NAMERDF::Core::Evaluator - gets a query object that RDF::Core::Query parsed and evaluates the query.
SYNOPSISmy %namespaces = (Default => 'http://myApp.gingerall.org/ns#', ns => 'http://myApp.gingerall.org/ns#', ); my $evaluator = new RDF::Core::Evaluator (Model => $model, #an instance of RDF::Core::Model Factory => $factory, #an instance of RDF::Core::NodeFactory Namespaces => \%namespaces, ); my $query = new RDF::Core::Query(Evaluator=> $evaluator);
DESCRIPTIONThe evaluator is just to be created and passed to query object, that uses it to evaluate the query.
LICENSEThis package is subject to the MPL (or the GPL alternatively).
AUTHORGinger Alliance, rdf@gingerall.cz
SEE ALSORDF::Core::Query |