NAMERDF::Core::NodeFactory - produces literals and resources, generates labels for anonymous resources
SYNOPSISuse RDF::Core::NodeFactory; my $factory = new RDF::Core::NodeFactory(BaseURI=>'http://www.foo.org/'); my $resource = $factory->newResource('http://www.foo.org/pages'); #get the same uri: my $absolutizedResource = $factory->newResource('/pages'); #anonymous resource my $generatedResource = $factory->newResource;
DESCRIPTIONNodeFactory generates RDF graph nodes - literals and resources. The resources' URIs are expanded against base uri (BaseURI option) to their absolute forms using URI module. NodeFactory can generate unique 'anonymous' resources.
LICENSEThis package is subject to the MPL (or the GPL alternatively).
AUTHORGinger Alliance, rdf@gingerall.cz
SEE ALSOURI, RDF::Core::Resource, RDF::Core::Literal |