! MolScript v2.1 input file ! generated by MolAuto v1.1 title "C-H-RAS P21 PROTEIN (CATALYTIC DOMAIN, RESIDUES 1 - 166) COMPLEXED WITH GDP AND MG (NMR, RESTRAINED MINIMIZED AVERAGE)" plot read mol "ras.pdb"; transform atom * by centre position atom *; set colourparts on, residuecolour amino-acids rainbow; coil from 1 to 2; strand from 2 to 9; coil from 9 to 15; helix from 15 to 25; coil from 25 to 38; strand from 38 to 46; coil from 46 to 49; strand from 49 to 57; coil from 57 to 66; helix from 66 to 75; coil from 75 to 77; strand from 77 to 84; coil from 84 to 87; helix from 87 to 104; coil from 104 to 110; strand from 110 to 117; coil from 117 to 127; helix from 127 to 138; coil from 138 to 152; helix from 152 to 166; set colourparts on; cpk in residue 200; cpk in residue 201; end_plot