TUTORIAL FOR EMIL VERSION 2.1Written by Martin Wendel, ITS, Uppsala university. Martin.Wendel@its.uu.seDESIGN SPECIFICATION OF EMIL VERSION 2IntroductionIt is my ambition to use an object oriented methodology when developing Emil version 2. Much to gain subsystems with crisp boundaries, thereby simplifying programming and debugging, but also to make the whole system easier to grasp.
The MessageThe message itself can be viewed as an object oriented structure in which there are three basic object types: Message, Header and Body.
Simple functional model1. While loading message, unfold headers and do basic tokenization.
2. Parse header and compare with the configuration. Assign the description header data variables. Mark unmarked body parts with information.
3. Compare with output configuration file. Decode unsupported encoding types.
4. Encode binary and text according to configuration.
5. Apply the new format headers.
6. Remove the old format headers.