NAMEanimate - Interactively Animate an Image Sequence
SYNOPSISMagickBooleanType AnimateImages( const ImageInfo *image_info, Image *images ); MagickBooleanType AnimateImages( const ImageInfo *image_info, Image *images ); void XAnimateBackgroundImage( Display *display, XResourceInfo *resource_info, Image *images ); Image * XAnimateImages( Display *display, XResourceInfo *resource_info, char ** argv, const int argc, Image *images );
AnimateImagesAnimateImages() repeatedly displays an image sequence to any X window screen. It returns a value other than 0 if successful. Check the exception member of image to determine the reason for any failure. The format of the AnimateImages method is: MagickBooleanType AnimateImages ( const ImageInfo *image_info, Image *images ); A description of each parameter follows:
XAnimateBackgroundImageXAnimateBackgroundImage() animates an image sequence in the background of a window. The format of the XAnimateBackgroundImage method is: void XAnimateBackgroundImage ( Display *display, XResourceInfo *resource_info, Image *images ); A description of each parameter follows:
XAnimateImagesXAnimateImages() displays an image via X11. The format of the XAnimateImages method is: Image *XAnimateImages ( Display *display, XResourceInfo *resource_info, char **argv, const int argc, Image *images ); A description of each parameter follows:
AnimateImagesAnimateImages() repeatedly displays an image sequence to any X window screen. It returns a value other than 0 if successful. Check the exception member of image to determine the reason for any failure. The format of the AnimateImages method is: MagickBooleanType AnimateImages ( const ImageInfo *image_info, Image *images ); A description of each parameter follows: