
Mac OS X 10.3 Release Copyright 2003 by Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Private Mac OS X 10.3 Release Notes:
Compiler Tools (cctools-495)

This file contains release notes for the 5.13 release of the Compiler Tools for the Mac OS X 10.3 Release. This file contains information about the following topics:

  • The Mac OS X Mach-O GNU-based assemblers
  • The Mac OS X Mach-O static link editor
  • The Mac OS X Mach-O dynamic link editor
  • Mach-O object tools (nm, otool, and so on) 

Notes Specific to Release 5.13 (Mac OS X 10.3)

Changes since the last release (cctools-494 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Changed the default headerpad in ld(1) when it creates a prebound executable to be 3 times instead of 6 times the size of its LC_PREBOUND_DYLIB load commands so it has a better chance of its prebinding being able to be redone if the dependent libaries change and does not increase the size of the file as much. (Radar bug #3410151).
Changes since the last release (cctools-493 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Changed the default headerpad in ld(1) when it creates a prebound executable to be 6 times the size of its LC_PREBOUND_DYLIB load commands so it has a better chance of its prebinding being able to be redone if the dependent libaries change. (Radar bug #3410151).
Changes since the last release (cctools-492 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding(1)(3) code that would cause an error if an indirectly dependent library changed its install name. (Radar bug #3408696).
Changes since the last release (cctools-491 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Changed the seg_addr_table(1) tool to assign addresses for _debug and _profile libraries addresses to start at 0x40000000 through lower addresses. (Radar bug #3360593).
  • Fixed a bug in the seg_addr_table(1) tool where the bounds checking of an assigned address would be allowed when it shouldn't have been if the library entirely fit inside a reserved region. (Radar bug #3359505).
Changes since the last release (cctools-490 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker in the code that implements of the API NSLookupSymbolInImage() that can cause it to crash when looking up a symbol in a bundle when another thread is still loading that bundle. (Radar bug #3393517).
Changes since the last release (cctools-489 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Fixed problems dealing with ppc970 cpusubtype binaries being incorrectly selected when not on a G5 for execution and not being selected when building and linking with a fat file containing only a ppc970 object file. (Radar bug #3387962).
Changes since the last release (cctools-488 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Change the code for otool(1) to have stub versions of the notify API so it will build. (Radar bug #3378781).
Changes since the last release (cctools-487 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Fixed a problem with the ld(1) man page where the description of -weak_framework got incorrectly inserted in the description of -framework. (Radar bug #3375695).
  • Updated the source code in the cctools project to the APSL 2.0. (Radar bug #3369348).
  • Change the code in the dynamic linker to define its own version of gettimeofday() so it will build with the latest Libc and Libnotify projects. (Radar bug #3375399).
Changes since the last release (cctools-485 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that would cause incorrectly relocate items causing the program to crash. (Radar bug #3364959).
  • Fixed a bug in the PowerPC assembler that would cause it to print an error message when it sees a 64-bit compare instruction or optional instructions the 970 implements even though -arch ppc970 was specified. (Radar bug #3364523).
Changes since the last release (cctools-485 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Added the environment variable DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES_POST_LAUNCH as an option to the dynamic linker that cause it to print out the dynamic libraries that are loaded after the program reaches its entry point. (Radar bug #3342354).
Changes since the last release (cctools-484 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Fixed some bugs in the static linker that would cause it to not mark an umbrella library or framework weak when it was linked with -weak_framework when the program used symbols just from the umbrella framework's sub-frameworks. (Radar bug #3337262).
Changes since the last release (cctools-483 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static linker that would cause it to print an error message when the argument to -bundle_loader contained a non default stack. (Radar bug #3329902).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that would cause it to crash if a weak library in an umbrella library or framework was missing. (Radar bug #3328875).
Changes since the last release (cctools-482 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static linker that would cause it to print a malloc(3) warning if a -lx option were used when the string x ends in a dot followed by a single character. (Radar bug #3285575).
  • Fixed a bug in the libtool(1) command when using the -weak_framework and -weak_library options that was causing it to incorrecly produce an error. (Radar bug #3318491).
  • Change the libtool(1) command to pass the ld(1) -m option on to ld(1). (Radar bug #3305123)
Changes since the last release (cctools-481 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Added the SPI NSFindSectionAndOffsetInObjectFileImage() to the new file <mach-o/dyld_priv.h>. (Radar bug #3318440).
Changes since the last release (cctools-480 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the optimization of trying to use prebound libraries post-launch into programs that were built with -prebind_all_twolevel_modules when loading bundles that was taking uneeded time. (Radar bug #3303038).
Changes since the last release (cctools-479 for the 5.13 Mac OS X 10.3 release)
  • Changed the kld(3) and rld(3) load calls to zero out the alignment of existing sections before loading the specified objects takes place. (Radar bug #3261751).
Changes since the last release (cctools-478 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Added the -executable_path path_name option to the static linker where path_name is is used to replace @executable_path for dependent libraries. (Radar bug #3278995).
  • Fixed the error message in dyld for multiply defined symbols to use the physical name not the logical name of the modules defining the symbols. (Radar bug #3295565).

Notes Specific to Release 5.12 (Mac OS X June 2003 Developer Release)

Changes since the last release (cctools-477 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug in dyld that was causing things to be doublely relocated and causing programs to crash. (Radar bug #3274768).
Changes since the last release (cctools-476 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Added the new PowerPC assembler mnemonic "dcbzl" to be the same as "dcbz128" and changed the assembler to disassemble this as "dcbzl". (Radar bug #3270067).
  • Added the kld_set_link_options() to the kld library to contol the stripping of the generated files. (Radar bug #3270588).
  • Changed the source of the cctools project to allow it to build with Libc-302 by stubbing out the functions __fpclassifyd(), for PowerPC and __fpclassify() for i386. (Radar bug #3271830).
Changes since the last release (cctools-475 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug in the otool(1)'s i386 disassembly of some of the movq instructions where it was not printing the mnemonic. (Radar bug #3268255).
Changes since the last release (cctools-474 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Updated the assembler man page, as(1) and the arch(3) man page. (Radar bug #3265334).
  • Fixed The Data Cache Block Touch Instruction variant with the TH field so it is 4 bits and marked as a 64-bit instruction. (Radar bug #3265411).
Changes since the last release (cctools-473 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug the libredo_prebinding(3) code that caused it to leak memory when run on system with partially fat files. (Radar bug #3144803).
Changes since the last release (cctools-472 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug the static linker that can cause it to crash when linking with large dynamic libraries. (Radar bug #3255992).
Changes since the last release (cctools-471 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed the libkld routines so that symbol files for kernel extensions for i386 can be built on ppc. (Radar bug #3251273).
  • Fixed a bug in the i386 assembler where it used the incorrect operand for the movq instruction so that the source & destination got reversed. (Radar bug #3250086).
  • Fixed a bug in the seg_addr_table(1) tools that when the -relayout option is used it did not set the <<< Next split address to assign >>> properly. . (Radar bug #3245958).
Changes since the last release (cctools-470 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that caused it to crash if a symbol is undefined that is using -undefined dynamic_lookup when trying to print out the name of the undefined symbol. (Radar bug #3246167).
  • Fixed a bug in the kld libraries where the code that was not ignoring the alignment of non-regular non-zerofill sections from the base file. (Radar bug #3245534).
  • Backed out the change made in ld(1) to call _exit instead of exit() done for Radar bug #3245341 as it does not correctly flush the output buffers. (Radar bug #3245341).
  • Changed the dynamic linker so that when the private LINK_OPTION_RELOC_JUST_THIS_MODULE option to NSLinkModule() is used the undefined handler gets the last undefined symbol not the first. (Radar bug #3243939).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker where it incorrectly stopped trying to use prebound libraries after a launch if a plugin was loaded that was out of date with respect to its libraries. (Radar bug #3243961).
Changes since the last release (cctools-469 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Added the private LINK_OPTION_RELOC_JUST_THIS_MODULE option to NSLinkModule() to be used by ZeroLink to improve the performance by avoid spending time filling in the indirect symbol pointers for anything but the new image. (Radar bug #3235113).
  • Added the strip(1) option -c to create create stub libraries from dynamic libraries by stripping the section contents. (Radar bug #3235093).
  • Improved the interface between the dynamic linker and debugger so that the debugger spends less time reading the state of the dynamic linker, especially for ZeroLink. (Radar bug #3233782).
  • Added the ld(1) option -search_paths_first . When specified and -dynamic is in effect this casuses ld(1) to search for files for -lx arguments in each library search path for libx.dylib then libx.a before searching the next library search path. (Radar bug #3176974).
  • Changed ld(1) to call _exit instead of exit(). (Radar bug #3245341).
Changes since the last release (cctools-468 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Added the ld(1) options -weak_framework, -weak_library and -weak-l to force a dynamic library and all references to it to be marked as weak imports. (Radar bug #3069758).
  • Changed the dynamic linker's internal inline strcmp to have the correct GNU asm constrains. (Radar bug #3225099)
  • Fixed a bug in seg_addr_table(1) that caused it to crash introduced in cctools-464. (Radar bug #3225931).
  • Fixed a bug in the assembler's .p2align directive when used with no fill expression that did not fill with no-op instructions when appropriate. (Radar bug #3227897).
  • Fixed a problem with the fix to Radar bug #3208399 that caused an incorrect "malformed object" error on a dynamic shared library with the opposite byte sex of the host machine. (Radar bug #3228664).
  • Added private callbacks in the dynamic linker so ZeroLink can help locate definitions faster. (Radar bug #3229077).
Changes since the last release (cctools-467 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug in the compiler tools that caused the static link editor, ld(1), to mess up the static branches that were predicted using the Y-bit in cases it changed the sign of the displacement. (Radar bug #3223045).
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor, ld(1), when linking against stub libraries it would incorrectly record the dependent libraries of the stub libraries. This caused library ordinals for undefined symbols to be incorrect causing the program to fail to run with an error from the dynamic linker saying it can't find a symbol from the incorrecly recorded library. (Radar bug #3220772).
Changes since the last release (cctools-466 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Changed the assember to allow .section directives with diffenent attributes. (Radar bug #3218644).
  • Changed the compiler tools to allow section difference relocations with PowerPC load/store double instructions. (Radar bug #3218027).
Changes since the last release (cctools-465 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug in nm(1), and other object tools, that could cause it to crash on a malformed dynamic library with bad module table entries. (Radar bug #3208399).
  • Added the -undefined dynamic_lookup option to ld(1) to allow two-level namespace images to have their remaining undefined symbols marked to be dynamically looked up at runtime. This option is only allowed when MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is set to 10.3 or greater (since this requires a new version of dyld). As such this option is not described yet in the public compiler tools release notes. (Radar bug #3210803).
  • Fixed the problem with gprof(1) crashing introduced when fixing warnings in the code in cctools-464 (Radar bug #3212306).
  • Added the -undefined define_a_way option to ld(1) as a work a round to not having dead-code stripping that also strips out references to undefined symbols from the dead code. Which leads to link time failures due to undefined symbols. With this option ld(1) defines the remaining undefined symbols as private definitions and allows the link to succeed. The program then runs as long as it does not use any of the undefined symbols. (Radar bug #3216770).
  • Fixed a bug in libtool(1) when the -static option is used to create an archive library that caused it to crash when the input object files do not contain symbols that will be in the archive table of contents. (Radar bug #3217471).
Changes since the last release (cctools-465 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Added the .p2align[wl] directives to the assembler which take the form:
    • .p2align[wl] align, [fill[, max_bytes_to_fill]]

    and allows a maximum number of bytes to fill to be specified. (Radar bug #3207027).

  • Fixed a bug in otool(1)'s disassembly of "movd -12(%ebp), %mm0" which was disassembling incorrectly without the displacement. (Radar bug #3206331).
  • Changed the dynamic link editor to align its stack on a 16 byte (SSE2) boundary. (Radar bug #3204580).
  • Changed the static link editor's handing of begin include/end include stab groups (BINCL/ENCL) such that if the starting BINCL has a non-zero checksum it is preserved and then the static link editor does not calculate the a checksum for the group. (Radar bug #3201935).
  • Fixed the assembler's
    • .fill repeat_expression , fill_size , fill_expression

    directive where for a fill_size of anything but 1 it was is broken. (Radar bug #3201031).

Changes since the last release (cctools-464 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a spelling error in <mach-o/loader.h> in the MH_NOMULTIDEFS comment. (Radar bug #3198288).
  • Added the API NSHasModInitObjectFileImage() to <mach-o/dyld.h>. (Radar bug #3196951).
  • Updated the cctools-464 project to build with gcc-3.3.
Changes since the last release (cctools-462 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Added support for dynamic shared library stubs. (Radar bug #3193744).
  • Implemented the NSGetSectionDataInObjectFileImage() API which was previously stubbed out. (Radar bug #3194204).
Changes since the last release (cctools-461 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Added the new NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_TRAILING_PHYS_NAME option to the NSLinkModule(3) to allow ZeroLink so it can specify both the logical name of the image and the physical name of the object file . (Radar bug #3190599).
  • Fixed a problem with the static linker not correctly detecting the case when the relocated displacement of 14-bit PowerPC branch instruction did not reach. (Radar bug #3190434).
Changes since the last release (cctools-460 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug in install_name_tool(1) that caused it to crash when changing the shared library names to shorter names. (Radar bug #3161586).
  • Changed the assembler to allow for the code generation for fix-n-continue to use symbol pointers for local symbols. (Radar bug #3182683).
  • Added the new NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_DONT_CALL_MOD_INIT_ROUTINES option to the NSLinkModule(3) to not run module initializers to be used for fix-n-continue. (Radar bug #3183011).
  • Fixed the building of libdyld so that it can be linked against without getting an out of date table of contents error. (Radar bug #3183053).
Changes since the last release (cctools-459 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Install the Tachyon special pre-release of dyld for zero-link in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ZeroLink.framework/Versions/A/Resources/dyld. (Radar bug #3180833).
  • Implemented the following API's
    which were previously stubbed out. (Radar bug #3179011).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker so that when the undefined handler loaded the needed symbol it would correctly check to see if there were any more undefined symbols and if not resume the program instead of exit. (Radar bug #3178607).
Changes since the last release (cctools-457 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Change the i386 assembler to not treat the pause instruction as optional so it can be assembled without requiring -force_cpusubtype_ALL (Radar bug #3173226).
Changes since the last release (cctools-456 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Implemented NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory() which was previously stubbed out. (Radar bug #3131622).
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor that was not removing the symbol stubs of private extern coalesced symbols when creating a single module dynamic library. (Radar bug #3163714).
Changes since the last release (cctools-455 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Changed the environment variable XBS_TRACE_BUNDLE_LOADER to LD_TRACE_BUNDLE_LOADER. Radar bug #3152604).
  • Picked up the internal libsyminfo library which has API to extract export/import information from Mach-O files. (Radar bug #3145742).
  • Backed out the change to the dynamic linker to force any module containing an initialization or termination routine to be fully bound when any symbol in the module is bound. This caused launch time regressions in programs not built with -prebind_all_twolevel_modules. (Radar bug #3158070).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that caused loading a bundle into a program that is built with -prebind_all_twolevel_modules to crash. (Radar bug #3148967).
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding(3) API that incorrectly caused a error return in the case that there is a fat file that the architecture we don't care about which depends on a library in another fat file and the time stamps for the libraries don't match instead of ignoring it as it should. (Radar bug #3144552).
Changes since the last release (cctools-454 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Changed the seg_addr_table(1) tool to no longer require that the actual path of a dynamic library equals the install name of the dynamic library (Radar bug #3147668).
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding code that would cause it to not correctly set the bits in the linked_module bit vector for modules referenced via private externs (Radar bug #3126383).
Changes since the last release (cctools-453 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug in otool(1)'s i386 disassembler when disassembling an instruction with a bad segment register encoding that caused it to crash (Radar bug #3144846).
  • Fixed a bug in ld(1) when using the -m flag when there are multiply defined private external symbols that cause an internal error. (Radar bug #3143764).
  • Change the assembler's .include directive to automatically find files in the same directotry as the file including it if assembled in a different directory (Radar bug #3139454).
  • Change the assembler to no longer have a fixed sized input buffer so it can assembler the very long stabs lines generated by the compiler (Radar bug #3138898).
  • Updated the prebinding release notes to reflect the change of the range of split address libraries from 10.1 to 10,2. (Radar bug #3135553).
  • Fixed a bug in the seg_addr_table(1) tool that did not correctly generate an error message when a split library was allocated an address in the alternate area. (Radar bug #3138181).
  • Fixed a bug in ld(1) when using the -i flag with a private external symbol that cause an internal error. (Radar bug #3134759).
  • Changed the dynamic linker to force any module containing an initialization or termination routine to be fully bound when any symbol in the module is bound. The effect this will have is that if a C++ executable has a constructor the entire program will be fully bound at launch time. (Radar bug #3016816).
Changes since the last release (cctools-452 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Changed the dyld's dyld_mach_thread_self() to match the updated system's implementation to check if the port is not MACH_PORT_NULL before deallocating the port (Radar bug #3133910).
Changes since the last release (cctools-451 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug in the bug fix for Radar bug #3124262 (below in cctools-451). This caused fix_prebinding to crash (Radar bug #3133589).
Changes since the last release (cctools-450 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding code that would cause it to loose the -prebind_all_twolevel_modules state if the binary had a new dependency (Radar bug #3124262).
Changes since the last release (cctools-449 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug in the assembler that was incorrectly causing an error message for a section difference expresion using a symbol at the end of a section for a .lcomm symbol (Radar bug #3123561).
  • Changed the static linker's default segment alignment for the i386 architecture is 4K instead of 8K (Radar bug #3120579).
  • Fixed the i386 assembler so that the i386 movd instructions using GPR registers are assembled correctly (Radar bug #3117280).
  • Fixed otool's disassembler so that the i386 movd instructions using GPR registers is correctly disassembled (Radar bug #3117176).
  • Fixed the i386 assembler so that it will assemble mov to/from segment register instructions in 32-bit mode (Radar bug #3114720).
  • Fixed the cctools Makefile so that the project can be built when in a directory which has a space in the name (Radar bug #3114622).
  • Fixed ld(1)'s -S symbol stripping option to strip symbols in sections marked with the section attribute S_ATTR_STRIP_STATIC_SYMS (Radar bug #3114458).
  • Fixed ld(1)'s -x symbol stripping option to strip private externs symbol that get turned into statics (Radar bug #3114182).
  • Changed the ar(1) tool to deal with creating files on NFS servers that support file locking (Radar bug #3105943)
Changes since the last release (cctools-448 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Changed the i386 assembler use the ALL subtype even if a processor specific instruction is used. And added the -arch i686 flag to be the same as -arch pentpro flag (Radar bug #3111977)
  • Fixed a memory leak in the dynamic linker with the NSUnLinkModule() API that leaked the memory for the moduleName parameter of the NSLinkModule() API (Radar bug #3073359).
  • Changed the dynamic linker to use the prebinding of dynamic libraries loaded via runtime APIs if possible (Radar bug #3055389).
  • Changed the gprof(1) man page to include "dyld(1) and the DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX environment variable" in the SEE ALSO section (Radar bug #2572028).
  • Changed the assembler to generate an error message for a subtraction expression that uses a label at the end of a section and suggest how to create an assembly time constant expression (Radar bug #2259427).
  • Changed the assembler error message for a non-relocatable subtraction expression to print the file and line number along with which symbol is undefined (Radar bug #2254439).
Changes since the last release (cctools-447 for the 5.12 MacOS June 2003 Developer release)
  • Fixed nm(1) to print the OPT for the N_OPT stab gcc2_compiled. stab produced by the compiler (Radar bug #3104328).
  • Fixed ld(1)'s -x option to strip out all stabs including the N_OPT gcc2_compiled. stab produced by the compiler (Radar bug #3104019).
  • Changed the dynamic linker to make the internal routine relocate_symbol_pointers more efficient (Radar bug #3102491).
  • Backed out the change in the dynamic linker to force any module containing an initialization or termination routine to be fully bound when any symbol in the module is bound. The original Radar bug was #3016816 but this change caused a preformance regression (Radar bug #3101666).
  • Fixed the i386 assembler so it assembles the cmpxchg8b instruction correctly (Radar bug #3099684).
  • Added the _dyld_get_image_header_containing_address() SPI that returns a pointer to the mach header if the address is a dyld image. See the dyld(3) man page for more detailes (Radar bug #2967928).
  • Changed the dynamic linker to not leak memory when using the NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_WITH_SEARCHING option with NSAddImage() and loading a malformed library (Radar bug #2956804).
Changes since the last release (cctools-446 for the 5.11 MacOS November 2002 Developer release)
  • Changed the NXGetArchInfoFromName() API to work with VEO binaries (Radar bug #3096745).
  • Changed the dynamic linker to make the API _dyld_image_containing_address more efficient (Radar bug #3096691).
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor that was causing dynamic libraries that had nothing referenced in them that also were used indirectly that did have symbols indirectly referenced in them to be marked as weak libraries when they shouldn't have been, (Radar bug #3094497).
  • Changed the dynamic linker to not cause fix_prebinding to be notified if the problem dynamic library is non-prebound (Radar bug #3091026).
  • Changed the assembler to pad sections containing instructions with nops (Radar bug #3073763).
  • Added the SPI _dyld_all_twolevel_modules_prebound() that can be used to check if all libraries are currently being used as two-level namespace libraires, are prebound and all modules in them are bound (Radar bug #3055372).
  • Added the -noprebind_all_twolevel_modules flag that overrides the setting of the environment variable LD_PREBIND_ALL_TWOLEVEL_MODULES static linker (Radar bug #3055372).
  • Changed the dynamic linker to force any module containing an initialization or termination routine to be fully bound when any symbol in the module is bound. The effect this will have is that if a C++ executable has a constructor the entire program will be fully bound at launch time. (Radar bug #3016816).

Notes Specific to Release 5.11 (Mac OS X November 2002 Developer Release)

Changes since the last release (cctools-445 for the 5.11 MacOS November 2002 Developer release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static linker that caused it to crash when an export lists was specified that did not include common symbols that was not dynamically referenced. (Radar bug #3088916).
  • Changed the static linker so that the -s option can when used building an executable that uses the dynamic linker that results in the same size output as strip(1) with no options (Radar bug #3089997).
  • Changed libtool(1) so that it passes the -x option to the static linker (Radar bug #3088301).
  • Changed the i386 assembler so that it allows all of the supported operands to the cmpxchg8b (Radar bug #3089041).
Changes since the last release (cctools-444 for the 5.11 MacOS November 2002 Developer release)
  • Changed the static linker so that the -s option can be used when building an executable that uses the dynamic linker that results in the same output as strip(1) with no options (Radar bug #2545288).
Changes since the last release (cctools-443 for the 5.11 MacOS November 2002 Developer release)
  • Export lists can now be specified to the static link editor with the new options -exported_symbols_list filename and -unexported_symbols_list filename. See the ld(1) man page for more details. (Radar bug #3083844).
  • Fixed a bug in the seg_addr_table(1) tool that was causing it to crash when the -release does not have a DylibProjects file in its directory. (Radar bug #3079374).
  • Fixed a bug in the static linker when doing an ld(1) -r building kexts where a jbsr to a symbol that is undefined in output file is relocated wrong (Radar bug #3054747).
  • Fixed the formating on the arch(3) man page (Radar bug #2903710).
Changes since the last release (cctools-442 for the 5.11 MacOS November 2002 Developer release)
  • The static link editor can now build dynamic libraries as a single module with the new option -single_moule. The default remains the same and can explicitly specified with -multi_module. (Radar bug #3080780).
Changes since the last release (cctools-441 for the 5.11 MacOS November 2002 Developer release)
  • Fixed the ld(1) man page to not reference the obsolete CALL_ON_MODULE_BIND pragma where it now references the current CALL_ON_LOAD pragma (Radar bug #3078181).
  • Changed where the i386 assembler gets installed so it will be on the developer CD and not in the Local package (Radar bug #3074138).
  • Changed the i386 assembler to take an fxch instruction with no operands (Radar bug #3073760).
Changes since the last release (cctools-439 for the 5.11 MacOS November 2002 Developer release)
  • Fixed the headers (and source code) so that they won't get the "extra tokens at end of #endif directive" warnings (Radar bug #3072042).
Changes since the last release (cctools-438 for the 5.11 MacOS November 2002 Developer release)
  • Added support for the VEO cpu type (Radar bug #3068161).
  • Added the install_name(3) API for extracting install_name value from dylibs to libredo_prebinding (Radar bug #3065586).
  • Changed the needs_redo_prebinding(3) API to check all archs if allow_missing_archs is zero (Radar bug #3065577).
  • Changed the libtool(1) command to allow the -no_arch_warnings option as a no-op when -dynamic is specified (Radar bug #3064819).
  • Changed the static link editor to remove partial output files when coredumping (Radar bug #3062745).
  • Made a fix to the a bug fix in cctools-436 for Radar bug #3037279 in the static link editor that was not removing a symbol stubs for private weak definitions (Radar bug #3054990).
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor that fail to mark a dynamic library weak if all of the references to it were weak when the library had internal references (Radar bug #3051119).
  • Updated the code in the make_dyld_image_data_writable(3) dyld debug API to use the dyld preferred address in Mac OS X 10.2 as its initial guess when scaning memory looking for dyld (Radar bug #3042819).
  • Removed the support for the dyld DYLD_MEM_PROTECT feature (Radar bug #3035901).
  • Added support for the Intel SSE2/SSE/MMX instructions in otool(1)'s disassembler (Radar bug #2972491).
  • Finished the support for the Intel SSE2/SSE/MMX instructions in the assembler (Radar bug #2972486).
  • Added the .align32 assembler directive that takes a 32bit fill value for use by the compiler with -falign-loops. (Radar bug #2680692).
Changes since the last release (cctools-437 for the 5.11 MacOS November 2002 Developer release)
  • Added the value 10.3 to be one of the known values allowed for environment variable MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET (Radar bug #3049974).
Changes since the last release (cctools-436 for the 5.11 MacOS November 2002 Developer release)
  • Added most of the Intel SSE2/SSE/MMX instructions to the assembler (Radar bug #2972486).
  • Fixed many bugs in ld(1) and kld(3) having to do with the relocation of the PowerPC pseudo instruction jbsr which are generated with the compiler -mlong_branch option (Radar bug #3046962).
  • Changed the cctools project to not build a -static compiled libredo_prebinding library (Radar bug #3000895).
  • Updated the nm(1) tool to print the new stab entry containing full compiler flags, compiler version and the optimization level (Radar bug #3000792).
  • Fixed a bug the static link editor that can cause it to crash when dealing with a truncated dynamic library (Radar bug #2999466).
  • Fixed the static link editor error message handling of an archive that does not have the needed architecture when the -no_arch_warnings is used (Radar bug #2986587).
  • Fixed a crash that can occur in the nmedit(1) tool if the list of symbols contains duplicate symbol names (Radar bug #2962899).
Changes since the last release (cctools-435 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a bug the static link editor that was incorrectly removing a symbol stub for a weak definition (Radar bug #3037279).

Notes Specific to Release 5.10 (Mac OS X 10.2)

New Features

The dynamic linker now supports weak references and weak dylibs

The dynamic linker now supports weak symbol references and weak dymamic libraries. When creating a binary with the static link editor if all the symbols referenced from a given dependent dynamic library are weak references then the library is marked weak. When the binary is used at execution time and a weak library is missing the dynamic linker will not cause an error. For all weak symbols that are missing execution time the dynamic linker uses zero as their address. This allows a weak symbol's address to be tested for zero at runtime allowing the code to avoid using the weak symbol when it is missing. Binaries that use weak references require a dynamic linker from Mac OS X 10.2 or later.

To indicate a symbol is to be a weak reference the __attribute((weak_import)) is used on the prototype of the symbol. When a binary is created by the static link editor normally the all the undefined symbol references of the object files being linked should be consistent for each undefined symbol. That is all undefined symbols should either be weak or non-weak references. If they are not by default this is treated as an error and can be changed with the ld(1) -weak_reference_mismatches treatment flag (see the ld(1) man page for more details).

Weak referenced symbols and weak libraries are only created in the output by the static link editor, ld(1), when the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable is set to 10.2. If not a warning is generated when a weak reference would be in the output and it is not marked weak. Note the default for the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable 10.1 so weak referenced symbols and weak libraries are not created by default. See the ld(1) man page for more information on the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable.

redo_prebinding can now slide dylibs

The redo_prebinding(1) command and the redo_prebinding(3) API now can slide dymamic libraries to new prefered addresses (see the man page for more details).

Support for weak definitions in coalesced sections

There is now support for the .weak_definition symbol_name assembler directive for symbols in a coalesced section. This is used by the C++ compiler to support explicit template instantiation. The assembler symtax for this is:

.section __TEXT, __template, coalesced
.private_extern _template_func
.weak_definition _template_func
li r3,1

The compiler uses a coalesced section with the .weak_definition directive for implicitly instantiated templates. And uses a regualr section (.text, .data, etc) for an explicit template instantiation.

The static link editor then discards all of the copies of a weak symbol in a coalesced section if the same symbol is defined in another section. If there exists only definitions of the weak symbols in a coalesced section then the one from the first object file being linked will be used and the others will be discarded.

The support for flat namespace images using weak symbols from a coalesced section is likely to be buggy as the semantics for it and lazy binding are not well defined.

Changes since the last releases (cctools-434 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Change redo_prebinding(1)(3) to not attempt to redo the prebinding on any file that has a resource fork. (Radar bug #2987656).
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding(3) APIs of get_prebind_cksums() and object_file_type() where its error handling code was causing a crash in processing the error. (Radar bug #2992414).
Changes since the last releases (cctools-433 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the nmedit(1) tool when the -p option was used that incorrectly changed the indirect symbol table entries to be marked as INDIRECT_SYMBOL_LOCAL which it shouldn't do when the -p option is used. (Radar bug #2986703).
Changes since the last releases (cctools-432 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed the dynamic linker handling of global coalesced symbols in two-level prebound images to be faster. (Radar bug #2951657).
Changes since the last releases (cctools-431 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Change libtool(1) when the -static is in effect to not copy a dynamic library file that is on the command line into the output file. (Radar bug #2970223).
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor that was incorrectly setting the weak definition bit on an undefined symbol. (Radar bug #2969501).
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor that was incorrectly produce the error message "illegal reference to symbol defined in indirectly referenced dynamic library" when the -r option was used. (Radar bug #2969437).
  • Fixed a crash in the static link editor that was introduced with the change for Radar bug #2969353. (Radar bug #2969353).
Changes since the last releases (cctools-430 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor that caused it to produce the internal error message:

    ld: internal error: output_section() count of external relocation entries does not match

    when the input object files contained a reference to a coalesced symbol and a definition of the symbol in a different object file and -bundle was used.(Radar bug #2963045).

Changes since the last releases (cctools-427,8,9 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed the nmedit(1) tool so that with the -s option when run on MH_OBJECT files it turns global coalesced symbols into static symbols. (Radar bug #2957909).
Changes since the last release (cctools-426 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static linker, ld(1), when creating a two-level namespace image where it was producing a bad image when a symbol from an object was discared and became an illegal reference to an indirectly referenced dylib. (Radar bug #2956332).
  • Changed the nmedit(1) tool so that with the -p option it turns global coalesced symbols into private extern symbols. (Radar bug #2956057).
Changes since the last release (cctools-425 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • The fix below in the static linker, ld(1), was still incomplete. If multiple weak private externs are seen then a non-weak global symbol was seen it was also have the same problem. (Radar bug #2952209).
Changes since the last release (cctools-424 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • The fix below in the static linker, ld(1), was incomplete. If the second symbol came from a dynamic library or the -bundle_loader argument it was also have the same problem. (Radar bug #2952209).
Changes since the last release (cctools-423 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static linker, ld(1), when creating a dynamic library. The bug was when the static linker first sees a weak private extern symbol from an object file, which is later discarded for a non-weak symbol the resulting dynamic library has the wrong reference type for the symbol in the module created for the object file with the weak private extern symbol. This would result in a error of the form: (Radar bug #2952209).
    • ld: /usr/local/lib/private/libstdc++.dylib(strstream.o) isym field (2683) of reference table entry 609 for private reference not in the local symbols for any module
Changes since the last release (cctools-422 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Re-fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that caused it to crash if it loaded an image with a zero sized segment. (Radar bug #2931784).
  • Changed the dynamic linker's default error handling to cause a break point trap instead of exiting. (Radar bug #2405619).
Changes since the last release (cctools-421 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a small memory leak when malformed library is loaded via a search path in the dynamic linker. (Radar bug #2914747).
  • Added some pentium pro instructions to the Intel assembler and disassembler in otool(1). (Radar bug #2928507).
  • Added the section attribute strip_static_syms to be used by the compiler for the C++ exception frame section. This will cause the static symbols in that section to be stripped by the strip(1) tool when they are in a binary built for the dynamic linker. (Radar bug #2945659).
Changes since the last release (cctools-420 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed the dynamic linker to use the mach service interface for the prebinding on demand feature to allow dyld to send a mach message to a server registered with the bootstrap port. (Radar bug #2944779).
  • Changed the dynamic linker to not trigger the prebinding on demand feature when the program is not using the system shared regions. (Radar bug #2942209).
  • Added the new -nofixprebinding option to ld(1) to be used when building the tool fix_prebinding(1). Since this is likely not to be needed by any other program it will need to be passed to ld(1) via the -Wl,-nofixprebinding compiler driver flag. (Radar bug #2941669).
  • Added the new -relayout_nonsplit option to the seg_addr_table(1) tool that could be run in tandem with the -update_overlaps option to assign new addresses to all flat libraries and fix up any overlaps found in the split region. (Radar bug #2935630).
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding(3) APIs where calling a sequence of the redo_prebinding(3) APIs caused one of the later API to give the wrong answer. (Radar bug #2933102).
  • Changed the libkld libraries to not call the routine reset_prebound_undefines() to avoid a possible kernel panic. (Radar bug #2931331).
  • Changed the way the gprof(1) tool reads the gmon.out file to be faster. (Radar bug #2876478).
Changes since the last release (cctools-419 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a problem introduced in cctools-419 where the libkld libraries had an undefined symbol for get_output_section. (Radar bug #2936244
  • Changed the libtool(1) command to take and pass through the ld(1) -M option. (Radar bug #2935497).
  • Updated the size(1) man page in include the description of te -arch flag that was missing from the man page. (Radar bug #2934869).
  • Changed the return values for redo_prebinding(3) API's for statically linked executables. So needs_redo_prebinding(3) returns NOT_PREBINDABLE and redo_prebinding(3) when the only_if_needed parameter is non-zero returns REDO_PREBINDING_NOT_NEEDED. (Radar bug #2934831).
Changes since the last release (cctools-418 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that caused it to crash if it loaded an image with a zero sized segment. (Radar bug #2931784).
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor that caused it to produce a bad object file with the -r option if the input object files contained a weak coalesced symbol and a non-weak symbol that has a reference to the symbol coalesced symbol. (Radar bug #2931708).
Changes since the last release (cctools-417 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed the assembler to not cause an error if a section attribute is used with out -dynamic. (Radar bug #2929120).
  • Changed the dynamic linker to ignore any filename that is matched when using a DYLD PATH environment variable that is a directory. (Radar bug #2917660).
Changes since the last release (cctools-416 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static linker that would cause incorrect "illegal reference" error messages (Radar bug #2925564).
  • Changed the compiler tools project to build a -static compiled version of libredo_prebinding for fix_prebinding(1) to link with when it is compiled -static. (Radar bug #2922145).
  • Changed the dynamic linker to never run fix_prebinding(1) when any of its DYLD PATH or INSERT environment variables are set. (Radar bug #2921735).
Changes since the last release (cctools-415 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed the static linker to not generate multiply defined warnings and errors when one of the multiple symbols comes from a indirectly referenced dynamic library (Radar bug #2921080).
  • Changed the support for weak coalesced symbols to not use the weak_definitions attribute for coalesced sections but use a .weak_definition symbol_name assembler directive (see the notes above for the new features) (Radar bug #2919646).
  • Fixed a bug in ld(1) where it was incorrectly generating a warning message about archives that did not match the -arch flag when the -no_arch_warnings flag was specified.(Radar bug #2918296).
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding(3) API when the allow_missing_architectures prarmeter was non-zero and one of the dependent library's architecture was missing. The code incorrectly updated the timestamp in the dylib for all architectutes when it should not have done this for architectures it did not update the prebinding. (Radar bug #2914003).
  • Fixed a bug in the PowerPC assembler that did not correctly generate an error when a 5 parameter instruction had more than 5 parameters (Radar bug #2911611).
  • Added the -m option to otool(1) to not treat the filenames containing parenthesis as archive and an archive member syntax Radar bug #2904708).
Changes since the last release (cctools-414 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static linker that would cause incorrect "illegal reference to a coalesced section" error messages when a symbol from a regular section is used in place of discarded symbol in a coalesced section with the weak_definitions attribute (Radar bug #2911339).
  • Changed the i386 assembler to assemble fildll and fistpll as fildq and fistpq (Radar bug #2909568).
  • Changed the incomplete implementation of dlopen()'s dlsym() routine to append '_' to names passed to it (Radar bug #2908831).
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding(1)(3) code where it would not preserve all two-level modules as linked if an executable was built with -prebind_all_twolevel_modules flag (Radar bug #2909518).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that would caused undefined symbol errors from sub-libraries when the DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX environment variable is used (Radar bug #2906863).
  • Fixed a bug in the PowerPC assembler that did not correctly set the branch hints bit for some conditional branches (Radar bug #2905071).
  • Re-fixed a bug in the dynamic linker where it would get a malloc(3) double free(3) error with the NSAddImage(3) API when the NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_WITH_SEARCHING is specified and the library was searched for and found to already be loaded. (Radar bug #2892860).
Changes since the last release (cctools-413 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Added support for weak_definitions in coalesced sections (see the notes above for the new features). (Radar bug #2898558).
  • The DYLD_TRACE variable has been turned back off by default (Radar bug #2859113).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker where it would get a malloc(3) double free(3) error with the NSAddImage(3) API when the NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_WITH_SEARCHING is specified and the library was searched for and found to already be loaded. (Radar bug #2892860).
  • Fixed a bug in needs_redo_prebinding(3), and redo_prebinding(1)(3) where it would not determine the file needs to be rebuilt when its dependent libraries install names changed (Radar bug #2894021).
  • Fixed some bugs in the cctools code base where there could be a possible leak of a Mach privileged host port. (Radar bug #2895931).
  • Changed the seg_addr_table(1) tool's default starting address for allocating flat shared libraries to 0x8fe00000 not 0x7fe00000. Also changed the default address of dyld to 0x8fe00000 not 0x7fe00000. (Radar bug #2897418).
  • Added a check in the static link editor, ld(1), to not allow a shared library to be linked against another shared library that has the same install name.. (Radar bug #2890446).
  • Fixed a bug in the PowerPC assembler in the range checking for 16 bit branch displacements so the maximum negative range is not treated as an error. (Radar bug #2890217).
  • Changed the dyld(1) man page to be clearer on what the otool -L option does. (Radar bug #2710374).
Changes since the last release (cctools-412 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed the seg_addr_table(1) tool's default starting address for allocating flat shared libraries to 0x7fe00000 not 0x7ffc0000. Also changed the default address of dyld to 0x7fe00000 not 0x7ffc0000. (Fix to Radar bug #2848945).
Changes since the last release (cctools-411 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed the cctools project to no longer build the file(1) command. This is now done by the by the System Commands project. (Radar bug #2883427).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic link editor's error handling of unknown load commands with the LC_REQ_DYLD bit set. This only showed up with RETURN_ON_ERROR options to the dyld APIs. (Radar bug #2882932).
  • Fixed some some problems with mutiple calls to the redo_prebinding(3) routines that did not correctly reset the initial state later calls did not work correctly. (Radar bug #2882844).
  • Changed the dynamic link editor's internal handling of the DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES string to match what gdb(1) wants. It now copies the string and replaces the colon characters with null characters. (Radar bug #2882739).
  • Changed the static link editor, ld(1), to generate an error message when too many sections are used. (Radar bug #2882553).
  • Changed the seg_addr_table(1) command to not cause an error when dylibs in the seg_addr_table are not found when the tool is run in the -update or -update_overlaps mode. (Radar bug #2882324).
  • Added the -sect_diff_relocs flag and LD_SECT_DIFF_RELOCS environment variable to ld(1) to allow checking that things were compiled with -mdynamic-no-pic (see the man page for more details). (Radar bug #2870529).
  • Changed the strings(1) command to process non-object files by default as if the '-' (single dash) option were given. (Radar bug #2868578).
  • Fixed some spelling errors in the dyld(1), dylibprof(1), ld(1) and nmedit(1). (Radar bugs #2854497, #2854501, #2854516 and #2854539).
Changes since the last release (cctools-410 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed the seg_addr_table(1) tool's default address ranges for allocating shared libraries (see the seg_addr_table(1) man page for details). Also changed the default address of dyld to 0x7ffc0000. Once the shared libaries have been moved to the new addresses this will allow a larger maximum limit for malloc()'s by a program (Radar bug #2848945).
  • Removed the dummy versions of __isinfd(), __isnand() and __inf() from dyld as these were put back in libc.a .
Changes since the last release (cctools-409 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed dyld to defined dummy versions of __isinfd(), __isnand() and __inf() deal with these symbols being moved out of libc.a
Changes since the last release (cctools-408 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Added the second prototype of prebinding on demand code to dyld. This still uses vfork and execl to run /usr/bin/fix_prebinding for binaries that were launch and the prebinding information could not be used (Radar bug #2870411).
  • Fixed a case where __initialize_Cplusplus() fails to call the library's initializers (Radar bug #2869388).
  • Fixed a spelling error in man page for libtool (Radar bug #2856089) and one in the ld man page (Radar bug #2775049).
Changes since the last release (cctools-407 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Added the first prototype of prebinding on demand code to dyld. This uses vfork and execl to run /usr/bin/fix_prebinding for binaries that were launch and the prebinding information could not be used (Radar bug #2866348).
Changes since the last release (cctools-406 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Removed the proto type support for -run_init_lazily which was trying to allow a shared library routine to be marked to have its initialization routine run on first use of the library by the program rather than at program start up when the program is launched prebound. This prototype code caused a second thread to be created to handle the memory exception. Since the support for doing this without a second thread is not to be done (see Radar bug #2552042) this prototype code has been removed (Radar bug #2864021).
Changes since the last release (cctools-405 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed dependent_libs(3) to work for MH_BUNDLE type objects (Radar bug #2862297).
Changes since the last release (cctools-404 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the change to strip(1) introduced in cctools-404 fix (Radar bug #2860291).
Changes since the last release (cctools-403 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the change to strip(1) introduced in cctools-402 that was causing some symbols not to be saved and generating an errror message stating "symbols referenced by indirect symbol table entries that can't be stripped" (Radar bug #2860291).
  • Fixed the libredo_prebinding.a library to not export the _crc32 symbol (Radar bug #2859919).
  • Fixed a bug in NSLookupSymbolInImage(3) when that caused it to crash when the image was the executable or a bundle (not a shared library) when the symbol being looked up was not found (Radar bug #2857197).
Changes since the last release (cctools-402 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed the cctools project to conform to the Darwin Makefile API so that "make" builds everything and "make install" builds everything and installs things into "/" (or into the value of $(DSTROOT) if set) (Radar bug #2859138).
  • Fixed a bug in the needs_redo_prebinding(3) API when the allow_missing_architectures parameter was set that did not check the specified architecture and returned the wrong value (Radar bug #2836068).
  • Changed the use of #import to #include in the header files mach-o/i386/swap.h and mach-o/ppc/swap.h (Radar bug #2778821).
Changes since the last release (cctools-401 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed strip(1) to strip private externs that were turned into statics that are in a dynamic library that are not referenced by a module other than where the symbols is defined. (Radar bug #2853161).
  • Changed "it's" to "its" on the nmedit man page (Radar bug #2420515).
Changes since the last release (cctools-400 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Added the i386 instruction fistp to be the same as fistps since gcc3 generates this form. (Radar bug #2851846).
Changes since the last release (cctools-399 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed the checksyms(1) tool and removed the checks to see that the address(es) of a shared library matches the entries in the segment address table specified (Radar bug #2847857).
  • Changed the seg_addr_table(1) tool in the -update or -update_overlapps cases to not fail if a dynamic library in the table does not exist (Radar bug #2848667).
  • Added the new throttle parameter to the redo_prebinding(3) API for use by a prebinding agent to allow it throttle its I/O and not impact other applications when running in the back ground (Radar bug #2850642).
  • Fixed a bug in the strip(1) command that caused it to crash when run with no options on a framework. This was a regression introduced in cctools-394 in the changes to strip coalesced symbols that are not used with indirect symbols which was Radar bug #2689894. (Radar bug #2851013).
Changes since the last release (cctools-398 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed seg_addr_table(1) tool in the -update or -update_overlapps cases to not check that non-zero addresses in the table match the addresses in the dynamic library file (Radar bug #2841199).
  • Changed the assembler's line buffer size from 32k to 64k to allow long .stab lines created with GCC3 to be assembled. (Radar bug #2840883).
Changes since the last release (cctools-397 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed the redo_prebinding(1)(3) code to only load a library only once for libraries that have have mutiple names via symlinks (Radar bug #2839783).
Changes since the last release (cctools-396 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Changed the needs_redo_prebinding(3) API to be able to ignore missing architectures with the addition of the new allow_missing_architectures parameter (Radar bug #2836068).
  • Added a version number to the redo_prebinding API's (Radar bug #2836572).
  • The DYLD_TRACE variable has been turned on by default in the dynamic linker for Jaguar development (Radar bug #2836321).
  • Changed the static link editor to no longer print warnings about unused mutiply defined symbols by default. The new -multiply_defined_unused treatment flag can be used to re-enable this warning (Radar bug #2835152).
  • The DYLD_BOOL macro was removed from the header file <mach-o/dyld.h>(Radar bug #2831923).
  • The new mechanism to control the use of incompatible features in produced by the devenv tools using the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable has been implemented in ld(1) and controls the output of weak references & libraries and the prebind checksum load command. See the ld(1) man page for more details (Radar bug #2830042).
  • The SPI _NSGetExecutablePath(3) was added to return full path of the executable. See the NSModule(3) man page for more details (Radar bug #2432816).
  • The message in the static link editor, ld(1), "Logging for Build & Integration] Used dynamic library: filename" was changed again slightly to print the realname(2) of the file open(2)'ed for filename and not the install name (Radar bug #2826775).
Changes since the last release (cctools-395 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • The seg_addr_table(1) tool was changed to not use the SYMROOT file when -update_overlaps is used (Radar bug #2826945).
  • The message in the static link editor, ld(1), "Logging for Build & Integration] Used dynamic library: filename" was changed to print the name of the file open(2)'ed for filename and not the install name (Radar bug #2826775).
  • Added the new allow_missing_architectures parameter to the redo_prebinding(3) API for use by update_prebinding(1) to use to allow it not to fail when redoing the prebinding of a file that has missing architectures other than the host machine (Radar bug #2809673).
  • Added the new assembler directive .weak_symbol symbol_name to the assembler for use by the compiler when it sees a reference to a symbol that has the __attribute__((weak_import)).
  • Added the -weak_reference_mismatches treatment flag to the static linker, ld(1). That specifies how to treat mismatches of symbol references in the the object files being linked. See the ld(1) man page for more details.
  • Added the -s flag to ar(1) to run ranlib(1) to produce a table of contents (Radar bug #2814831).
Changes since the last release (cctools-394 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in redo_prebinding(1)&(3) that should not have been checking for symbols being overridden from flat-libraries (like libMallocDebug) in two-level namespace libraries.
  • Changed as(1) man page to correctly reference the assember manual in /Developer/Documentation/DeveloperTools/Assembler (Radar bug #2803486).
Changes since the last release (cctools-393 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Added LD_FORCE_NO_PREBIND environment variable to the static link editor, ld(1), to override the command line and the LD_PREBIND environment variable (Radar bug #2814402).
  • Changed the .Os macros in nlist(3), stab(5), ranlib(5) to use Darwin (Radar bug #2813834).
  • Fixed a bug in redo_prebinding(1)&(3) that should not have been checking for symbols being overridden in two-level namespace images.
  • Changed the strip(1) command to strip coalesced symbols that are not used with indirect symbols (Radar bug #2689894).
  • Changed the cctools project to build the static link editor, ld(1), that outputs LC_PREBIND_CKSUM and LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB commands only when RC_RELEASE is Proton or Jaguar.
  • Change the static linker to not put out a LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB load command for a library unless some thing is used from the library (or sub-images) and all references are weak. This avoid using LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB load commands for umbrella frameworks and libraries.
  • Added support in the code of the redo_prebinding(1) command and the code of the redo_prebinding(3) API for weak symbols and weak libraries (Radar bug #2803414).
Changes since the last release (cctools-392 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Added support in the dynamic linker for weak symbols and weak libraries. As well as support in the static link editor to mark a dynamic library as weak when all symbols used from it are marked weak. Other object file tools, otool(1), nm(1), etc., have also been updated as needed to support binaries with weak symbols and weak libraries.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the static link editor to crash when the option -prebind_all_twolevel_modules was used.
  • Changed the cctools project to no longer install the rld(3) man page and removed references to rld from the nmedit(1) and strip(1) man pages (Radar bug #2784528).
=Changes since the last release (cctools-391 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • The tool dhecksyms(1) was changed to not use the "libfoo.a(bar.o)" syntax to specify an archive member but rather take the string as a file name (Radar bug #2730127).
Changes since the last release (cctools-390 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • The man pages for Mach-O(5), ranlib(5), stabs(5) and nlist(3) were moved to the cctools project from the man project and updated (Radar bug #2793998).
Changes since the last release (cctools-389 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Added the install_name_tool(1) that changes the recored install names of dynamic shared libraries in Mach-O binaries. See the install_name_tool(1) man page for more details.
Changes since the last release (cctools-388 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor that caused it to create binaries that had a bad load command with a zero size. This only happened when the binary was attempted to be prebound and the prebinding was disabled due to segment overlapps.
  • Added the -headerpad_max_install_names flag to the static link editor, ld(1), that will add enough extra padding to the header pad needed to allow all install names in the output file being created to be later changed to be as long as MAXPATHLEN. Until Radar bug #2791100 is fixed passing this linker flag through the compiler driver cc(1) has to be done with driver flag -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names.
  • Added the -D option to the otool(1) to print out just the install name of the LC_ID_DYLIB load command of a dynamic shared library.
  • Changed the nmedit(1) and strip(1) programs to not back set the modify time by 5 seconds for file that do not contain archives (Radar bug #2788034).
  • Fixed a bug in the kld(3) library code that was incorrectly setting the MH_TWOLEVEL flag in the mach header of kernel drivers (Radar bug #2787764).
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding(1)(3) code that was not correctly checking the LIBRARY_ORDINAL of undefined symbols in executables for the reserved value SELF_LIBRARY_ORDINAL (a value of zero) which is only used in dynamic shared libraries. This bug caused update_prebinding(1) program to crash when it ran as part of installing an iDVD pacakge with a malformed executable (Radar bug #2787021).
  • Changed the PowerPC assembler to not treat the fsel instruction as optional so it can be used without specifing -force_cpusubtype_ALL.
  • Added the option -prebind_all_twolevel_modules to the static link editor that causes all modules from two-level namespace prebound libraries to be marked as used by the program. This can also be specified with the environment variable LD_PREBIND_ALL_TWOLEVEL_MODULES (Radar bug #2784627). Until Radar bug #2791100 is fixed passing this linker flag through the compiler driver cc(1) has to be done with driver flag -Wl,-prebind_all_twolevel_modules.
Changes since the last release (cctools-387 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • To allow tbe MacOS X build system to support dynamic libraries who's install names do not match their file system paths the seg_addr_table(1) command was changed so that if the install name starts with @executable_path then the checks for the install name matching the name in the table entry is not done.
  • Fixed the spelling of "inconsistent" in otool(1) error messages (Radar bug #2783706).
  • Changed the use of #import to #include in the header files in the mach-o directory and added guards to the needed header files to prevent multiple includes (Radar bug #2778821).
Changes since the last release (cctools-386 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • To allow tbe MacOS X build system to support dynamic libraries who's install names do not match their file system paths the -seg_addr_table_filename pathname flag was added to the ld(1), redo_prebinding(1), checkyms(1) and check_dylib(1) commands. This flag is optional and if not passed the install name of the dynamic library is used. For check_dylib(1) this flag is required. One other change to check_dylib(1) is that if the install name starts with @executable_path then the checks for the install name matching the -install_name argument is not done. See man pages on these command for details. Until Radar bug #2772574 is fixed passing the linker flag -seg_addr_table_filename pathname through the compiler driver cc(1) has to be done with driver flag -Wl,-seg_addr_table_filename,pathname.
  • To allow java system to have the ablity to change the Java VM's at runtime to include other java libraries linked with libjvm the NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_MATCH_FILENAME_BY_INSTALLNAME option to the NSAddImage(3) API was added. See the NSModule(3) man page for details on this option to this API.
  • Fixed it so that when prebinding against a dynamic library with multiple cpusubtypes the case where the program could crash if run on a cpusubtype other than the one it was prebound no longer crashes. The fix involves running strip(1) or nmedit(1) on the dynamic library with multiple cpusubtypes (Radar bug #2676444).
  • Fixed a grammatical error in an error message of redo_prebinding(3) (Radar bug #2764926).
  • Fixed a bug in the static linker for PowerPC conditional branches where the prediction would get changed incorrectly (Radar bug #2765281).
Changes since the last release (cctools-385 for the 5.10 MacOS 10.2 release)
  • Added a pre-redo_prebinding checksum to binraries that get prebound as a new load command. When a prebound file is created or modified by any tool other than redo_prebinding the tool sets the value of the checksum in the load command to zero. When redo_prebinding is run on a binary if the checksum value is zero it calculates the checksum and stores that in the load command in the output it creates. If when redo_prebinding is run on a binary the checksum value is not zero it does not change the checksum value. The redo_prebinding(1) command has a new -z option and the tredo_prebinding(3) API has a new zero_out_prebind_checksum parameter to allow the B&I tools to always zero this out. The new routine get_prebind_cksums(3) has been added to the libredo_prebinding.a library.
Changes since the last release (cctools-384 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Added the -seg_addr_table filename option to the redo_prebinding(1) command (Radar bug #2575205).
  • The redo_prebinding(3) slide_to_address parameter when non-zero now slides a dynamic library to that new prefered address. Also the new only_if_needed parameter has been added to the redo_prebinding(3) API and the API now returns an enum value. The needs_redo_prebinding(3) API now has a new unsigned long parameter expected_address. The new routine object_file_type(3) has been added to the libredo_prebinding.a library. (Radar bug #2575205 and #2729976).

Notes Specific to Release 5.9 (MacOS X 10.1)

New Features

Two level namespace

Work on the compiler tools to support two level name space is now complete and -twolevel_namespace is now the default (Radar bugs 2372124 and 2415916). See the Public release notes for the details.

Changes since the last release (cctools-383 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed the change to the header file <mach-o/dyld.h> that added extern "C" ifdef'ed with __cplusplus that had an extra trailing semicolon after the closing curly brace (Radar bug #2748160).
Changes since the last release (cctools-382 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Changied the semantic of NSLookupSymbolInImage() and NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage() to ignore the specified image if it is not a private image if DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE is set (Radar bug #2731330).
Changes since the last release (cctools-381 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed a bug introduced in cctools-381 that caused libkld to have an undefined symbol _twolevel_namespace_hints.
  • Picked up the Compiler Tools release notes edits from tech pubs (Radar bug #2739023).
Changes since the last release (cctools-380 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Changed the dynamic linker and the NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile(3) API to allow for a mechanism for "future compatibility" when adding new load commands to the Mach-O object file format (Radar bug #2737644).
Changes since the last release (cctools-379 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Added the flag -twolevel_namespace_hints to the static link editor. This specifies to create the output with the two-level namespace hints table to be used by the dynamic linker. This is the default except when the -bundle flag is specified. If this is used when the -bundle flag is specified the bundle will fail to load on a MacOS X 10.0 system with a malformed object error. Radar bug #2735266.
Changes since the last release (cctools-378 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Changed the dynamic linker to not unnecessarily touches link edit pages for the module table of dynamic libraries when a dynamic library does not have any module initialization and termination routines (Radar bug #2732714).
Changes since the last release (cctools-377 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Changed the header file <mach-o/dyld.h> to have extern "C" ifdef'ed with __cplusplus (Radar bug #2728016).
Changes since the last release (cctools-376 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed a problems with the cctools-376 project not building its cctools_ofiles target due to the changes made for Radar bug #2716249 (Radar bug #2727607).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that caused programs to crash when DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX was used (Radar bug #2724475).
Changes since the last release (cctools-375 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed the static link editor that caused it to crash when the -Y flag was used with two-level namespace libraries introduced with the fix in cctools-375 below for Radar bug #2716249.
Changes since the last release (cctools-374 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed the PowerPC assembler to protect the short-form macros which is needed so they do not incorrectly expand under certain circumstances (Radar bug #2717461).
  • Removed the dependency on libstreams by the assemblers so nothing in the cctools project depends on
  • Fixed the static link editor to correctly deal with the semantics of two-level namespace libraries so it won't build programs that would fail to launch correctly flagging multiply defined and undefined symbol errors (Radar bug #2716249).
Changes since the last release (cctools-373 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that caused programs to get undefined symbols or crash (in one of dyld's symbol lookup routines) if the program or one of the libraries had been built with two-level namespace hints.
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that caused the Puma5E9 DirectoryService daemon thread count grows unbounded. Radar bug #2716915
  • Fixed a bug in the optimization to use two-level namespace prebound libraries in the dynamic linker that caused programs to crash when using the DYLD_*_PATH enironment variables.
Changes since the last release (cctools-372 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Changed the static link editor to have -twolevel_namespace as the default (Radar bug #2717678)
Changes since the last release (cctools-371 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Added the optimization to use two-level namespace hints to the dynamic linker (Radar bug #2558069).
  • Added the -update_overlaps option to the seg_addr_table(1) tool.
Changes since the last release (cctools-370 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Added the optimization to use two-level namespace prebound libraries to the dynamic linker.
  • Changed the static link editor to log the used of the -bundle_loader argument with the environment variable XBS_TRACE_BUNDLE_LOADER set (Radar bug #2710229)
  • Changed the dynamic linker to not leak a send port right on the thread it is doing an operation for (Radar bug #2704241).
  • Fixed a bug in the tool redo_prebinding(1) so it uses "up to date" not "uptodate" in its error messages (Radar bug #2711451).
Changes since the last release (cctools-369.3 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Changed the compiler tools to produce, update, pass through and print a two-level namespace hints lookup table (Radar bug #2558069). The dynamic linker does not yet use this table (that will be done in a subsequent release of cctools).
  • Added the -nomultidefs flag to the the static link editor. Specifying this flag marks the umbrella being created such that the dynamic linker is guaranteed that no multiple defintions of symbols in the umbrella's sub-images will ever exist. This allows the dynamic linker to always use the two-level namespace lookup hints even if the timestamps of the sub-images do not match. This should be used with all Apple umbrellas. This has to be used with -Wl,-nomultidefs with the compiler driver, cc(1), until Radar bug #2705158 is fixed.
Changes since the last release (cctools-369.2 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the tool redo_prebinding(1) that produced an incorrect error message when run on a binary with debugging symbols. The incorrect error message reported the file as malformed because of a bad LIBRARY_ORDINAL in a symbol table entry.
Changes since the last release (cctools-369.1 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker when an umbrella library for a two-level namspace library is loaded after the two-level namspace library is initally loaded. This would cause refernces from from sub libraries of the umbrella to symbols in the two-level library to crash (Radar bug #2706662) .
Changes since the last release (cctools-369 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Re-fixed the bug in the dynamic linker API NSLookupSymbolInImage() where if called from a shared library init routine it would relocate the library module a second time causing pointers to have twice their values and the program to crash.
  • Changed the dynamic linker API NSLookupSymbolInImage() to allow it to take a pointer to the mach header of the executable or a bundle as well as dynamic libraries.
Changes since the last release (cctools-368 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the the tool redo_prebinding(1) with undefined symbol references from two-level images where the definition of the symbol is in a sub-framework of a flat namespace umbrella framework would come up undefined.
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker API NSLookupSymbolInImage() where if called from a shared library init routine it is possible that it can return a non-NULL NSSymbol but a call to NSAddressOfSymbol() or other uses of that NSSymbol may not work (in the case of NSAddressOfSymbol() it returns NULL).
  • Picked up the new rld interfaces kld_load_from_memory & kld_load_basefile_from_memory (see the rld(3) man page for more information).
Changes since the last release (cctools-367 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor that would cause it to crash when using -bundle_loader and doing a cross bytesex link (using -arch i386 while linking on a PowerPC machine for example).
Changes since the last release (cctools-366 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Added the -sub_library flag to the static linker and all the support needed in cctools for it. This is needed to allow Foundation to lhave libobjc treated as a sub-umbrella (Radar bug #2697458). For now this must be passed using cc(1) with -Wl,-sub_library,library_name until and if Radar bug #2699511 is fixed.
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding(3) APIs that did not deallocate a buffer if the open(2) or write(2) fails for it is output (Radar bug #2691920).
  • Fixed a bug static linker that with -twolevel_namespace it did not search the sub-umbrella's in the same order as the dynamic linker.
Changes since the last release (cctools-365 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker with undefined symbol references from two-level images where the definition of the symbol is in a sub-framework of a flat namespace umbrella framework would come up undefined.
Changes since the last release (cctools-364 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Added the dynamic linker API's NSAddImage(), NSLookupSymbolInImage() and NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage() for use in doing two-levelnamespace lookups. For more information see the NSModule(3) man page (Radar bug #2689833).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker when NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR option of the NSLinkModule() API is used and plugins fail to load it can later cause the program to crash (Radar bug #2665925).
Changes since the last release (cctools-363 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Added the -prebind_allow_overlap to the static linker, which causes it to prebind the output even if the addresses of the dynamic libraries it uses overlap. The resulting output can then have redo_prebinding(1) run on it to fix up the prebinding after the overlapping dynamic libraries have been rebuilt. This option can also be specified by setting the environment variable LD_PREBIND_ALLOW_OVERLAP. It is intended for use only in B&I.
  • Changed NXFindBestFatArch() which had a problem with selecting the PowerPC cpusubtype when an exact match could not be found. See Radar bug #2678019 against exec(2) which is the same problem as this but in the exec code.
  • Changed NXCombineCpuSubtypes() for the PowerPC to select the highest subtype when there is not an exact match and neither is a 601.
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker when DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ended in a ':' that caused it to crash (Radar bug #2676732).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker when a module from a prebound dynamic library wasn't originally used by the program was later dynamically bound and referenced another prebound dynamic library that also was not originally used that had a C++ constuctor which was not called when the first symbol was dynamically bound (Radar bug #2650066).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that caused prebound dynamic libraries that had nmedit(1) run on it to not be relocated correctly and cause the code in them to crash (Radar bug #2676317).
  • Picked up the change suggested in Radar bug #2686444 which makes the dynamic linker recurse too much for its algorithm to use the header dependencices instead of the symbol dependencies when calling library init routines which was added for Radar bug #2571628.
  • Picked up a change to the PowerPC assembler adds the 4-arg option to rlwinm and friends, and uses mask->mb/me (Radar bug #2684824).
  • Fixed a bug in the assembler when a ".=value" was past the value of the current location counter and caused the assembler to crash (Radar bug #2682911).
Changes since the last release (cctools-362 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Picked up the change suggested in Radar bug #2667248 which is a small speed up to dyld locking.
  • Picked up the change suggested in Radar bug #2667241 which added a dyld_mach_thread_self() call to lock.c to improve preformance by caching the last value of the mach_thread_self() call against the page truncated stack address making the call.
  • Fixed a bug in the PowerPC assembler that set the Y bit inappropriately in bdnzt when no prediction was specified (Radar bug #2665165).
  • Changed libtool(1) so that if -arch_only is specified with a specific cpusubtype other than the family cpusubtype it does not use -force_cpusubtype_ALL and passes the -arch_only argument to ld(1) as the -arch flag so that the output is to be tagged with that cpusubtype..
  • Changed the PowerPC assembler so that vector instructions can be used when -arch 7400 and -arch 7450 are specified without specifying -force_cpusubtype_ALL.
Changes since the last release (cctools-361 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding code that did not honor the sticky bit when creating its output file.
  • Picked up one of the bug fixes to the dynamic linker made in cctools-361 that was also needed in the redo_prebinding code.
Changes since the last release (cctools-360 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Made a 4 bug fixes to the dynamic linker for bugs when running two-level namesapce images. With these fixes the 70 projects that Sherlock depends on can be built with -twolevel_namespace in effect and run.
  • The ld(1) and dyld(1) man pages have been updated with the information about two level name space and the associated options.
  • Fixed a bug in ld(1) in that caused it to crash when doing a cross byte sex link with -twolevel_namespace and linking both a sub-umbrella and its outer umbrella framework.
  • Picked up the fixes for otool(1) -ov from Radar bug #2660421.
  • The redo_prebinding(3) has been written and is now a part of cctools-361.
  • Added the slide_to_address parameter to the redo_prebinding(3) API to be used in the furture to support changing the prefered address of a dynamic library.
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding(3) API needs_redo_prebinding() where after it returned an error, all subsequent calls return PREBINDING_UNKNOWN.
Changes since the last release (cctools-359 for the 5.9 MacOS 10.1 release)
  • Fixed a bug in strip(1) that did not honor the NO_TOC section attribute when creating archive table of contents (Radar bug #2663483).
  • Added the redo_prebinding(3) APIs (Radar bug 2604014).
  • Added the -e executable_path argument to redo_prebinding(1) to allow it to be used with programs and dynamic libraries that use the "@executable_path" prefix in install names.
  • Changed the cctoolslib project to no longer build librld and its varients when RC_RELEASE is not Cheetah (or an earilier build) as the use of librld was removed earily in the Cheetah build cycle.
Changes since the last release (cctools-358 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Added support for two-level namespace (Radar bugs 2372124 and 2415916).
  • Changed the redo_prebinding(1) so that it won't trash file it is operating on when out of disk space (Radar bug #2639352).
  • Changed the dynamic linker locking routine to nolonger use an "extra" sync after a load with reservation which was needed only for some old 604 processors (Radar bug #2615783).
  • Updated the pagestuff(1) man page as edited by tech pubs (Radar bug #2582293).
  • Changed the the static linker's, ld(1), overlap checking when building an executable to not disable prebinding when the split library's __LINKEDIT segment the executable is being linked overlap. This can happen when some of the split libraries linked with are from the $(SYMROOT) and are not stripped.
  • Changed checksyms(1) to open the default segment address table if none is specified via a -seg_addr_table argument (and not try to open the old DylibTable).

Notes Specific to Release 5.8 (MacOS X 10.0)

New Features

Two level namespace

Work on the compiler tools to support two level name space is in progress (Radar bugs 2372124 and 2415916). Even though some object file constants and command line options exist they should not be used and are for development purposes only. Do not expect any of this to work at all.

Changes since the last release (cctools-357 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker where a C++ plugin using templates, stripped with strip(1)'s -s option and then loaded privately will crash the program loading the plugin. (Radar bug #2631405).
Changes since the last release (cctools-356 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Added support for the Vger (7450) cpu subtype to the compiler tools. Radar bug #2599869.
  • Fixed a bug in the tool seg_addr_table(1) when the -update option was used that it did not preserve the non-zero addresses in the table. Instead it changed the non-zero entries to the values in the libraries were built with. (Radar bug 2575214).
Changes since the last release (cctools-355 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the tool seg_addr_table(1) where it was not allowing any padding when laying out split libraries. (Radar bug 2575211).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker where a multi threaded program could crash in a library module being linked. (Radar bug #2584800).
Changes since the last release (cctools-354 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Changed the include file <mach/vm_task.h> to <mach/vm_map.h> in two files so that the cctoolslib project would build on the Cheetah4J8 release. (Radar bug #2579488).
  • Fixed a bug strip(1) where it could complain about not being able to strip the compiler generated symbols using private extern coalesced symbols. (Radar bug #2584111).
  • Changed otool(1) to disassemble sections marked with S_ATTR_SOME_INSTRUCTIONS as some coalesced sections created by the compiler that are not marked with S_ATTR_PURE_INSTRUCTIONS as they contain jump tables as well as instructions (Radar bug #2580311).
  • The assembler has been changed to allow the .section directive to take mutiple attributes separated with a plus sign '+' (Radar bug 2580298).
  • Fixed a bug in the implementation of two of NSLookupAndBindSymbolWithHint () that was causing the symbol tables to be touched when the symbol was already bound (Radar bug #2580180).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker where it would hang the program when a -run_init_lazily library is used. (Radar bug #2582778).
Changes since the last release (cctools-353 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the implementations of two of new lookup with hint APIs that were added with cctools-353. The two API's that were fixed were NSLookupAndBindSymbolWithHint () and _dyld_lookup_and_bind_with_hint() this was causing pbxbuild to crash in Cheetah4I.
  • Fixed a bug in libtool(1) that caused it to crash when a -filelist containing 1 file was used.
Changes since the last release (cctools-352 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • The PowerPC assembler is now installed in /usr/libexec/gcc/darwin/ppc/as with the other assemblers installed in /usr/local/libexec/gcc/darwin/arch/as (Radar bug 2574173).
  • The assembler has been changed to allow the .set directive to work with expressions of the form a-b and produce an absolute value for the difference of the symbols even if the symbol are not yet declared when the .set directive is seen (Radar bug 2573260).
  • The static link editor has been changed to allow compiler to create position independent (read-only) unwind tables for template functions that the compiler creates as coalesced symbols (Radar bug #2564555).
  • Changed dyld's calling of shared library init routines in the prebound case to not touch the symbol table (Radar bug 2573679).
  • The real implementations for three new lookup with hint APIs have been added. Previously they were just dummy covers that called the un hinted APIs. They are NSIsSymbolNameDefinedWithHint (), NSLookupAndBindSymbolWithHint () and _dyld_lookup_and_bind_with_hint() defined in <mach-o/dyld.h> (Radar bug 2571272).
  • The headers files are now installed in /usr/include and /usr/local/include (Radar bug 2569880).
  • Fixed a bug the static link editor that did not disable prebinding when symbols in a dynamic library were overridden by symbols in another dynamic library. Also fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that incorrectly tried to launch a program where the same case of symbols in a dynamic library were overridden by symbols in another dynamic library. This showed up in building a Cocoa app profiled and the symbols in System framework were being overidden by the System_profile framework (Radar bug #2564555).
Changes since the last release (cctools-351 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Fixed yet another bug in the tool nmedit(1) when used with the -s file option on a dynamic library hat would cause the module table to be malformed (specifically the fields nlocalsym and nextdefsym were likely to have wrong values).
Changes since the last release (cctools-350 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the tool nmedit(1) when used with the -s file option on a dynamic library of the opposite byte sex that would cause the module table to be malformed. Also fixed a bug in the tool nm(1) that would crash on this type of malformed dynamic library.
Changes since the last release (cctools-349 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Added the new environment variable DYLD_NEW_LOCAL_SHARED_REGION to the dynamic link editor which causes the split shared libraries to not be loaded in to the system wide shared region (Radar bug 2567132).
  • Added support for three new lookup with hint APIs. They are NSIsSymbolNameDefinedWithHint (), NSLookupAndBindSymbolWithHint () and _dyld_lookup_and_bind_with_hint() defined in <mach-o/dyld.h> (Radar bug 2567184).
  • Changed the static link editor to call vm_msync() with the VM_SYNC_DEACTIVATE option to avoid having the kernel keep all the pages of the input object files mapped and swapping out all other tasks (Radar bug #2567196). This seems to fix Radar bug #2538797.
Changes since the last release (cctools-348 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Changed the static link editor to use the fcntrl() F_NOCACHE option to avoid having the kernel cache the pages being written to the output file (may help fix Radar bug #2538797).
  • Changed the dynamic link editor to use the new kernel api reset_shared_file(2) to deallocate the memory for a split dynamic library when it trys to unload it when a plugin fails to load and the split library was loaded by the plugin (Radar bug 2549068). Also see the kernel bug in Radar bug #2545459.
  • Made a small optimization in the dynamic linker to inline bsearch(3) and strcmp(3) which should make launching non-prebound apps a bit faster (Radar bug 2558068).
  • Added support for the new dyld/gdb interface to the dynamic linker as documented in <mach-o/dyld_gdb.h> (Radar bug 2559324).
Changes since the last release (cctools-347 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Clarified the nmedit(1) man page adding a comment about when both -s and -R are specified (Radar bug 2555491).
  • Changed the tool nmedit(1) to handle symbols listed more than once in the -s file and not produce a misleading error that the symbol was not found in file to be edited.
Changes since the last release (cctools-346 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Added the NSAddLibraryWithSearching api (Radar bug 2535633).
  • Added the _dyld_register_func_for_remove_image api for C++ exception runtime (Radar bug 2553324).
  • Fixed a bug in libtool(1) that did not recognize the -final_ouput flag correctly (needed for Radar bug 2550094).
Changes since the last release (cctools-345 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Added logging why a binary was not prebound for B&I when the environment variable RC_TRACE_PREBINDIND_DISABLED is set (Radar bug 2550094). Also see compiler driver Radar bug #2550125.
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor when a private extern symbol is referenced from a from coalesced section that generated an internal ld(1) error when using -bundle. (Radar bug 2548925).
Changes since the last release (cctools-344 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Changed the static link editor to ignore the -segs_read_write_addr address it reads from the segment address table if both the -segs_read_only_addr and -segs_read_write_addr address are zero use 0x10000000 (256meg) for the -segs_read_write_addr to construct a valid layout for a split library. (Radar bug 2544818).
  • Changed the dynamic link editor to not try to deallocate the memory for a split dynamic library when it trys to unload it when a plugin fails to load and the split library was loaded by the plugin (Radar bug 2544696). Also see the kernel bug in Radar bug #2545459.
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding(1) tool that caused it to not work on split dynamic libraries producing dynamic libraries with the items to be relocated not updated correctly (Radar bug 2544599).
  • Fixed a bug in the redo_prebinding(1) tool that was not detecting that the dependent libraries of an executable were out of date with respect to thier prebinding (Radar bug 2544407).
  • Changed the static link editor to allow split dynamic library __LINKEDIT segments to overlap an not disable prebinding (Radar bug 2543932).
  • Changed the redo_prebinding(1) tool so that with the -c (check only) option it will check the installed dynamic library against the argument of the tool to see the build time stamps match (Radar bug 2541232).
  • Fixed a bug in the seg_addr_table(1) tool that would cause it to crash with after a number of messages from malloc are printed about "Deallocation of a pointer not malloced" (Radar bug 2540744).
Changes since the last release (cctools-343 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Added the needed support for the static link editor to do with the tracking and setting the library ordinal for -twolevel_namespace against the "primary" library. (Radar bug 2538835).
  • The cctoolslib project can now build the kld libraries now that the kernel framework installes the libsa headers. Radar bug 2538829.
  • Fixed a bug with the -sub_umbrella option in the static link editor which causes ld(1) to crash when a library built with the -sub_umbrella option is linked against. (Radar bug 2538825).
  • Fixed a bug with the -allowable_client option in the static link editor which builds malformed objects for cross bytesex builds. (Radar bug 2538774).
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor where it was creating local relocation entries for global coalesced symbols when the flag -keep_private_extern was specified (Radar bug 2536788).
Changes since the last release (cctools-342 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Fixed the inadvernt change to the value of the constant REFERENCED_DYNAMICALLY in <mach-o/nlist.h> that got changed as part of Radar bug 2534043.
Changes since the last release (cctools-341 for the 5.8 MacOS 10.0 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the change to the static link editor for Radar bug 2530729 where it also changed the reference table for non-coalesced symbols which it should not have.
  • Added the needed constants, macros, and comments to the header files <mach-o/loader.h> and <mach-o/nlist.h> for supporting two level name space. As well as support for the -twolevel_namespace, -flat_namespace and -force_flat_namespace options. (Radar bug 2534043). The compiler driver does not yet pass these flags (see Radar 2534146) so -Wl,-option can be used for now.
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor so that non-lazy pointers to private extern coalesced symbols work correctly. (Radar bug 2534011).
  • Added the -allowable_client and -client_name options to the static link editor to allow other framworks and bundles to link with a subframework built with -umbrella which are not part of that umbrella. (Radar bug 2533649). The compiler driver does not yet pass these flags (see Radar 2534146) so -Wl,-option,argument can be used for now.
  • Fixed a bug in the tool seg_addr_table(1) where it was printing a message about an overlapp when it shouldn't. (Radar bug 2531831).
Changes since the last release (cctools-340 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor when it creates a dynamic library and discards a private extern coalesced symbol after already keeping a global one. This produced a dynamic library that can't be linked against as reference table has the wrong type of reference (Radar bug 2530729).
  • Added the -sub_umbrella option to the static link editor. (Radar bug 2530028).
  • Fixed a bug in the tool otool(1) where it was printing a message about a Stray PPC_RELOC_PAIR relocation entry when it shouldn't. (Radar bug 2523845).
  • Added the kld(3) interfaces as requested by the driver group. (Radar bug 2523649).
  • Changed the nmedit(1) and strip(1) commands to allow the file listing symbol names not to end in a new line. (Radar bug 2520711).
  • Changed the file(1) command to print "CFM binary" instead of data for CFM binaries. (Radar bug 2511106).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic link editor where it would used the wrong global coalesced symbol if the program overrides a symbol used by a shared library library init routine in a library that also defines the shared library init.. (Radar bug 2511358).
  • The dynamic library was changed to allow the environment variables that effect which libraries a program uses to let root always use them even for set uid and set gid programs (Radar bug 2497678).
  • The man page for rld was moved from the file rld.3l to rld.3 so man rld will work correctly. (Radar bug 2505760).
  • The sizes of the data structures in the dynamic linker have been tune to match the Kodiak1G7 Finder. (Radar bug 2504987).
  • The support to allow a shared library routine to be marked to have its initialization routine run on first use of the library by the program rather than at program start up when the program is launched prebound is now extened to module initialization routines (C++ static initializers). This is done with the shared library is built via the flag -run_init_lazily. Until Radar bug #2491001 is fixed this option can't be specified directly to the compiler driver cc(1). For now the linker option can be used via the -Wl,-linker_option,argument compiler driver option. This feature is broken in the Kodiak1G7 kernels, see Radar bug #2504021. (Radar bug 2502941).
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor where it generates a warning about the use of a global coalesced symbol not coming from the first dynamic library when it shouldn't. (Radar bug 2503703).
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor where a global coalesced symbol is repodted as a multply defined symbol when first defined in a dynamic library then in a static library. (Radar bug 2503694).
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor when a private extern coalesced symbol is defined in a dynamic shared library and the static link editor creates a modlule table entry with the wrong number of external defined symbols. This results in a malformed dynamic library. (Radar bug 2503688).
  • Changed the tools nmedit(1) and strip(1) to not change global coalesced symbols into statics or strip them. (Radar bug 2503670).
  • Fixed a memory leak in the NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile() API. (Radar bug 2500014 ).

Notes Specific to Release 5.7 (MacOS X Public Beta)

New Features

Automatic initialization of dependent libraries

The dynamic linker now calls shared library initialization routines in their dependent order (Radar bug #2441683).

The new function __initialize_Cplusplus() now can be called from a shared library initialization routines to cause the static C++ objects in the library to be initialized. This them allows shared library initialization routines to make use of statically initialized C++ objects. (Radar bug 2441683).

Update to module termination functions

The dynamic linker now supports module termination functions for all types of images (executables, plugins that are not unloaded and shared libraries). This will allow the C++ compiler to use module termination functions for destructors instead of atexit(3) so that a C++ plugin that has a destructor being unloaded does not cause a crash in atexit(3).

Update to support for managing the list of globally exported names

If you are building a dynamic library you nolonger have to do and "ld -r" of all of your object files into one object file. The tool nmedit(1) now can be run on dynamic libraries. Further __private_extern__ symbols can now be used in modules of dynamic libraries that also have definitions of global symbols. (Radar bug 2420307 ).

Changes since the last release (cctools-339 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • Changed the dynamic link editor so that the debugger interface does not cause the task being debugged to hang. (Radar bug 2487248).
Changes since the last release (cctools-338 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • Updates the cctools project with the edited release notes from tech pubs. (Radar bug 2510274).
Changes since the last release (cctools-337 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • Fixed a bug in the assembler that would not set the correct value for the trailing N_FUN stab which was the difference of a symbol at the end of the function and the function symbol when the function was large. (Radar bug 2504182).
Changes since the last release (cctools-336 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor when a private extern symbol is referenced from a from coalesced section that generated an internal ld(1) error. (Radar bug 2497954).
  • The segment address table tool, seg_addr_table(1), was changed to allocate the read-only region of split libraries starting at 0x70000000 and the read-write regions starting at 0x80000000. (Radar bug 2496843).
  • Changed the dynamic linker to align the stack it starts using to 32 bytes where previously it was aligened to 16 bytes. (Radar bug 2495403).
  • Changed the tool nmedit(1) to make it compatible with an upcoming compiler change that creates a new an end of function symbolic table entry. This new entry has an empty name for a N_FUN stab which nmedit(1) previouly generated an error when encountered. (Radar bug 2495413).
Changes since the last release (cctools-335 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • Added support for marking coalesced symbols and to not appear in a static libraries table of contents. This will be used for RTTI data genetated by the C++ compiler. (Radar bug 2494286).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker which would crash in _dyld_image_containing_address if a plugin was unloaded. This showed up in Kodiak1E5 with /Developer/Applications/ (Radar bug 2493911 also 2496107).
Changes since the last release (cctools-334 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • Fixed a bug resulting in an internal error in the static link editor when linking objects with private extern coalesced symbols. (Radar bug 2493452).
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor when creating relocation entries for literal pointer sections used by Objective-C for split libraries. This would cause the dynamic linker to crash the program when the library was not loaded at its prefered address. (Radar bug 2493445).
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker with respect to @executable_path not finding a library sometimes. (Radar bug 2493400).
Changes since the last release (cctools-333 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • Added support to allow a shared library routine to be marked to have its initialization routine run on first use of the library by the program rather than at program start up when the program is launched prebound. This is done with the shared library is built via the flag -run_init_lazily. Until Radar bug #2491001 is fixed this option can't be specified directly to the compiler driver cc(1). For now the linker option can be used via the -Wl,-linker_option,argument compiler driver option. (Radar bug 2490396).
  • The verification tool has been changed not to generate an error message if a library is not found in the segment address table if specified. Also all checks for conventional path names of dynamic libraries has been removed. (Radar bug 2490411).
  • The segment address table tool, seg_addr_table(1), was changed to pack all the split libraries into the first 128meg of a split 256meg region. Also it now checks so that only the first 128meg of a 256meg split segment is allocated. (Radar bug 2490413).
Changes since the last release (cctools-332 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • Changed the dynamic linker for gratuitous changes to load_shared_file() in Kodiak1E. (Radar bug 2484973).
  • Fixed a bug in strip(1) and nmedit(1) which produces bad outputs for fat files with more than one architecture. (Radar bug 2484851).
Changes since the last release (cctools-331 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that caused programs to crash that used used signal() when trying to fully bind the signal handler which showed up in Kodiak1C4. (Radar bug 2483733 ).
  • Fixed a bug in the tool seg_addr_table(l) when the -update operation was used where it would sometimes not update the entries to be updated with the correct address. Also added the -disablewarnings option. (Radar bug 2482327).
  • The tool nmedit(1), the dynamic and static linker has been changed to allow nmedit(1) to be run on dynamic libraries. (Radar bug 2420307).
  • The dynamic linker has the changes need to support the changes in the load_shared_file() interface. (Radar bug 2480801).
Changes since the last release (cctools-330 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • The cctools-331 project has the change that was missed for the Kodiak1C directory layout so that the release notes are installed in /Developer/Documentation/ReleaseNotes/CompilerTools.html instead of /System/Developer/Documentation/ReleaseNotes/CompilerTools.html as was changed for Kodiak1A.
Changes since the last release (cctools-329 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • The dynamic linker has a fix for a bug that was introduced with the code to call shared library initialization routines in their dependent order for an edge case that caused the program to crash in dyld. The edge case is when a shared library initialization routine ends up depending on the executable and there are undefined symbols (Radar bug 2477856).
  • The dynamic linker now uses the variable _cpu_has_altivec and the new kernel trap processor_facilities_used() to determine when to save fp and altivec registers (Radar bug 2477859).
  • The cctools-330 project has the changes for the Kodiak1C directory layout so that /Library/Frameworks is used instead of /MacOSX/Library/Framework as was changed for Kodiak1A (Radar bug #2477862).
  • Fixed an error message in the static linker for the incorrect usage of the -umbrella flag where -sub_framework was used where -umbrella should have been used (Radar bug 2477866).
  • Changed the static linker, libtool and the assemblers so they once again send messages to ProjectBuilder (Radar bug 2473864).
Changes since the last release (cctools-328 for the 5.7 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • Fixed a bug in the strings(1) command that caused it not to read standard input if any command line argument was specified (Radar bug #2459126).
  • The dynamic linker now calls shared library initialization routines in their dependent order (Radar bug 2441683).
  • The new function __initialize_Cplusplus() now can be called from a shared library initialization routines to cause the static C++ objects in the library to be initialized. This them allows shared library initialization routines to make use of statically initialized C++ objects (Radar bug 2441683). This requires the dylib1.o from the Csu-33 project (Radar bug 2466821).
  • The dynamic linker now supports module termination functions for all types of images (executables, plugins that are not unloaded and shared libraries) (Radar bug #2469527). This requires the crt1.o from the Csu-33 project (Radar bug #2466821).
  • A check has been added to the PowerPC assebler to check the range of a PPC_RELOC_BR14 and PPC_RELOC_BR24. Previously it assembled the branch instructions wrong that overflowed without any error (Radar bug #2469441).
  • Added the new routines NSCreateCoreFileImageFromFile(3) and _dyld_debug_task_from_core(3) to support getting the information about the state of the dynamic libraries in a core file (Radar bug #2155790).
  • Created the man pages NSModule(3) and NSObjectFileImage(3) (Radar bug #2469604).
  • Fixed a bug in libtool/ranlib that did not deal with zero length archive members that had long names and used 4.4BSD extended format #1 and caused ranlib to crash (Radar bug #2460604).
  • Changed nmedit(1) and strip(1) to allow Macintosh \r's in the files specified with lists of symbols (Radar bug #2458346).
  • Fixed a few bugs in the seg_addr_table(l) tool. The first was a problem with not correctly reporting the previous file name that had an address that matched the table when another library did not match the table's address. The second was when -upate was used and a new library like a _profiled version was added with a 0x0 address and there was an existing version with an assigned address the tool complained abou the new library not having the correct address (Radar bug #2469876).
  • Changed the seg_addr_table(l) tool to check to make sure it does not assign any addresses above 0xc0000000 since this address space is not available on intel in user space (Radar bug #2418080).
  • Changed the PowerPC assembler to check to make sure that 14 bit branch instructions do not overflow (Radar bug #2469441).
  • Cleaned up the yet to be implemented NSReplaceModule() API, added enum for other link edit errors and changed the yet to be implemented NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory() API to return NSObjectFileImageFailure (Radar bug #2469558).
  • Changed the checksyms(l) tool to check to allow debug symbols for _debug frameworks and libraries (Radar bug #2469760).
  • Changed libtool(1) to pass the -whatsloaded flag on to ld(1) (Radar bug #2469803).
Changes since the last release (cctools-327 for the 5.6 MacOS X Public Beta release)
  • The cctools-328 project has the change to the new directory layout for /usr/local/lib/system instead of /AppleInternal/Developer/System.
Changes since the last release (cctools-326 for the 5.6 MacOS X DP4 release)
  • The cctools-327 project has the changes to support the new directory layout. The old layout can still be built from the cctools-327 project if RC_RELEASE is Gonzo and the -othercflags -D__GONZO_BUNSEN_BEAKER__ is defined.

Notes Specific to Release 5.6 (MacOS X DP4)

New Features

Support for using shared page table entries on the PowerPC with dynamic libraries

For the current generation of PowerPC chips to be able to share the page table entries among different processes everything mapped from one 256meg boundary to another 256meg boundary must be the same in the different processes. This is has not been possible with MacOS X Mach-O shared libraries as the code and data for each shared library is staticly linked such that the virtual address of the data immediately follows the code. And since the data for each process is different in each process shared page table entries can't be used.

To make it possible for the current PowerPC chips to be able to use shared page table entries a new form of MacOS X Mach-O shared libraries can now be created and used starting with the MacOS X DP4 release. The new form of shared libraries splits the code and data in to two groups. There is one group for the read-only segments generated by the compiler system and one group for the read-write segments.

To create a the new "split" form of shared libraries the new option -segs_read_only_addr <hex_address> is used to specify the preferred virtual address of the read-only segments (where -seg1addr <hex_address> is continued to be used for the existing "flat" non-split shared libraries). The address of the read-write segments is specified with -segs_read_write_addr <hex_address> or defaults to the address of the read-only segments plus 256meg (0x10000000).

Until Radar bug #2443215 is fixed these options can't be specified directly to the compiler driver cc(1). For now the linker options can be used via the -Wl,-linker_option,argument compiler driver option.

When creating a shared library in the split the read-only segments must not contain any relocation entries. So the used of anything but the default -read_only_relocs error is not allowed with the split form of shared libraries.

The kernel starting with the MacOS X DP4 release will reserve two 256meg regions for these split shared libraries to be loaded into every process that uses the dynamic linker. All shared libraries having the split form must be placed in these regions. To make it easier to maintain the preferred virtual addresses of shared libraries an alternate way of specifying their addresses will be used by the projects built by Apple's Build and Integration team for MacOS X. This will involve using a "segment address table" for all dynamic libraries. This segment address table will be built by Apple's Build and Integration team and installed in /AppleInternal/Developer/seg_addr_table. The segment address table will have entries for each shared library containing its install name and its -seg1addr or pair of addresses for its -segs_read_only_addr and -segs_read_write_addr. Then specifying the address of a shared library will be done with the option -seg_addr_table /AppleInternal/Developer/seg_addr_table. Since it may not be possible to get all project building shared libraries to change to using the -seg_addr_table option in a timely manner, this can also be specified via an environment variable. The environment variable LD_SEG_ADDR_TABLE can be set to the file name of the segment address table and if so the static link editor will ignore any -seg1addr, -segs_read_only_addr, -segs_read_write_addr and -seg_addr_table arguments and will then use the addresses from the table.

The local tool seg_addr_table(l) is also provided for used by Apple's Build and Integration team to build and maintain the segment address table. See the man page for more details.

Radar entry #2415906.

Changes since the last release (cctools-325 for the 5.6 MacOS X DP4 release)
  • Fixed a bug NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile(3) where it does not vm_deallocate(2) the memory for an object file if it is not an MH_BUNDLE type. Radar bug #2459727.
Changes since the last release (cctools-324 for the 5.6 MacOS X DP4 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor which caused it to crash. Most notably when run via libtool with the error "/usr/bin/libtool: fatal error in ld".
Changes since the last release (cctools-323 for the 5.6 MacOS X DP4 release)
  • Changed the dynamic link editor to support using just prebound dynanmic libraries when there are coalesced symbols.
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor when linking coalesced symbols that only appear in dynamic libraries getting a mutiply defined symbol error that shouldn't.
  • Fixed a few bugs in the seg_addr_table (l) tool. The first was a problem with not correctly stepping over the fixed regions not to allocate when doing a -relayout or an -update. The second was with using a -seg_addr_table argument and it failing with a can't open error.
Changes since the last release (cctools-322 for the 5.6 MacOS X DP4 release)
  • Changed again the cctools and cctoolslib projects to leave things in /System/Library when built for the Space release train (changed back from cctools-322). The release notes are put into /MacOSX/Documentation/Developer/ReleaseNotes instead of /System/Documentation/Developer/ReleaseNotes for the Space release. Also the libraries that are part of the System framework are installed in /AppleInternal/Developer/System instead of /Local/Developer/System for the Space release. The project currently relys on RC_RELEASE being set to Space and the macro __SPACE__ being defined. When this becomes the default for the Gonzo release train these things will be tweaked to make this happen by default for the Gonzo release train.
  • Fixed a bug in the tool redo_prebinding(1) which could cause a shared library initialization routine not to be called. Radar bug #2450931.
  • Changed the dynamic linker to use VRsave to know which Altivec registers to save before calling shared library initialization or module initialization routines. With gcc 2.95 now the default, VRsave is now correctly set. Radar bug #2450639.
  • The -checkonly option has been added to the seg_addr_table(l) tool at the request of Apple's Build and Integration team. See the man page for details.
  • The tool check_dylib(l) has been created for Apple's Build and Integration team. See the man page for details.
Changes since the last release (cctools-321 for the 5.6 MacOS X DP4 release)
  • Changed the cctools and cctoolslib projects to build and put things in /MacOSX/System instead of /System/Library when built for the Space release train. Also the release notes are put into /Developer/ReleaseNotes instead of /System/Documentation/Developer/ReleaseNotes. The project currently relys on RC_RELEASE being set to Space and the macro __SPACE__ being defined. When this becomes the default for the Gonzo release train these things will be tweaked to make this happen by default for the Gonzo release train.
  • Fixed the end(3) man page to correctly reference get_end(3). Radar bug #2448020.
Changes since the last release (cctools-320 for the 5.6 MacOS X DP4 release)
  • Changed the assembler so the built in section directives .objc_class_names, .objc_meth_var_types and .objc_meth_var_names now use the (__TEXT,__cstring) section. Radar bug #2447117.
  • Changed checksyms(l) not to check that objc_unique was run on the file. Radar bug #2448096.
  • Edited the dyld(1) man page to fix its readablity. Radar bug #2438996 and #2392392.
Changes since the last release (cctools-319 for the 5.6 MacOS X DP4 release)
  • The static linker now has support for guarding against direct linking of non-umbrella frameworks via the -umbrella option. See the ld man page for more details. Radar bug #2443212. Until Radar bug #2443215 is fixed this option can't be specified directly to the compiler driver cc(1). For now the linker option can be used via the -Wl,-linker_option,argument compiler driver option.
  • Changed the cctools project to install dyld's images.h and stuff/bool.h into /System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/Versions/B/PrivateHeaders/dyld . Radar bug #2376135.
Changes since the last release (cctools-318 for the 5.6 MacOS X DP4 release)
  • The static and dynamic linker now supports a new "split" form of shared libraries to to reduced wired-memory usage (see above in the new features section). Radar bug #2438996.
  • Changed the checksyms(l) used in the B&I verification process to not require dynamic libraries have execute bits set. Also changed checksyms(l) to allow all known MacOS X DP3 dynamic library install paths as a stop gap until information is provided by the App Packaging owners as to where are the Apple conventional install paths.
  • Edited the dyld(1) man page to fix its readablity. Radar bug #2438996.
  • Changed the cctools project to no longer install the GNU source as this is covered by the Darwin project.
Changes since the last release (cctools-317 for the 5.6 MacOS X DP4 release)
  • Changed the cctools project to also install librld.a into /usr/local/lib/ . Radar bug #2436955.
Changes since the last release (cctools-316 for the 5.6 MacOS X DP4 release)
  • Changed the cctools project top level Makefile to build both the cctools and cctoolslib targets when RC_RELEASE is Darwin.
Changes since the last release (cctools-315 for the 5.5 MacOS X DP3 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that did not correctly bind the modules which define shared library initialization routines after an unsucessful attempt to launch the program using just prebound shared libraries. Radar bug #2428317.
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor that generated an error mesage of the form "malformed object, illegal reference (reference from a lazy symbol pointer section ..." when linking an object that was the result of compiling an empty file with the -pg flag. Radar bug #2431435.


Notes Specific to Release 5.5 (MacOS X DP3)

New Features

Support removing duplicate debugging information from header files

The static linker supports removing duplicate debugging information from header files when this information appears in multiple object files being linked. This is done with the -Si option to the static link editor is now the default. To have no symbols stripped when linking the new -Sn option is now used.

Support the first phase of "coalesced symbols".

I) Goals

The goal of coalesced symbols is to provide the linker support needed for the C++ compiler to solve problems with generating code for the following C++ features:

  • implicit template instantiation
  • static variables in inline functions
  • RTTI

II) The functionality

A "coalesced symbol" is a true definition of a symbol that may appear one or more times in the compilation units generated by the compiler. This will allow the compiler to provide a better user experience by not forcing the user to tell the compiler exactly where to output the definition of the symbol, which is problematic in implementing some of the above C++ features.

The static link editor will allow multiple definitions of a "coalesced symbol" without any warnings or errors. The static link editor will output only one instance of each "coalesced symbol" using the first instance it encounters in the object files being linked. The static link editor will always output an instance of a "coalesced symbol" if it appears in the object files being linked even if it also appears in the dynamic libraries being referenced.

The dynamic link editor will then do its relocation such that only one instance of each "coalesced symbol" is used throughout the program.

III) The implementation

A Mach-O new section type, "coalesced", has been be added to the compiler tools. A "coalesced symbol" will simply be a symbol defined in a section with the type "coalesced". The assembler has been changed to accept the new section type identifier "coalesced".

For example to create a "coalesced symbol" named _foo as a 4-byte integer initialized to one, the following assembly code could be used:

.section __DATA, __coalesced, coalesced
.globl _foo
_foo: .long 1

An example of a template function created as a "coalesced symbol" could use the following assembly code:

.section __TEXT, __template, coalesced, pure_instructions
.globl _template_func
li r3,1

Once the compiler group establishes conventional sections for various C++ "coalesced symbols" we will add built-in assembler section directives like: .template, .coalesced_data, .rtti_data as equivalents for the above section directives.

A new section type constant, S_COALESCED, has been added to the header file, <mach-o/loader.h> which describes the Mach-O object file format. In the object files created by the assembler "coalesced" section types have this constant in the flags field of the section header.

The static and dynamic linker look at the section type to determine that the symbol is a "coalesced symbol" and allow multiple definitions of "coalesced symbols".

The static link editor effectively divides up a "coalesced section" on the boundaries of the symbols in that section, associating the bytes of the section after each symbol with the preceding symbol. An object file is considered malformed if a "coalesced section" did not have a symbol at the first address of the section.

The symbolic debugging symbol table entries, STABS, for a given coalesced symbol must be preceded by the new begin nsect symbol stab (N_BNSYM) and an end with the new end nsect symbol stab (N_ENSYM). These stabs must be at the start and end of the given coalesced symbol.

IV) The restrictions

In order to allow the dynamic linker to make sure only one instance of of each "coalesced symbol" is used throughout the program, all references to "coalesced symbols" via instructions must be done indirectly through symbol stubs (for calls) or through non-lazy pointers. The static link editor enforces this restriction by checking that there are no direct relocation entries to "coalesced symbol" using section difference relocation entries, and if any are found it will considered the object file malformed. This is must be true even if the coalesced symbol is defined in the same compilation unit where references are also being made.

The assembler and static link editor have also been changed so that if a global symbol is referenced in a "coalesced section" that is defined, an external relocation entry is used instead of a local relocation entry.

Routines generated for C++ static initializers which are initializing a "coalesced symbol" must also be a "coalesced symbol". They do require one code generation change to make it possible that they could be called more than once and only do the initializing the first time. This is required so they dynamic linker does not need to keep track of the initializers for each "coalesced symbol". It will further require the existing implementation in the GNU compiler to change slightly. Currently the GNU compiler generates one initializers function for all C++ static initializers in the compilation unit. This will have to change so that a separate function would be created for initializing a "coalesced symbol".

Lazy binding of symbols vs binding all symbols at launch time

For MacOS X the dynamic linker defaults to lazy binding. That is, symbols are linked into the program as they are needed. For function calls this usually happens when the function is called the first time. For data references this happens before any code that can reference the data is executed. This generally reduces the time it takes to start execution of the program by delaying the binding and initialization of symbols.

With lazy binding, the linking of symbols into the program happens in a distributed fashion as opposed to binding all symbols when the program is launched. A program or plugin may be built with the -bind_at_load option to force all symbols to be bound when the program is launched or when the plugin is loaded.

There can be rare cases where lazy binding and binding at launch can produce different results. These cases can only occur when a program is using more than one library that defines the same symbol, which is not generally a common occurrence. For example a program could be linked against both a debug and non-debug version of the same library. Even in this case, usually both libraries define all the same symbols, so the symbols the program ends up using are those from the first library listed on the program's link line. However if the two libraries do not define the same symbols organized in the same way, that's when these rare cases where lazy binding and binding at launch can produce different results.

To understand these cases one needs to understand what is meant by "how a library's symbols are organized" and how that effects linking. The symbols of a library are organized into modules. Library modules are the object files that were used to build the library and are typically the created from compiling one source file. However the library implementor may combine a number of compiled source files for a library subsystem into a larger object file that is then used to build the library. The library implementor will do this when the interface symbols that make up a subsystem share some private or internal data, such that all the interface symbols for that subsystem must be used together for the subsystem to work correctly. Examples might include a malloc subsystem, a pthreads subsystem, or data base subsystem. These subsystems may have many interface symbols that must be used together as they are sharing data among the interfaces. And the interface symbols would not work correctly if some symbols were used from one implementation and some from another. Rather than just let the program work incorrectly in these cases, when the static or dynamic linker detects these cases they will generate a multiply defined symbol error. Indicating that parts of more than one implementation of a subsystem are trying to be used in the same program.

Now how library modules effects linking is, that if a symbol is needed to resolve an undefined reference, the first library module in the list of libraries that has a definition is used. Then not only is the symbol that resolves the undefined reference used from the library module but all symbols in that same library module are then used.

So when more than one library that defines the same symbol is used, the static and dynamic linkers must select a definition for the symbol to be used from one of the libraries. As stated above, the first library module in the list of libraries that has a definition is used. Then all the symbols from that library module are then used. So which library modules get used by a program is a function of which undefined references must be resolved, the order they are resolved and which symbols are defined in each library module.

For lazy binding and binding at launch the list of undefined references that must be resolved are typically different. For lazy binding this usually is a subset of the undefined symbols that a program uses. So if more than one library is used by the program that defines the same global symbols but are organized into different library modules, it is possible that depending on which undefined references are need to be resolved that different library modules maybe selected. In the case of lazy binding a first subset of the symbols may select a library module from one library and a second subset of symbols may select a library module from a different library. This may lead to multiply defined symbol errors. Or may lead to symbols being used from different implementations of a subsystem.

But in the common case, if no two libraries that are used by a program define the same symbols there is not a difference in lazy binding and binding at launch. Further if there is more than one library that defines the same symbols and the are organized into the same library modules again there is no difference in lazy binding and binding at launch. For MacOS X post PR2, the static link editor, now detects cases where lazy binding and binding at launch could produce different results, and issues a warning. The warning suggests the use of the -bind_at_load option. Also for MacOS X post PR2, the dynamic linker ensures that symbols in a program built with the -bind_at_load option, are the same as the static link editor determined would be used. See Radar bug #2378121.

Changes since the last release (cctools-314 for the 5.5 MacOS X PR3 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that did not save volatile floating point or Altivec registers before calling shared library initialization or module initialization routines. Radar bug #2424571.
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that did not fully bind library initialization routines which had private extern references. Radar bug #2423809.
  • Removed the references to Rhapsody from the libtool man page. Radar bug #2399334.
Changes since the last release (cctools-313 for the 5.5 MacOS X PR3 release)
  • The environment variable DYLD_ABORT_MULTIPLE_INITS has been added as a debugging aid. When set it causes the program to abort when multple library initialization routines are being run which can happen if code called via a library initialization routine makes a call to a dyld API. Then under the debugger it is easy to do a back trace and find the code that is making the call to a dyld API via code called from a library initialization routine. Radar bug #2423143.
  • Re-fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that did not fully bind library initialization routines before calling them. There was a case with Classic crashing. Radar bug #2413950.
  • New the API _dyld_debug_set_error_func() has been added to the dyld debug API set to better determine what has happened when a dyld debug API returns DYLD_FAILURE. Radar bug #2421770.
  • The dynamic linker was changed to send a DYLD_MODULE_REMOVED and then a DYLD_IMAGE_REMOVED event when the plugin is unloaded. This will allow the debugger to know the plucin is nolonger present in the task. Radar bug #2421760.
  • The public release notes have been edited by the Tech Pubs group for DP3. Radar bug #2420736.
  • The tool nmedit is now installed in /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin so that Project Builder can use it for export lists. Radar bug #2396595.
Changes since the last release (cctools-312 for the 5.5 MacOS X PR3 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that did not fully bind library initialization routines before calling them. Radar bug #2419089.
Changes since the last release (cctools-311 for the 5.5 MacOS X PR3 release)
  • Changed the static linker to cleanup the code gen of the compiler where the compiler generates an indirect call to a function forward defined. This code gen caused a problem when the dynmaic linker was trying to fully bind a library initialization routine because the indirect call in this case does not have an undefined reference in the object module but rather a definition. This then caused initialization routines to be interleaved when this call was lazy bound. Radar bug #2417690.
Changes since the last release (cctools-310 for the 5.5 MacOS X PR3 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static linker that caused gdb to print variables as <incomplete type>. This can only occur if an incremental link is done as part of building the image (aka ld -r). Radar bug #2415697.
Changes since the last release (cctools-309 for the 5.5 MacOS X PR3 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static linker that incorrectly printed a warning message about symbols used from earilier dynamic libraries and suggesting the use of -bind_at_load when it shouldn't. Also fixed one more case where something can be successfully staticly linked with -bind_at_load and then fails to link with a multiply defined error from the dynamic linker when executed. Radar bug #2378121.
  • Fixed a bug in the static linker that did not recognize the -Sn option. Radar bug #2415456.
Changes since the last release (cctools-308 for the 5.5 MacOS X PR3 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker that did not fully bind library initialization routines before calling them. Radar bug #2413950.
Changes since the last release (cctools-307 for the 5.5 MacOS X PR3 release)
  • Support in the static linker was added to remove duplicate BINCL/EINCL stab groups. This is enabled with the -Si option to ld(1) and is the default (see new features above). To get the static linker to not strip any symbols the new option -Sn can be used. Radar bug #2410704.
  • Changed <mach-o/dyld.h> so that it does not use "bool" when compiled with the C++ compiler. Radar bug #2412898.
Changes since the last release (cctools-306 for the 5.4 MacOS X PR2 release)
  • Added the first phase of support for "coalesced symbols". Currently only support for -dynamic code gen for PowerPC has been tested (intel and static code gen is not yet tested). The support is complete except for prebinding with coalesced symbols. Because of that reason use of coalesced symbols should not yet be used in B&I builds. See new features above. Radar bug #2411273.
  • Changed the references to "Rhapsody" to "MacOS X" on the assembler man page. Radar bug #2399294.
  • Removed the the references to "Rhapsody" on the ar(5) man page and the statement that the extended format was not supported as support for it was added back in the Rhapsody DR2 release. Radar bug #2399338.
  • Added support for the G4 (7400) cpu subtype to the compiler tools. Radar bug #2397523.
  • The static and dynamic link editors were changed to fix cases where lazy binding can result in two different globals functions being used (or multiply defined errors). In these cases the program needs to be built with the -bind_at_load flag (or run with DYLD_BIND_AT_LAUNCH set) and the static link editor now detects these cases and issues a warning suggesting the use of the -bind_at_load option and then lists the symbols which are used from dynamic libraries where there is an earilier dynamic library with a definition of the symbol. See notes above about "Lazy binding of symbols vs binding all symbols at launch time". Radar bug #2378121.
  • Added the dyld environment variable DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX which can be set to a library or framework suffix to be used by the program. Also included in this change is an optimization that removes some system calls in the case a library has already been loaded. of Radar bug #2384450
  • Added printing a line of the form "[Logging for Build & Integration] Used dynamic library: dylib_name", where dylib_name is a dynamic library being used in the link. This is done when the environment variable RC_TRACE_DYLIBS is set. Radar bug #2389955.
  • Fixed a bug in the assemblers where it would ignore a line followed by a single '#'. Radar bug #2393418.
  • The tool, nmedit(l), was fixed so that "-arch i386" can be used as the i386 architecture family type like the other object file tools. This bug caused nmedit(l) with "-arch i386" not to work on object files that had the i486 cpusubtype. Radar bug #2405763.
  • The Intel assembler was changed to assemble the 'fild' instruction the same as the "filds" and the "fist" instruction the same as the "fists". Radar bug #2410226.
  • The cctools project was changed to install the external release notes instead of the Documentation project. Radar bug #2411118.

Notes Specific to Release 5.4 (MacOS X PR2) 

New Features

Dynamic shared libraries now can have a dynamic shared library initialization routine (Radar bug #2367584). This routine is specified to libtool(1) with the new "-init symbol_name" argument. The library initialization routine is called before any symbol is used from the library including C++ static initializers (and #pragma CALL_ON_MODULE_BIND routines). If cc(1) -dynamiclib is used instead of libtool(1), you may need to pass the argument with -Wl,-init, symbol_name until Radar bug #2367569 is fixed. Also gdb(1) will not read the symbols of dynamic shared libraries with library initialization routine due to Radar bug #2367576.

The dynamic linker now supports shared library install names that start with "@executable_path/" and substitutes the directory path of the executable for "@executable_path/"when locating the library. This requires a kernel from Beaker2H3 or later. Without that kernel, this feature can only be used if argv[0] is in fact the name of the executable and it is an absolute path or relative to the current directory (contains at a '/' in the argv[0] string). The kernel in Beaker2H3 was extended to pass the first argument to exec() to the entry point interface, and having that kernel this feature can be used no matter what argv[0] is.

The NSLinkModule() API now has an option to cause it to return when there is an error loading the module and a new API NSLinkEditError() to get the error information. To use this the constant NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR needs to be or'ed into the options parameter to NSLinkModule(). Then if NSLinkModule() returns NULL the error information can be retrieved with NSLinkEditError().

The NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR option is an alternative method to the existing dyld error handling which fits better with a plugin model. With the NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR option, the model for handling errors is to simply return without any changes to the program. To support this model of error handling a new API has been added to allow the programmer to get the error information that the dyld error handlers would normally have gotten. The API is similar to the dyld linkEdit error handler except that all the parameters are passed as pointers to be filled in.

extern void NSLinkEditError(
NSLinkEditErrors *c,
int *errorNumber,
const char **fileName,
const char **errorString);

The last two parameters return pointers to static buffers allocated in the dynamic linker which get reused on subsequent calls to NSLinkEditError(). The NSLinkEditErrors enum has been extended to include NSLinkEditUndefinedError and NSLinkEditMultiplyDefinedError.

Changes since the last release (cctools-305 for the 5.4 MacOS X PR2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker where a non-lazy reference from a dynamic library module that only had private extern symbol definitions was not getting bound. This showed up in keymgr.o from libcc_dynamic.a referencing the symbol ___eh_global_dataptr. Radar bug #2391709.
Changes since the last release (cctools-304 for the 5.4 MacOS X PR2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in ld(1) when -U flags to allow undefined symbols and LD_PREBIND was set it would exit non-zero. Radar bug #2389026.
Changes since the last release (cctools-303 for the 5.4 MacOS X PR2 release)
  • Backed out the fix for Radar bug #2378121 done in cctools-303 as it caused progams like Terminal to launch very slowly. Terminal is calling signal(2) which causes the executable containing the signal handler to be fully bound. The fix for Radar bug #2378121 in this case caused a big slow down in the case of fully binding.
Changes since the last release (cctools-302 for the 5.4 MacOS X PR2 release)
  • Fixed a bug where gprof -S crashed when run on the Appkit trying to produce an order file. Radar bug #2377933.
  • Changed a message printed by checksyms(l) from using "release control" to using "Build & Integration". Radar bug #2377929.
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic linker in a case where lazy binding can result in two different globals functions being used. Radar bug #2378121.
  • Picked up the Tech Pubs edited dyld(1) man page. Radar bug #2366767.
Changes since the last release (cctools-301 for the 5.4 MacOS X PR2 release)

Fixed a bug where the intel instruction "setc %al" did not assemble. Radar bug #2374684.

Fixed a bug in the static link editor where the wrong private extern function could be called from a dynamic library. Radar bug #2374465. This resulted in throw() and dynamic_cast() to crash when in a shared library. The Finder was the one having these problems (Radar bugs 2369470 and 2364994).

Changes since the last release (cctools-300 for the 5.4 MacOS X PR2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the cctools project that caused System Framework to come up with an undefined for the symbol _qsort_load_order_values.
Changes since the last release (cctools-299 for the 5.4 MacOS X PR2 release)
  • Dynamic shared libraries now can have a dynamic shared library initialization routine Radar bug #2367584. See new features above.
  • The PowerPC instruction "vspltisb v1,-1" assembles wrong. Radar bug #2366525.
  • There was a typo in arch 3 man page where "pcc" should have been "ppc". Radar bug #2366781.
  • There was a typo in dyld.1 man page where "effect" should have been "affect". Radar bug #2366750.
  • Fix a bug where the assembler does not catch the error case of an unterminated .macro directive. Radar bug #2368659.
  • The was a bug in nmedit(1) when using -R and processing more than one architecture it printed an error stating "more than one symbol" for a symbol listed in the -R file appeared in the input file. Also changed nmedit(l) to strip all arch's when no -arch flags are specified to match the behavior of strip(1). Radar bug #2367598.
  • Changed the cctools project when building for Beaker (RC_OS=macos) to not install its headers into the DSTROOT. Radar bug #2370826.
Changes since the last release (cctools-298 for the 5.4 MacOS X PR2 release)
  • Fixes were made to one of the assembly language interfaces in the dynamic linker to allow it to be used with CFM vector libraries. Radar bug #2358962.
Changes since the last release (cctools-297 for the 5.4 MacOS X PR2 release)
  • Added support for "@executable_path/" in shared library install names. See new features above.
Changes since the last release (cctools-296 for the 5.4 MacOS X PR2 release)
  • Fixed a bug introduced in the cctools-296 dyld that caused Terminal (and potentally any program) to crash. This was fixed as part of the quick looks for Beaker2F and is fixed in the released Beaker2F1.
Changes since the last release (cctools-295 for the 5.4 MacOS X PR2 release)
  • The NSLinkModule() now can return when an error occurs in loading a module and the new API NSLinkEditError() allows error information to be retrieved. See new features above.
  • Fixed a bug in NSAddLibrary() that did not load the dependent libraries. This showed up when doing an NSAddLibrary() on Carbon and then trying to look up a symbol in the QuickDraw library that Carbon was linked with.
  • Added the -v (verification flag) to checksyms(1) to print out a single line for each type of error checksyms finds. Also added hacks to checksyms(1) to allow all MacOS X PR1 paths for shared library install names.
Changes since the last release (cctools-294 for the 5.3 MacOS X PR1 release)
  • The sources have had the Darwin copyrights added to them.
  • A bug fix was made to the new API _dyld_image_containing_address() that was added for cctools-294. The routine would generally return the wrong for anything loaded with NSLinkModule() or any non-prebound shared library. The values used for checking the address ranges effectively had the value of the vmslide (the difference from the staticly linked address and the address loaded) added twice. So if the vmslide were zero, as in the case with prebound libraries things it would work but tend to fail otherwise (except for the executable which worked).

Notes Specific to Release 5.3 (MacOS X PR1)

New Features

The NSLinkModule() API now can create private modules and the new API NSLookupSymbolInModule() allows symbols to be looked up in a private module. To do this the interface to NSLinkModule() has change in a compatible way from:

extern NSModule NSLinkModule(
NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage,
const char *moduleName,
enum bool bindNow);


extern NSModule NSLinkModule(
NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage,
const char *moduleName,
unsigned long options);

with the options as follows:


The first two are the same as bindNow with a value of FALSE and TRUE. The private options is what is used to load a private module. The API for getting to the symbols of a NSModule that has been privately linked is:

extern NSSymbol NSLookupSymbolInModule(
NSModule module,
const char *symbolName);

Then to get the address of the returned NSSymbol, the existing NSAddressOfSymbol() API can be used.

The NSUnLinkModule() API is now implemented with enough functionality to make Apache work (Radar bug #2262020). This has been confirmed by Wilfredo Sanchez the owner of the Apache project. It currently has the following limitations (to be fixed in future releases):

  • only works for plugins (can only be called on modules that were returned by NSLinkModule).
  • C++ plugins that have static destructor can't be unloaded. The program will crash in atexit(3) when the unlinked destructor is attempted to be called.
  • Objective-C plugins should not be unloaded. The Objective-C runtime has not been updated to know about unloading and the result is very likely to crash the program.
  • The debugger has not been update to know about unloading and trying to debug a program that unloads it's plugins may confuse or crash the debugger.

The interface to NSUnLinkModule has change in a compatible way from:

extern enum bool NSUnLinkModule(
NSModule module,
enum bool keepMemoryMapped);


extern enum bool NSUnLinkModule(
NSModule module,
int options);

where the options are:


The first two are the same as keepMemoryMapped with a value of FALSE and TRUE. The reset lazy references allows unloaded modules with only call sites to undefined functions (direct calls not calls through pointers) to be allowed when unloading and not causing an undefined symbol error. Then if a subsequent module is loaded that defines symbols that were previously undefined, the call sites will then use the new definitions. This is currently only implemented for PowerPC. For intel it prints a message and exits even if the symbol gets redefined. This will be fixed for intel in a future release.

Support for module termination functions has been added for plugins (only). Currently the compiler pragma CALL_ON_UNLOAD (as well as CALL_ON_LOAD) is not yet implemented to use this feature as intended. A work around can be done in place of having the pragma:

void my_term(void)
/* do module termination */
/* #pragma CALL_ON_UNLOAD my_term */
#pragma SECTION data ".section __DATA, __mod_term_func, mod_init_funcs"
static void (*dummy)(void) = my_term;
#pragma SECTION data

The cctools-294 project has an implementation of the FreeBSD dlopen() interfaces. The header file dlfcn.h and the library libdl.a are NOT installed or built by the project by default. This is to avoid automatic configure scripts of projects from using this stuff in release builds before it can be tested by project owners. If an when a future version of cctools has a working set of dlopen() interfaces it will install the header file dlfcn.h and build the library code by default. Most likely the library code will be in included in System framework and not a separate libdl.a. At that time a man page will installed. Currently there is no MacOS X Server version of the man page and the FreeBSD version must be consulted.

There is support for managing the list of globally exported names in cctools that is generally not well known. For managing the list of globally exported names with a list of global symbols that is maintained by the developer the existing tools nmedit(l) and strip(1) can be used. The approach is to build the project normally with full debugging symbols. Then nmedit(1) is run on that with the list of exported symbols and the result is placed in the standard $(SYMROOT). nmedit(1) turns all other global symbols not listed in the file into statics. That resulting file still has all the debugging symbols and can be fully symbolically debugged. Then when the file is copied from the $(SYMROOT) to the $(DSTROOT) in the install process, it is strip(1)'ed with the usual -S (or other options) to remove debugging symbols. This leaves the static symbols as well as the global symbols so that back traces will still have the symbol names. Assuming the list of symbols is in the file save_syms, the example commands would be:

nmedit -s save_syms $(OBJROOT)/hello -o $(SYMROOT)/hello
strip -S $(SYMROOT)/hello -o $(DSTROOT)/hello

If you are building a dynamic library you may also have to do and "ld -r" of all of your object files into one object file. You can also manage the list of globally exported names in your project with nmedit(1) or strip(1).

In the future there will also be compiler support to use the external/internal #pragmas that CFM uses. Today you can use the key word __private_extern__ to get this functionality.

As of cctools-292, the cctools project has been updated to be able to built with the egcs compiler with no warnings from source code of the project (the header files in Beaker1I2 still produce warnings).

The cctools-294 project has been ported and tested on MacOS X using Beaker1L. To build cctools-294 for MacOS X, first the SDK has to be installed on a PowerPC machine with /System/Administration/ into /Local/Public/MacOSX. Then the commands to build it are:

# ~rc/bin/buildit -release Beaker cctools-293 RC_OS=macos

Only the profileServer is left to be ported. It is currently not built for MacOS X when RC_OS=macos.

Changes since the last release (cctools-293 for the 5.3 MacOS X PR1 release)
  • The cctools-294 version of ld(1) as a fix for a crash that ocurred when building the CoreGraphicsRIP-30 project for Beaker1L3.
  • The new API _dyld_image_containing_address() was added. It takes an address and returns TRUE or FALSE depending on if that address is in any dyld managed image. Radar bug #2325380.
  • The man page for libtool(1) has been updated. Radar bug #2324061.
Changes since the last release (cctools-292 for the 5.3 MacOS X PR1 release)
  • The cctools-293 project code has the fixes needed to complile and use POSIX threads instead of cthreads. This has been tested on Beaker1I2 compiling with -D_ POSIX_THREADS defined (this is defined in <unistd.h> for Beaker1J2 but not for Beaker1I2). Testing could not be done using Beaker1J2 as is too unstable. The code that tried to use pthreads in cctools-292 will not even compile when _ POSIX_THREADS is defined.
Changes since the last release (cctools-291 for the 5.3 MacOS X PR1 release)
  • The cctools project code now uses POSIX threads instead of cthreads.
  • The default segment alignment in the static link editor when linking a PowerPC target is now 4K instead of 8K. All other target architectures have not changed and their default segment alignment remains 8K. Radar bug # 2277625.
  • The cctools project code now compiles with no warnings from the egcs compiler (header files in Beaker1I2 still produce warnings).
  • Moved the i386 assembler to /usr/local/libexec/i386/as for MacOS X builds. The assembler driver /usr/bin/as and the compiler driver /usr/bin/cc are uneffected and will find the assembler in either the old or new place.
Changes since the last release (cctools-290 for the 5.3 MacOS X PR1 release)
  • Fixed a bug introduced in the cctools-288 ld(1) when doing an ld -r with an indirect entry for a private_extern. This problem would show up when executing a binary with the error from dyld:
    • dyld: /System/Applications/ Undefined symbols:
  • The problem in this case was the Message framework built with the ld(1) that had the bug. This also has been seen in Carbon apps, with the problem the Carbon framework.
Changes since the last release (cctools-289 for the 5.3 MacOS X PR1 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the code added to nmedit for the -p option. The bug caused uses of nmedit without the -p option and with the -s option to not find any symbols listed in the -s argument.
Changes since the last release (cctools-288 for the 5.3 MacOS X PR1 release)
  • Added the -p option to nmedit(l) which instead of changes symbols to static changes them to private externs. This option is allowed by itself without a -s or -R option which then changes all defined symbols to private extern. This is used to change all the symbols in libcc_dynamic.a to private extern as the C++ compiler has never supported the keyword __private_extern__.
Changes since the last release (cctools-287 for the 5.3 MacOS X PR1 release)
  • Fixed nmedit(l) to change the indirect symbol table entries for global symbols it makes static. This problem showed up in using nmedit for the work around with the egcs compiler and C++ RTTI common data in a dynamic shared library.
  • Fixed ld(1) when doing an ld -r with an indirect entry for a private_extern. This problem showed up when building the Message framework and would get the error from ld: "ld: indirect symbol:_y can not be a private extern". And it also showed up in building Carbon when using strip which would produce the error message from ld: "ld: x.o indirect symbol table entry 0 past the end of the symbol table".
  • Fixed ld(1) to correctly relocate non-lazy symbol pointers for non-global symbols. This can occur in one of three ways when a global symbol is changed to a non-global, via private_extern and ld -r, via nmedit and via strip.
  • Changed dyld to print on stderr not on stdout for it's debugging output (Radar bug #2274737).
  • Added passing -whyload through libtool(1) to ld(1).
  • Fixed a bug so that if a PowerPC binary used the RESET_LAZY_REFERENCES NSUnLinkModule() option, and it was not linked with crt1.0, bundle1.o or dylib1.o that has the ".long dyld_stub_binding_helper" fix it won't crash.
  • Changed the message printed when the environment variable RC_TRACE_ARCHIVES is set from: "RC_TRACE_ARCHIVES archive_name" to: "[Logging for Build & Integration] Used static archive: archive_name". Radar bug #2310273.
Changes since the last release (cctools-286 for the 5.3 MacOS X PR1 release)
  • The NSLinkModule() now can create private modules and the new API NSLookupSymbolInModule() allows symbols to be looked up in a private module. See new features above.
  • The NSUnLinkModule() API is now implemented with enough functionality to make Apache work (Radar bug #2262020). See new features above.
  • The cctools-287 project has an implementation of the FreeBSD dlopen() interfaces. See new features above.
Changes since the last release (cctools-285 for the 5.3 MacOS X PR1 release)
  • Support for module termination functions has been added for things loaded with NSLinkModule() when NSUnLinkModule() is called. In this version of cctools NSUnLinkModule() is not implemented (that will be integrated in a later version). For now to test this -DTESTING_MOD_TERM needs to be set in RC_CFLAGS.
  • Change the use of the i386 cpp macro to __i386__ and ppc to __ppc__ so this this version of cctools will compile with the upcoming release of the egcs compiler.
Changes made in cctools-285
  • Fixed a bug in libtool(1) that was not using NEXT_ROOT when set to expand -l flags.
  • Added printing a line of the form "RC_TRACE_ARCHIVES archive_name", where archive_name is a archive being put into the output of libtool(1) -static or being linked against by ld(1). This is done when the environment variable RC_TRACE_ARCHIVES is set. Radar bug #2303376.
  • Made a change to the way the cctools project builds it's objects for the System framework. It now creates archives in /Local/Developer/System for libdyld, librld and libmacho. It creates profile versions with _pg and -static compiled versions with _static in the filenames. Radar bug #2268413.
  • Removed an incorrect warning in ld(1) that stated -keep_private_externs must be used with -dynamic. This would be produced when using ld(1) with -static.
  • Fixed a bug in ld(1) that was producing an incorrect error of the form "indirect symbol table entry 353 past the end of the symbol table". This can occured when a file is strip(1)'ed and global symbols are removed. This was found when the CoreGraphics framework was stripped removing two globals symbols and then the resulting framework was linked against.
  • Fixed a bug in the i386 assembler in assembling the cmpxchg instruction. Previously this assembled using the opcode from the i486 manual ( 0F A6/r and 0F A7/r ) and was changed to the opcode in the Pentium manual (0F B0/r and 0F B1/r). The dissassembly in otool(1) was also changed.
  • Fixed a bug in ranlib(1) (aka libtool) after printing warnings about with multiple symbols defined different archive members it crashed with a bus error.
  • Fixed a bug in strip(1) when using the -s filename option on a dynamic library. This showed when linking against a CoreGraphics framework, the resulting link would fail with a malformed object error "ilocalsym field plus nlocalsym field of module table entry 1 past the end of the symbol table".
  • Changed the #import <sys/types.h> in ranlib.h to #include <sys/types.h>. Radar bug #2303937.
  • Made cctools 285 build without -DNeXT defined.
  • A fix was made to the dyld debug code that get the thread suppend count of reset correctly for the thread that has the dyld lock when the dyld debug thread handles a message.
  • The fixes were made to the dyld debug code made in cctools 283.1 were picked up. Includes Radar bug #2286661.
  • The fixes to moved the text files gprof.flat and gprof.callg from /usr/lib to /usr/share made in cctools 281.2 were picked up.
Changes made in cctools-284
  • The fix to ar(1), made in cctools-281.1 (Radar bug #2284290) was merged in. The changed made to fix the dyld debug code made in cctools-283.1 are not in cctools-284.
Changes made in cctools-283.1
  • Fixes were made to the dyld debug code for the port to MacOS X (Mach 3.0) to get it working.
There are no changes in cctools-283 clone
Changes made in cctools-282
  • The tools have been ported to MacOS X. The needed code is #ifdef'ed __MACH30__ which is defined in <mach/mach.h> when building for MacOS X.


Notes Specific to Release 5.2 (Rhapsody CR1)

New Features

The compiler tools now support the 4.4bsd archive extened format 1 for long names (and names with embedded spaces). This is now the default. The option -L to produce archives using the extended format and the option -T to truncate names, as previously supported in the ar(1) command now also apply to ranlib(1) and libtool(1). Radar bug #1670513.

The header file <mach-o/getsect.h> has been added to the system as the proper place to get the prototypes of the Mach-O routines. Radar bug #2227839.

The VMX opcodes have been added to the Rhapsody PowerPC assembler and are documented in the assembler manual. Radar bug #2237908.

The routine sa_rld_with_symtab() was added for use with the standalone runtime link editor. Radar bug #2231758.

There are no changes in cctools-281.3 clone
Changes made in cctools-281.2
  • Moved text files gprof.flat and gprof.callg from /usr/lib to /usr/share . gprof/Makefile and gprof/gprof.h were changed. Radar bug #2287470.
Changes made in cctools-281.1
  • In a stat struct there are three struct timespec's (defined in sys/time.h). The field name ts_sec was change to tv_sec to match Posix (Radar bug #2005170). So in for cctools, the use in ar/archive.c of the field ts_sec was changed to tv_sec in three places. Radar bug #2284290.
Changes since the last release (cctools-280 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • Changed redo_prebinding to exit with a error code of 3 if the dependent libraries are out of date. Radar bug #2259447.
Changes since the last release (cctools-279 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • Changed libtool to pass -F and -L flags to objcunique. Radar bug #2257931.
Changes since the last release (cctools-278 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • A bug fix was made to the dyld library debug code that fixes a problem which prevents gdb getting the symbols for dynamic libraries. Radar bug #2255036.
Changes since the last release (cctools-277 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • The header file <mach-o/rld.h> was moved to PrivateHeaders in the System Framework as it uses <streams/streams.h> in it's API. Radar bug #2249999.
Changes since the last release (cctools-276 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • Changed the handling of unknown i386 and ppc subtypes so that the routines never fail but return sprintf()'ed strings for the decriptions. For i386 the string will be of the form "Intel family X model Y" and for ppc it will be "PowerPC cubsubtype X". Radar bug #2241690.
Changes since the last release (cctools-275 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • Build fix, the Radar bug #2239280 in strip(1) was using a data structure after it was free()'ed. The free() call was move after the last use.
Changes since the last release (cctools-274 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor where the module name of dynamic shared library was set wrong. This happened when creating a dynamic shared library from an archive library member that had a long name (using the 4.4bsd archive extened format 1). The module name dynamic shared library would end up like "#1/20" rather than its correct name. Radar bug #2239283.
  • Fixed a bug in strip(1) when stripping a dynamic shared library. This happened when the stripping was removing a symbol defined in one module and referenced in other modules. The library's table of contents was not correctly updated to reflect this symbol was no longer defined. This would then cause the static link editor to think the library was malformed as a module was loaded did not define a symbol as expected in the table of contents. Radar bug #2239280.
Changes since the last release (cctools-273 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • The VMX opcodes have been added to the Rhapsody PowerPC assembler. Radar bug #2237908.
  • Fixed a bug that caused NSModuleForSymbol() to return NULL when called in a module initializer routine on a symbol in that module. Radar bug #2238301.
  • Removed the -arch i586SX and added the following intel x86 specific subtype archs: pentium, pentpro, pentIIm3 and pentIIm5. Radar bug #2231830.
  • Fixed a bug in dyld that used the wrong segment's address for executable's base relocation address. It was using the segment with the lowest address not the first segment's address. Radar bug #2237029.
  • Changed the way the static link editor assigns segment address of segments that were not specified on the command line. Previously the static link editor often picked overlapping addresses for these segments and the link would then fail. Now the static link editor assigns segment address at the next available address after the first segment that doesn't overlap with other segments. So if some segments are assigned address the first segment must also be assigned, which can be done via -seg1addr or by name with -segaddr. Radar bug #2237029.
  • A missing test was added to the static link editor. This is to prevent it from producing an executable that is prebound which would crash when launched and prebinding was disabled. This happens when too much address space is spanned and the first segment is more than 24-bits away from a prebound lazy pointer. This occurred with BlueBox. Radar bug #2237029.
  • Fixed a bug in the dyld debug library code the caused it to crash (usually the debugger). This would tend to happen on executables being debugged that did not have it headers linked at the default address. This occurred with BlueBox. Radar bug #2236161.
  • Added the -R filename options to strip(1) and nmedit(l). This specifies a list of specific symbols to be removed (or changed to static in the case of nmedit(l)). Also changed the filename syntax to allow white space around symbol names and comment lines starting with a '#'. Radar bug #2235926.
Changes since the last release (cctools-272 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • Changed dyld so that it does a fflush(3) after doing any printing with printf(3) so that ProjectBuilder's launcher gets the ouput of things like DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES and it does not get buffered in the pipe(2)'ed output. Radar bug #2227265. Was approved for cctools-268 but was never integrated.
Changes since the last release (cctools-271 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • Fixed two bugs in dyld that prevents programs launching programs with many frameworks that reference many other frameworks. Radar bug #2230181.
  • The routine sa_rld_with_symtab() was added for use with the standalone runtime link editor. Radar bug #2231758.
Changes since the last release (cctools-270 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • Build fix, changed libtool(1) -static not to flag -Ldir and -lx flags as warings as they are valid flags with -static.
Changes since the last release (cctools-269 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • Build fix, corrected the routine get_toc_byte_sex() which did not have code to deal with the archive extended format #1. This would cause ld(1) to think the table of contents was malformed if the first member after the table of contents was in extended format #1.
Changes since the last release (cctools-268 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • Build fix, backed off change to libtool(1) to treat incorrect flags as warnings not hard errors.
Changes since the last release (cctools-267 for the 5.2 Rhapsody CR1 release)
  • Build fix, removed getmachhead.o from libmacho/dylib.ofileList .
Changes since the last release (cctools-266 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • The program checksyms(l) used in the Build and Integration build verification pass, now checks that projects are prebound and has no relocation entries in read only sections. Radar bug #2227469.
  • Changed the profileServer to use bootstrap_register() rather than bootstrap_check_in() so that it can be started from /etc/bootstrap.conf. See the man page for details. Radar bug #2227888.
  • The VMX opcodes have been added back in to the assembler. Radar bug #2227999.
  • Changed all of the compiler tools to support the 4.4bsd archive extened format 1. The tools ranlib(1) and libtool(1) now take the -L option to produce archives using the extended format and the -T option to truncate names. The default is -L. Radar bug #1670513.
  • The error message printed in dyld for the case when the path name of a dynamic library turns out to be a path name of a directory has been changed. Previously it just printed can't map_fd the path name. It now prints the file name is not a regular file. Radar bug #2227477.
  • The processing of the environment variables for dyld paths has been changed to ignore paths with no characters in them. This led to confusion when the directory layout was changed to have a directory named /System and then the System framework would be searched as /System if a path with no characters in it was in DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. Radar bug #2227589.
  • Fixed a bug in nm(1) with the -o option on a dynamic shared library that did not print the colon ':' between the library module name and symbol name. Radar bug #2227852.


PowerPC assembler manual (PowerPC Addressing Modes and Assembler Instructions)
See Jeff Mattson ( for the latest copy.
Dynamic Shared Libraries User's Guide
The current version of this can be found in (not updated with respect to PowerPC yet):
Dynamic Shared Libraries Detailed Design Document
The current version of this can be found in (updated for PowerPC):
/Net/seaport/projects/cctools/docs /shlib/detail_doc/current/
Man Pages
Unix manual pages for the cctools release are installed in /usr/share/man. This allows updated manual pages to be used in software by setting the MANPATH environment variable to include one or more paths. For example if the Rhapsody man pages are wanted you might set MANPATH as follows in your .login:
setenv MANPATH /usr/share/man


Notes Specific to Release 5.1 (Rhapsody DR2)

New Features

The rld function rld_write_symfile() has been added for use by the kern loader.

Changes since the last release (cctools-265 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the change of the default headerpad in ld(1) to be the sizeof two section structures because objcunique(1) now can add 2 section headers.
Changes since the last release (cctools-264 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Changed the default headerpad in ld(1) to be the sizeof two section structures because objcunique(1) now can add 2 section headers.
Changes since the last release (cctools-263 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Added a definition of getenv() in the dyld code that always returns NULL so the reference to_dyld_lookup_and_bind() is not pulled in by the libc_dynamic code.
Changes since the last release (cctools-262 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • The VMX opcodes have been removed. Radar bug #2219166.
  • A bug was fixed in the code that starts the dyld debug thread that effected executables who's load commands were larger than 4k (like ProjectBuilder). Radar bug #2218925.
Changes since the last release (cctools-261 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • The use of the profil(2) system call has been updated to reflect the fix in the kernel for the bucket incremented in profileServer(1) and in dyld. Radar bug #2215979.
Changes since the last release (cctools-260 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)

Added supporting the PowerPC subtypes 603e, 603ev and 750. Changed NXFindBestFatArch() for PowerPC subtypes to the following: if an exact match is not found the subtype will be picked from the following order: 750, 604e, 604, 603ev, 603e, 603, ALL. Note the 601 is not in the list, it is only picked via an exact match. Changed NXCombineCpuSubtypes() for PowerPC subtypes to the following: combining with the ALL type becomes the other type. Combining anything with 601 becomes 601. All other non exact matches combine to the ALL type. Radar bug #2213821.

  • Added the dcba PowerPC optional instruction to the assembler and otool.
  • Added the special register names for the PowerPC 750 processor:Radar bug #2212878

    Special register name


























  • Assembling PowerPC VMX instructions now requires the -force_cpusubtype_ALL flag. And code that uses them must dynamicly check to see if VMX is supported on the processor before using VMX instructions. Radar bug #2213821.
  • Change the PowerPC instructions tlbld and tlbli to marked as OPTIONAL rather than 603 specific. This leaves the only instructions specific for a PowerPC cpu being 601 instructions. Radar bug #2213821.
  • Moved the assemblers into /usr/libexec and /usr/local/libexec. Radar bug #2213838.
Changes since the last release (cctools-259 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Added the path /Local/Library/Frameworks to checksyms(l) as a conventional path Frameworks can be found in. Also corrected "it's" to "its" in error messages.
  • Added -c to all the install(1) commands in all the Makefiles.
Changes since the last release (cctools-258 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Changed cctools to not use /usr/local/bin/install where it needed the -sS option but rather call strip -S and create a temporary file and install the temporary file.
Changes since the last release (cctools-257 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Changed checksyms(l) to once again treat /usr/lib/java as a conventional path libraries can be found in. This path got changed to /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Libraries where that path should have been just added.
  • Fixed dylib shared pc sampling. Radar bug #2004555.
Changes since the last release (cctools-256 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Changed checksyms(l) to treat /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Libraries as a conventional path libraries can be found in.
  • Changed the default address of dyld to 0x41100000.
  • Changed cctools to use /usr/local/bin/install where it needs the -sS option.
Changes since the last release (cctools-255 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Changed checksyms(l) to treat /usr/lib/java as a conventional path libraries can be found in. Radar bug #2005914.
Changes since the last release (cctools-254 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • The VMX opcodes have been added. Radar bug 2004760.
Changes since the last release (cctools-253 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in ld(1) that prevented the Objective-C runtime optimization using _dyld_bind_objc_module() from working. The bug was in the routine that swaps the module table of a dynamic library.
  • Added the rld function rld_write_symfile() for use by the kern loader.
Changes since the last release (cctools-252 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Updated the cctools project for the new directory layout for Premier (changing the directories with the word Next in them). See the updated man pages for specific details.
  • Added the -b option to checksyms(l) to check dynamic binaries for relocation entries in read-only sections, make sure they are prebound and have had objcunique run on them. This is not yet the default.
  • Delt with a bug in the 4.4bsd ar(1) which produced bad archives when the uid (or gid) field overflowed or underflowed. Radar bug #2000486.
Changes since the last release (cctools-251 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the disassembly output of otool(1) for ppc bl instructions that was not printing any address or symbol. Also added printing out a comment for branch targets to symbol stubs including the name of the symbol the stub is for.
  • Changed the ppc dissassembly in otool(1) of "addis rX,0,immed" to "lis rX,immed" and "addi rX,0,immed" to "li rX,immed".
  • Updated the dyld(1) man page to include the default fall back paths.
  • Removed the -arch m98k which was the same as -arch ppc.
Changes since the last release (cctools-250 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Corrected the bug fix in ld(1) when doing prebound builds in Slick build environment with $NEXT_ROOT set. The change also effected Titan builds because RC builds do have $NEXT_ROOT set (to nothing).
Changes since the last release (cctools-249 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • The man pages now get installed into /usr/share/man directly out of the cctools project. The man pages had some small updates cleaning up some things. arch(3) was added to the cctools set and updated. The also now have Apple Computer, Inc. on them instead of NeXT.
  • Fixed a bug in as(1) where it would not take the cpu specific arch types -arch ppc604 or -arch ppc604e. Also changed the assembler to print out the cctools version as the Apple version instead of the NeXT version.
  • Changed the ppc locking code in dyld to allow it to be stepped over by single step profiling tools using the step to branch mode in that code.
Changes since the last release (cctools-248 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Changed libtool(1) and redo_prebinding(1) look for objcunique in /usr/bin rather than in /bin.
  • Added support for the ppc architecture to redo_prebinding(1).
  • Fixed a bug in ld(1) when prebinding and segments in the output file overlap dependent libraries. In this case the output gets marked as prebound even though a message is printed that says it was disabled. This would cause redo_prebinding(1) to fail on it because of overlapping segments.
  • Fixed a bug in ld(1) when prebinding with -i options. The indirect symbols being defined with -i options were being turned into prebound undefined symbols. Then after the binary was strip(1)'ed redo_prebinding(1) would fail on it because of undefined symbols.
  • Fixed a bug in ld(1) when doing prebound builds in Slick build envorinment with $NEXT_ROOT set. It was recording the dynamic libraries name with $NEXT_ROOT prepened to it in LC_PREBOUND_DYLIB load commands.
  • Fixed a bug where the ouput of nm(1) -n was not sorted correctly.
  • Fixed a potentinal bug in dyld if a very long symbol name was to be printed as part of an error message it could have crashed the program.
Changes since the last release (cctools-247 for the 5.1 Rhapsody DR2 release)
  • Changed the gmon.out format gprof(1) understands to be in sync with the 4.4bsd format. The header file <mach-o/gmon.h> is no longer installed and the 4.4bsd file in <sys/gmon.h> with Rhapsody updates is now used.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause programs to segfault if dyld had to relocate itself because the executable overlapped with dyld's prefered address.
Changes since the last release (cctools-246 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
  • The project source tree has been converted to build natively on Rhapsody.
  • The binaries are now installed in the correct places for a 4.4BSD system. There are nolonger any symbolic links to other locations. Radar bugs #1673496, #1680747 and #1682569.
  • The command ar(1) was changed to have the -T options on by default. This causes archive member names to be truncated and does not use the extend format for long names which the compiler tools does not yet understand. The new option -L causes the extend format to be used. The hope is the compiler tools will understand the extened format for the Rhapsody Unified release. Radar bug #1670513.
  • Removed the comment allowing the moduleName parameter of NSLinkModule() in <mach-o/dyld.h> to be NULL. Radar bug #1670835.


PowerPC assembler manual (PowerPC Addressing Modes and Assembler Instructions)
See Jeff Mattson ( for the latest copy.
Dynamic Shared Libraries User's Guide
The current version of this can be found in (not updated with respect to PowerPC yet):
Dynamic Shared Libraries Detailed Design Documen
The current version of this can be found in (updated for PowerPC):
/Net/seaport/projects/cctools/docs /shlib/detail_doc/current/
Man Pages
Unix manual pages for the cctools release are installed in /usr/share/man. This allows updated manual pages to be used in software by setting the MANPATH environment variable to include one or more paths. For example if the Rhapsody man pages are wanted you might set MANPATH as follows in your .login:
setenv MANPATH /usr/share/man  

Notes Specific to Release 5.0 (Rhapsody DR1)

New Features

There is only one new feature for the 5.0 release:

  • The tools now use -arch ppc for the PowerPC architecture . The tools have been brought up the 603, 603e, 604 and 604e PowerPC from the 601. Support for dynamic shared libraries has been added.

The current state of the dynamic shared library port to the PowerPC

As of cctools-246 the all the tools are working or ported. This includes the assembler, the static linker, otool (including it's PowerPC disassembler), the dynamic linker and the various object tools like nm, size, etc. The PowerPC assembler as of the current release is now complete for the Rhapsody Developer release. It now supports all of the PowerPC extended mnemonics and all features of the 603, 603e, 604 and 604e PowerPC architecture.

Current status of the support for the PowerPC

Changes since the last release (cctools-245 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor for PPC_RELOC_JBSR relocation types. The other_part field was being tuncating to the low16 bits.
Changes since the last release (cctools-244 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
  • The symbolic links made in /usr/bin for the commands as, ld, strip, strings, nm and size for which the binaries are in /bin were corrected to use a relative path. Radar bug #1672088.
Changes since the last release (cctools-242 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
  • Symbolic links were made in /usr/bin for the commands as, ld, strip, strings, nm and size for which the binaries are in /bin. Radar bug #1672088.
Changes since the last release (cctools-241 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
  • Removed the builtin macro clrlsdi which was a typo for the correct macro clrlsldi.
  • Removed the following builtin macros left over from the NRW port: mtrtcd, mfrtcd, mtrtci, mfrtci, mtbatu, mfbatu, mtbatl and mfbatl.
  • Changed the PowerPC instruction "eciwx" to be marked as optional so to require -force_cpusubtype_ALL when used.
  • Removed the non-existant "stmd", "mtpmr" and "mfpmr" instructions from the PowerPC assembler.
  • Fixed the following extended mnemonics to the PowerPC assembler:

    mtrtcu Rx

    equivalent to

    mtspr 20,Rx

    mtrtcl Rx

    equivalent to

    mtspr 21,Rx

    Note these are 601 specific and the special register numbers moving to (20,21) the Real Time Clock are diffierent from moving from (4,5) the same registers.

Changes since the last release (cctools-240 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
  • Fixed a bug that caused bundles to not load on the PowerPC 604e as there was no table entry in the ArchInfoTable.
Changes since the last release (cctools-239 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
  • Changed the PowerPC assembler to nolonger support the mull[o][.] and mulwd[.] instructions produced by the NRW compiler.
  • Added the special register names:

    Special register name





    604 and 604e



    604 and 604e



    604 and 604e



    604 and 604e












    604 and 604e






















  • Removed the bat[0123][ul] 601 special register names left over from the NRW port. The names with ibat[0123][ul] are to be used.
  • Changed the name of the 601 special register "pid" to "pir" and added the special register name "hid15" also with the number 1023.
  • Removed the special register names rtcd (281), rtci (282) and fpecr (1022) which appear to be left over from the NRW port.
  • Added the special register ear (282) which is optional in the PowerPC.
  • Added the special registers tbl (284) and tbu (285) which were missing.
  • Fixed the clrrdi simplified mnemonics to use rldicr not rldicl which they were using.
  • Added the simplified mnemonic clrlsdi rA,rS,b,n equivalent to rldic rA,rS,n,b-n.
  • Added the multiply low double word (mulld) 64-bit instruction.
  • Added flagging invalid forms of branch conditional instructions where reserved bits of the BO field are not zero when -force_cpusubtype_ALL is not specified.
  • Added flagging all 64-bit compares as invalid forms when -force_cpusubtype_ALL is not specified.
  • Added flagging all 64-bit instructions and optional instructions as invalid forms when -force_cpusubtype_ALL is not specified.
  • Removed the Power forms, ai[.], of the PowerPC instructions addic[.] from the assembler.
  • Removed the non-existant "lmd" instruction from the assembler.
  • Added flagging invalid forms load multiple instructions (lmw, lswi and lswx).
  • Changed the rA parameter of lhax, lfsx, lfdx, ldx, lbzx, lhbrx, lhzx, lwax, lwbrx, stbx, stdcx., stdx, stfdx, stfiwx, stfsx, sthbrx, sthx, stwbrx, stwx, eciwx, ecowx from rA to (rA|0) to match the manual. These are the same as the Radar bug #1653885 for lwzx. The disassembler in otool(1) was also changed to match the manual.
  • Changed the rA parameter of lfdu, lfsu, lhau, ldu, lwzu, stbu, stdu, stfdu, stfsu, sthu and stwu from (rA|0) to rA to match the manual. The disassembler in otool(1) was also changed to match the manual.
  • Added flagging the "branch conditional to count register" (bcctr and bcctrl) that use the "decrement and test CTR" option as invalid forms.
  • Fixed a bug in the static link editor that caused it to exit with an internal error if prebinding was done with objects compiled with PowerPC dynamic code generation.
  • Added the file libstuff/fatals.c to the files installed in the GNU source package as it is needed to build the GNU assembler source.
  • Changed the cctools project so that atom(1) only gets built for OS=nextstep because it uses the encumbered gnu/a.out.h header file.
  • Removed the files gnu/a.out.h and gnu/exec.h from the files that get installed for the GNU source package as they are not needed to build the GNU assembler source and are encumbered with 4.3bsd UNIX.
  • Changes since the last release (cctools-238 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Fixed a bug that caused bundles to not load on the PowerPC.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-237 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Fixed a build problem where the file /etc/magic should have been installed in /private/etc/magic.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-236 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Changed the PowerPC immediate shifted instructions (addis and lis) to not check the sign of the immediate, but just to check for out of 16 bit range (signed or unsigned).
    • Fixed the following extended mnemonic for the PowerPC assembler that was wrong in cctools-235:

      crmove crbT,crbA

      equivalent to

      cror crbT,crbA,crbA

    • It was was crxor which it should not have been.
    • Added forms of PowerPC instructions: cmpd, cmpdi, cmpld, cmpldi, cmpw, cmpwi, cmplw and cmplwi that take a number as their first parameter (previously they only took a cr register).
    • Added forms of PowerPC instructions "tw 31,0,0" and "ori 0,0,0" toallow the zeros to be encoded where registers are required.
    • Added the following extended mnemonic to the PowerPC assembler:

    mttbl rS equivalent to mtspr 284,rS

    • Fixed the PowerPC opcode of "mttbu rS" "Move to time base upper" to be equivalent to "mtspr 285,rS".
    • Removed the PowerPC instruction mttb "Move to time base".
    • Fixed a bug in the PowerPC instruction "lwzx rD,rA,rB" where rA should have been (rA|0). Radar bug #1653885.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-235 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Added the PowerPC instruction jbsr pseudo instruction for use with kernel relocatables. This has the following form:

      jbsr _foo,L1
      L1: lis r12,hi16(_foo) ; long branch stub
      ori r12,r12,lo16(_foo)
      mtctr r12

    • The jbsr pseudo instruction assembles to a bl instruction targeted at L1. It also generates a PPC_RELOC_JBSR relocation entry for the symbol _foo. Then when the linker creates a non-relocatable output file it will change the target of the bl instruction to _foo if the bl instruction's displacement will reach. Else it will leave the bl instruction targeted at L1. otool(1) understands how to disassemble these pseudo instructions.
    • Fixed a bug in both the static and the dynamic link editors where it was not correctly checking for relocation overflow for PPC_RELOC_BR24 relocation types (used with bl instructions). The checking was off by the high bit as the displacement is signed.
    • The cctools project has been unencumbered (for Grail, RC_OS=teflon). The programs ar(1) and file(1) are now ported OpenBSD versions. They should work the same but beware they are completely different sources.
    • Added the following extended mnemonics to the PowerPC assembler:


      mtrtcu Rx

      equivalent to

      mtspr rtcu,Rx

      mtrtcl Rx

      equivalent to

      mtspr rtcl,Rx

      mtmq Rx

      equivalent to

      mtspr mq,Rx

      mfrtcu Rx

      equivalent to

      mfspr Rx,rtcu

      mfrtcl Rx

      equivalent to

      mfspr Rx,rtcl

      mfmq Rx

      equivalent to

      mfspr Rx,mq

      mfspr Rx,mq

      equivalent to

      bcctr BO,BI

      bctrl BO,BI

      equivalent to

      bcctrl BO,BI

      crmove crbT,crbA

      equivalent to

      crxor crbT,crbA,crbA

      crnot crbT,crbA

      equivalent to

      crnor crbT,crbA,crbA

      mfear rT

      equivalent to

      mfspr rT,282

      mtear rS

      equivalent to

      mtspr 282,rS

      mtfs[.] frB

      equivalent to

      mtfsf[.] 0xff,frB

      la rT,d(rA)

      equivalent to

      addi rT,rA,d

      cmp crT,rA,rB

      equivalent to

      cmp crT,0,rA,rB

      cmp num,rA,rB

      equivalent to

      cmp num,0,rA,rB

      cmpi crT,rA,s16

      equivalent to

      cmpi crT,0,rA,s16

      cmpi num,rA,s16

      equivalent to

      cmpi num,0,rA,s16

      cmpl crT,rA,rB

      equivalent to

      cmpl crT,0,rA,rB

      cmpl num,rA,rB

      equivalent to

      cmpl num,0,rA,rB

      cmpli crT,rA,s16

      equivalent to

      cmpli crT,0,rA,u16

      cmpli num,rA,s16

      equivalent to

      cmpli num,0,rA,u16

  • Added the following mnemonics to the PowerPC assembler:

    eciwx rD,rA,rB
    ecowx rS,rA,rB
    fres[.] frD,frB
    frsqrte[.] frD,frB
    fsel[.] frD,frA,frC,frB
    fsqrt[.] frD,frB
    fsqrts[.] frD,frB
    stfiwx frs,rA,rB

  • Added additional forms for the following mnemonics to the PowerPC assembler:\

    mcrfs crfD,crfS

    Allows a crf as the first operand (previously only a number)

    mcrxr crfD

    Allows a crf as the operand (previously only a number)

    mftb rT,TBR

    Allows specifying the value of the timer base register

  • Fixed the 4 parameter forms of cmpli, and cmplwi to take an unsigned immediate not a signed immediate.
  • Fixed the PowerPC clrlslwi macros which were incorrect as:

    clrlslwi[.] ra,rs,b,n equivalent to rlwinm[.] ra,rs,n.b-n,31-b

    corrected to:

    clrlslwi[.] ra,rs,b,n equivalent to rlwinm[.] ra,rs,n.b-n,31-n

  • Changes since the last release (cctools-234 thru cctools-230 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • The only changes were to fix build problems relating to new System Framework & Kernel header files and the switch to the -dynamic compiler for PowerPC.
    • Removed the changed the static link editor to ignore -seg1addr (also known as -image_base) for dynamic libraries greater than 0x4000000 for PowerPC. This was only needed to allow static code gen to be used with Frameworks.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-229 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Added ppc604e to the arch table for a specific architecture as this is returned on some Macs.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-228 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • The changed the assembler in cctools-228 was wrong. It resulted in producing bad code when compiling -static (triggered by the change to compiler in cc-752). The change has been fixed in the cctools-229 assembler.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-227 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Changed the assembler to allow section difference relocations with the -static flag. This fixes using the cc-752 and getting the "Can't emit reloc ..." error message from the assembler.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-226 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Added the PowerPC mnemonics ai and ai. the assembler which are archaic forms of addic[.] as the compiler currently generates them in some cases.
    • Fixed otool -c for use with PowerPC core files.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-225 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Added ppc604 to the arch table for a specific architecture as this is what the Kernel is returning on the Power Mac 8500. This was causing code that supported loading bundles to fail (this is library code in System framework, thus a new System framework needs to be built and used to see this fix).
    • Fixed a bug in the dynamic link editor where it was not correctly calculating the immediate of a HA16 reloc by checking the 0x8000 bit of the other half. This was causing address to be off by 0x10000.
    • Fixed a bug in the dynamic link editor when the $HOME environment variable was not set. (the case for the single user prompt on PowerPC). This was causing bus errors when a dynamic library was not found.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-224 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Fixed a bug in the static link editor where the __PAGEZERO segment was not being created for PowerPC (left over from NRW when executables started at high addresses and the kernel was at zero).
    • Changed the static link editor to ignore -seg1addr (also known as -image_base) for dynamic libraries greater than 0x4000000 for PowerPC. This will allow static code gen to be used with Frameworks.
    • Changes since the last release (cctools-223 for the 5.0 Rhapsody release)
    • Changed the source of cctools-224 to define NO_INDR_LIBC if __TEFLON__ is defined so it will build with SDK2 which is not using indr(l). This will allow cctools-224 to built for the Grail RC target.
    • Fixed a bug in the static link editor when defining common symbols when a common section exists in the input .o files which has an alignment less than the alignment needed for the common symbols being defined by the link editor did not get aligned correctly.
    • Fixed libtool(1) running on Teflon so it doesn't always report "internal link edit command failed". The link actually worked but the checking of the return code for Teflon was wrong.
    • Fixed as(1) running on Teflon so it doesn't always exit non-zero when it runs the target assembler (/lib/arch/as). The assembly actually worked but the checking of the return code for Teflon was wrong.
    • The other thread states for PowerPC are now printed by otool (useful for core files).
    • Added the PowerPC simplified mnemonics crset, crclr and mtcr to the assembler.
    • Added the include file <mach-o/ranlib.h> to the cctools project from <bsd/ranlib.h> and changed off_t type to unsigned long because off_t on Teflon is 64 bits which would break compatibility with existing libraries.
    • Added the header files <mach-o/sparc/swap.h>and <mach-o/ppc/swap.h> which get installed in the System Framework to be shipped. This and the added library code allows swapping of thread states.
    • Added the header files <mach-o/i860/swap.h>and <mach-o/m88k/swap.h> which get installed locally and not shipped. The code was not added to the System Framework.
    • Changed the cctools package to install <mach-o/ppc/reloc.h> with the exported headers. And to install <mach-o/hppa/reloc.h> with the local headers.
    • Changed of the ppc subtypes to match the kernel. Only the 601 and 603 types are currently used by the assembler. The types currently in use are as follows:
      • /*
        * PowerPC subtypes
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t) 0)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_601 ((cpu_subtype_t) 1)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_602 ((cpu_subtype_t) 2)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603 ((cpu_subtype_t) 3)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603e ((cpu_subtype_t) 4)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603ev ((cpu_subtype_t) 5)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_604 ((cpu_subtype_t) 6)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_604e ((cpu_subtype_t) 7)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_620 ((cpu_subtype_t) 8)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_740 ((cpu_subtype_t) 9)
    • The -arch flags for the 601 and 603 are -arch ppc601 and -arch ppc603. Others will be defined as needed.
    • Updated the NXFindBestFatArch(3) and NXCombineCpuSubtypes(3) to include PowerPC guessing at how to combine the PowerPC subtypes (someone in the OS group should look at this).
    • Updated the ArchInfoTable to include PowerPC and removed mips and vax which gets returned with NXGetAllArchInfos(3).
    • Updated <mach-o/swap.h> and library code with all the things for dynamic shared libraries that never made it into the System Framework code.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-222 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Fixed changes to allow cctools-223 to build for 4.2mach as well as PowerPC & Intel with Teflon SDK2.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-221 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Added the -stack_addr and -stack_size options to ld(1). Note the kernel support for these has not yet been added. So the flags should only be used for bringing up the support in the kernel at this time. See the ld(1) man page for details on these flags.
    • Fixed a bug in the link editor ld(1) for PowerPC HA16 relocation types when bit 15 was set in the other half of the immediate stored in the relocation entry. This resulted in bad code. This bug was found when bringing up driverkit and is needed for anyone doing development on driverkit for PowerPC.
    • Fixed a bug in the link editor ld(1) where it generated an error message for the lazy symbol pointer section in crt1.o for PowerPC which it shouldn't have. This bug was found bring up -dynamic code gen for PowerPC and is needed for anyone using -dynamic code gen for PowerPC.
    • Incorporated many changes to allow cctools-222 to build for PowerPC & Intel with Teflon SDK2.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-220 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • The thread status for the PowerPC has changed to match the kernel. This makes all previous executables incompatible. The old otool(1) will no longer work on PowerPC executables because of this change. All executables should be relinked.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-219 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Fixed a bug in the link editor ld(1)where $NEXT_ROOT did not get prefixed to depenendent dynamic libraries.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-218 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Added searching fallback paths when dynamic libraries can't be found. The two paths are in the environment variables DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH and DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH. If these are not set they default to $(HOME)/Library/Frameworks:/LocalLibrary/Frameworks:/NextLibrary/Frameworks and $(HOME)/lib:/usr/local/lib:/lib:/usr/lib (bug #69135).
    • Changed the static linker to pad pure instruction sections of i386 outputs with nop's (bug #77806).
    • Added .section_align align_value to be allowed in section order files. This causes the symbol following it to be aligned on a 2^align_value byte boundary (bug #77807).
    Changes since the last release (cctools-217 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Changed the cctools project to build with gnumake.
    • Updated the locking code and the cache management code in the dynamic linker for the PowerPC with suggestions from the ppc bringup team.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-216 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Ported the dynamic linker to PowerPC.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-215 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Changed the standard symbol stubs for the PowerPC to take advantage of the super scaler nature of the 603 and 604. See the updated Dynamic Shared Libraries Detailed Design Document for the details.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-214 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Made the cctools-215 project build (except for linking dyld and otool) under the Teflon SDK.
    • Fixed the PowerPC assembler to use the correct opcodes for mftb and mftbu and updated otool's disassembly.
    • Added the support in the static link editor to understand thePowerPC position-independent relocation entries (section difference). This allows PowerPC dynamic shared libraries and executables that use them to be built (Note as stated above there is not yet a compiler that supports -dynamic for -arch ppc, and there is no dynamic linker yet for PowerPC).
    • Added the support in the PowerPC assembler for the standard symbol stubs.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-213 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Added the support in the PowerPC assembler for position-independent relocation entries (section difference). As well as support in otool for printing them and dissassembling with them.
    • Updated the Detailed Design Document with the first cut at the code generation for -dynamic for the PowerPC. This is just a first pass to allow getting the assember and otool in place so that the compiler work can start.
    • Fixed a bug in the PowerPC assembler where it treated the comment character ';' (semicolon) as a statement separator.
    • Fixed the PowerPC assembler to allow -arch m98k if passed to it.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-212 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • The header files for mach-o subdirectory and the library files were added to the cctools project taken from the libc_macho project.
    • Fixed the typo in the ld(1) warning message for bug #77070.
    • Fixed a bug in ld(1) that was causing prebinding not to happen if a private extern had the same name as a global function in a dependent library (this can occur because -lcc_dynamic is being linked in).
    • Fixed the PowerPC's assembler manual for compare instructions to have a 0 not a 1 for the 32-bit version not the 64-bit version. For example cmp 0,1,RA,RB was changed to cmp 0,0,RA,RB.
    • Changed libtool(1) to ignore the -pg flag.
    • Added the not rA,rT and not. rA,rT instructions.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-211 for the 5.0 Rhapsody DR1 release)
    • Fixed a bug in the link editor ld(1)where $NEXT_ROOT did not prefix standard framework paths. Also fixed -Z to not use standard framework paths.
    • Changed the following instructions to the correct PowerPC mnemonics:

      NRW compiler mnemonic

      PowerPC mnemonic





    • Also corrected the opcodes for slbie and slbia instructions.
    • The bug in the assembler that causes it exits with a zero status and create an output file if it can't open the input file has been fixed.
    • The .flag_reg num and .noflag_reg num ppc directives were added to the assembler to allow warnings to be generated for specific register uses.
    • The -no_ppc601 flag and the .no_ppc601 directive were added to the assembler to warn of 601 uses.
    • The 603 instructions tlbld rB and tlbli rB were added to the assembler.
    • The missing 601 instruction clcs rD,rA was added to the assembler.
    • Use of instructions specific to the 601 and 603 now cause the assembler to mark the resulting object file with the specific cpusubtype. Note the assembler is currently not complete with respect to instructions for the specfic cpusubtypes. All of the ppc subtypes have been added to cctools-212's version of <mach/machine.h> but only the 601 and 603 types are currently used. The types are as follows:
      • /*
        * PowerPC subtypes
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t) 0)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_601 ((cpu_subtype_t) 1)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_601v ((cpu_subtype_t) 2)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_602 ((cpu_subtype_t) 3)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603 ((cpu_subtype_t) 4)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603e ((cpu_subtype_t) 5)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603ev ((cpu_subtype_t) 6)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_604 ((cpu_subtype_t) 7)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_604e ((cpu_subtype_t) 8)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_620 ((cpu_subtype_t) 9)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_X704 ((cpu_subtype_t) 10)
        #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603q ((cpu_subtype_t) 11)
    • The -arch flags for the 601 and 603 are -arch ppc601 and -arch ppc603. Others will be defined as needed.
    • Changes since the last release (cctools-210 for the 5.0 Rhapsody release)
    • The project sources were changed so that the lib_ofiles target could be built for teflon in the Grail release control target.
    Changes since the last release (cctools-209.2 for the 4.2 OpenStep release)
    • Changed the PowerPC assembler to treat $ the same as . (dot) for the current pc.
    • Changed the treatment of stswi and lswi instruction's third parameter so that it allows the value 32 in the assembly language and is treated as if it were 0.
    • Changed the following instructions to the correct PowerPC mnemonics:

      NRW compiler mnemonic

      PowerPC mnemonic













    • The NRW compiler mnemonics will continue to work as long as the NRW compiler is in use. Assembly code should be converted to use the correct mnemonics. The disassembly of otool -tV uses the correct PowerPC mnemonics.
    • Fixed the mr instruction (it was ori rA,rS,0 not or rA,rS,rS as it should have been). Also added the mr. instruction.
    • Changed the lis instruction to treat it's immediate as unsigned causing it not to flag the instructions like lis r1,0x8000. This is now consistant with addis r1,0,0x8000.
    • The tools now use -arch ppc for the PowerPC architecture (previously they used -arch m98k, which still works but is no longer supported). 


    PowerPC assembler manual (PowerPC Addressing Modes and Assembler Instructions)
    See Jeff Mattson ( for the latest copy.
    Dynamic Shared Libraries User's Guide
    The current version of this can be found in (not updated with respect to PowerPC yet):
    Dynamic Shared Libraries Detailed Design Document
    The current version of this can be found in (updated for PowerPC):
    Man Pages
    Unix manual pages for the cctools release are installed in the standard places. These are updated for for every submission.