
     savings in the amount of data for such a CHUNK, but the gather  
     operation is cheaper than a general list of cell indices.  
     Use getc3 when writing colorng functions for slice3.  
     If CHUNK is a CLIST, the additional arguments L, U, FSL, and FSU  
     are vertex index lists which override the CLIST if the Ith attached  
     function is defined on mesh vertices.  L and U are index lists into  
     the 2x2x2x(dimsof(CLIST)) vertex value array, say vva, and FSL  
     and FSU are corresponding interpolation coefficients; the zone  
     centered value is computed as a weighted average of involving these  
     coefficients.  The CELLS argument is required by histogram to do  
     the averaging.  See the source code for details.  
     By default, this conversion (if necessary) is done by averaging  
     the eight vertex-centered values.  

interpreted function, defined at i/slice3.i   line 725  
SEE ALSO: slice3,   mesh3,   getv3,   xyz3  


interpreted function, defined at i/slice3.i   line 756  

             getdate -- get date of the day in the form "DD/MM/YY"  
  SYNOPSIS: date= getdate();  
            getdate, date;  
  HISTORY: October 30, 1995 by Eric THIEBAUT.  

interpreted function, defined at i/string.i   line 34  
SEE ALSO: gettime,   parsedate,   timestamp  

             gettime -- get current time in the form "HH:MM:SS"  
  SYNOPSIS: time= gettime();  
            gettime, time;  
  HISTORY: October 30, 1995 by Eric THIEBAUT.  

interpreted function, defined at i/string.i   line 22  
SEE ALSO: getdate,   parsedate,   timestamp  

             getv3(i, m3, chunk)  
     return vertex values of the Ith function attached to 3D mesh M3  
     for cells in the specified CHUNK.  The CHUNK may be a list of  
     cell indices, in which case getv3 returns a 2x2x2x(dimsof(CHUNK))  
     list of vertex coordinates.  CHUNK may also be a mesh-specific data  
     structure used in the slice3 routine, in which case getv3 may  
     return a (ni)x(nj)x(nk) array of vertex values.  For meshes which  
     are logically rectangular or consist of several rectangular  
     patches, this is up to 8 times less data, with a concomitant  
     performance advantage.  Use getv3 when writing slicing functions  
     for slice3.  

interpreted function, defined at i/slice3.i   line 688  
SEE ALSO: slice3,   mesh3,   getc3,   xyz3  


interpreted function, defined at i/slice3.i   line 708  

          or gnomon, onoff  
     Toggle the gnomon display.  If ONOFF is non-nil and non-zero,  
     turn on the gnomon.  If ONOFF is zero, turn off the gnomon.  
     The gnomon shows the X, Y, and Z axis directions in the  
     object coordinate system.  The directions are labeled.  
     The gnomon is always infinitely far behind the object  
     (away from the camera).  
     There is a mirror-through-the-screen-plane ambiguity in the  
     display which is resolved in two ways: (1) The (X,Y,Z)  
     coordinate system is right-handed, and (2) If the tip of an  
     axis projects into the screen, it's label is drawn in opposite  
     polarity to the other text on the screen.  

interpreted function, defined at i/pl3d.i   line 734  

             gridxy, flag  
          or gridxy, xflag, yflag  
     Turns on or off grid lines according to FLAG.  In the first form, both  
     the x and y axes are affected.  In the second form, XFLAG and YFLAG  
     may differ to have different grid options for the two axes.  In either  
     case, a FLAG value of 0 means no grid lines (the default), a value of  
     1 means grid lines at all major ticks (the level of ticks which get  
     grid lines can be set in the style sheet), and a FLAG value of 2 means  
     that the coordinate origin only will get a grid line.  In styles with  
     multiple coordinate systems, only the current coordinate system is  
     The keywords can be used to affect the style of the grid lines.  
     You can also turn the ticks off entirely.  (You might want to do this  
     to plot your own custom set of tick marks when the automatic tick  
     generating machinery will never give the ticks you want.  For example  
     a latitude axis in degrees might reasonably be labeled "0, 30, 60,  
     90", but the automatic machinery considers 3 an "ugly" number - only  
     1, 2, and 5 are "pretty" - and cannot make the required scale.  In  
     this case, you can turn off the automatic ticks and labels, and use  
     plsys, pldj, and plt to generate your own.)  
     To fiddle with the tick flags in this general manner, set the  
     0x200 bit of FLAG (or XFLAG or YFLAG), and "or-in" the 0x1ff bits  
     however you wish.  The meaning of the various flags is described  
     in the file Y_SITE/gist/  Additionally, you can use the  
     0x400 bit to turn on or off the frame drawn around the viewport.  
     Here are some examples:  
        gridxy,0x233 default setting  
        gridxy,,0x200       like, but no y-axis ticks or labels  
        gridxy,,0x231       like, but no y-axis ticks on right  
        gridxy,0x62b default setting  
     The three keywords base60=, degrees=, and hhmm= can be used to get  
     alternative tick intervals for base 60 systems instead of the  
     usual base 10 systems.  The keyword values are 0 to restore the  
     default behavior, 1 to set the feature for the x axis, 2 to set it  
     for the y axis, and 3 to set it for both axes.  The base60 feature  
     allows ticks and labels at multiples of 30 (up to +-3600).  The  
     degrees feature causes labels to be printed modulo 360 (so that a  
     scale which runs from, say, 90 to 270 will be printed as 90 to 180  
     then -180 to -90, mostly for longitude scales).  The hhmm feature  
     causes labels to be printed in the form hh:mm (so that, for example,  
     150 will be printed as 02:30, mostly for time of day scales).  
   KEYWORDS: color, type, width, base60, degrees, hhmm  

builtin function, documented at i0/graph.i   line 737  
SEE ALSO: window,   plsys,   limits,   range,   logxy,  

             grow, x, xnext1, xnext2, ...  
          or grow(x, xnext1, xnext2, ...)  
 	 or    _(x, xnext1, xnext2, ...)  
     lengthens the array X by appending XNEXT1, XNEXT2, etc. to its  
     final dimension.  If X is nil, X is first redefined to the first  
     non-nil XNEXT, and the remainder of the XNEXT list is processed  
     normally.  Each XNEXT is considered to have the same number of  
     dimensions as X, by appending unit-length dimensions if necessary.  
     All but this final dimension of each XNEXT must be right-conformable  
     (that is, conformable in the sense of the right hand side of an  
     assignment statement) with all but the final dimension of X.  
     The result has a final dimension which is the sum of the final  
     dimension of X and all the final dimensions of the XNEXT.  Nil  
     XNEXT are ignored.  The value of the result is obtained by  
     concatenating all the XNEXT to X, after any required broadcasts.  
     If invoked as a function, grow returns the new value of X; in  
     this case, X may be an expression.  X must be a simple variable  
     reference for the subroutine form of grow; otherwise there is  
     nowhere to return the result.  The subroutine form is slightly  
     more efficient than the function form for the common usage:  
          x= grow(x, xnext1, xnext2)           is the same as  
	  grow, x, xnext1, xnext2              the preferred form  
     The _ function is a synonym for grow, for people who want this  
     operator to look like punctuation in their source code, on analogy  
     with the array building operator [a, b, c, ...].  
     The _cat function is sometimes more appropriate than grow.  

builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 857  
SEE ALSO: _cat,   array  

          or grtest, nstart  
     Perform a comprehensive test of Yorick's graphics package.  
     Pauses after each frame to let you check the result.  Each  
     picture attempts to describe itself (of course, if text  
     plotting is broken, this doesn't do any good).  
     With NSTART, start with test number NSTART.  

interpreted function, defined at i/testg.i   line 249  
SEE ALSO: testg,   lissajous  

             guess_symmetry, f  
          or guess_symmetry(f)  
     guesses the symmetry of the problem in the dump file F based on  
     the variables f.isymz, f.rt, and f.zt.  
     If called as a subroutine, prints one of:  
     "no symmetry", "z=0 reflection symmetry", or "spherical symmetry"  
     If called as a function, returns 0, 1, or 2, respectively.  

interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i   line 931  


interpreted function, defined at i/testg.i   line 239