NAMERDF::Core::Model::Parser - interface between model and RDF::Core::Parser
SYNOPSISuse RDF::Core::Model::Parser; %options = (Model => $model, Source => $fileName, SourceType => 'file', #parserOptions BaseURI => "http://www.foo.com/", InlineURI => "http://www.bar.com/" ) my $parser = new RDF::Core::Model::Parser(%options); $parser->parse;
DESCRIPTIONWhile RDF::Core::Parser transforms RDF/XML syntax into general assertions, RDF::Core::Model::Parser defines default handler for assertion and provides methods that should conform any parsing request. That is setting options and doing the parse job. If there is need for use of another existing rdf parser or more parsers, a new parser interface should be created.
LICENSEThis package is subject to the MPL (or the GPL alternatively).
AUTHORGinger Alliance, rdf@gingerall.cz
SEE ALSORDF::Core::Parser, RDF::Core::Model |